[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Hi, would love to join ur guild and I was reading the charter

IGN: Toxic_Gurl
Last edited by Punkprincess98 on Jul 3, 2021, 12:06:14 AM
Hi, I have read the charter

IGN: Saalit
Level 89 Occultist

Want to join guild, thx.
Hello I'd like to join looking for ppl to Map with
ING: BlankNai
Last edited by BlankNGNL on Jul 18, 2021, 6:18:03 PM
I have read that charter and would like to share and rotate challenge credit. Gonna 36 expedition too.

IGN: Chipotlaway
I would like to join the guild. I have read the charter :).

IGN: Emryss
Now open for recruitment!!
Hi, I have read the charter.

IGN: BobZaninetti

Would love to join.

Hey! I've read the charter. Looking forward to getting that new portal effect.

IGN: DuoAurabot

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