[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Read the charter and I'd like to join. Haven't had much time this league, but I'm still aiming for 36.
IGN: cupofkafuu
Hey, read the charter and looking to join your guild.
Currently 23/49 challenged done.
I am usually pretty active in chat and try to help other players.

IGN: Marasha_Ult
Lvl: 93

Thank you!
Last edited by Marasha on May 29, 2021, 3:38:53 PM
Hey, I am looking for a new guild due to my guild being very inactive.
I usually go for 40/40 during the league.

If you are online message me @IGotCovidSoNextBuild or on discord PartyBoyManiac#2852

People are posting their level so 97
and challenges for Ultimatum 40/40.


Edit: I have read the charter
Last edited by PartyBoyManiac on Jun 7, 2021, 5:14:47 PM
hey id like to join
IGN: Dirttea
Level: 92

IGN: Santorini
ign: bholmsult

read the charter, please invite, thanks!
Hi i would like to join the guild.
I've read the charter. :)

IGN: PanDav
Hi, I have read the charter. Please kindly invite me to the guild.

IGN: bholmsult

Thank you!
hello there
I have read the post and I'm looking for friendly active guide to join cause I'm an active player ..
what I enjoy most about this game is the leveling process and the economy side of the game (I love trading and flipping items/stuff to make profit)
please don't hesitate to pm me in game for more info , would love that :)
p.s. : my time zone is EU , I live in the middle east and I connect to the nearest server and usually that is Frankfurt or Milan
IGN : named_by_karim

Read the Charter. 40/40 since Harvest.

IGN: strProposition

Thank you,
There are no words to sway those who will not listen. -- Veritania, the Redeemer

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