[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*
" Inc crit strikes is by far the worst gem in the setup, and it was even the worst gem in the setup in 2.6, we just didn't have anything better we could put there. So ele focus compared to inc crit is going to be a much bigger difference then say ele focus vs added cold. Now I have not crunched the numbers so I do not know the exact calculations but... ele focus will be the best dps output you get, however you get that at a cost of losing all your status ailments. You lose the shock, you lose the awesome shatter effect, you lose the ability to use herald of ice + curse, you don't shock/ignite/freeze/chill regular bosses anymore. Now I look at it the complete opposite of you... You say 99% of the stuff don't matter anyway because you one shot it. Well the only thing ele focus will really be better on is shaper/guardians. If this is ALL you farm than ya ele focus would probably be best bet for you. However most ppl do general mapping (probably t10-t15) a majority of the time, and do guariands/shaper rarely. For anyone like this, the only time ele focus would be better is.... never. Now I am not saying you can not use it, if you prefer it knock yourself out, just want to let gazillion people who are reading the topic/posts know. Hopefully I will put whole build through POB soon now that I have 40/40 done this league and can actually give the numbers.[/quote] Ele focus over added Cold is still significantly more damage, Shock was nerfed you are rarely getting 50 percent damage. freeze is a defensive thing. I under stand you lose everything including curses and herald of ice. My point being at end game they die anyway so they are not getting cursed... Multiple people including myself who are playing the build and trying to min/max have confirmed ele focus and ice bite is the way to go. map clearing, boss killing, anything. disregard POB which also agrees with this. go map with the set up then go map with icebite and added cold. you will see a significant difference mapping and killing bosses. I think you put out a great build. I couldnt be more appreciative, on the other hand I am not trying to lure people into options that are far worse. Anyone can build however they want its personal preference. I am just trying to help people and let them know the best possible 6 link option for dps. I have literally tried them all and what I have explained to be the best is the best. maybe not at lower maps or lesser gear. I also use inspired learning jewel, and do so because it is incredibly entertaining. Is it the best option? not sure, but when i have 7 buffs from rare monsters I can tell you I clear maps insanely fast and it is incredibly fun! I am by no means trying to argue with you just giving the point of view of someone who is playing the build in 3.0 thanks. |
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Hi all - thanks for the build - it is a ton of fun, and I can see the massive potential for it while still being low level so far. One problem I am running into is in survivability. I am level 36 right now and get totally destroyed by any boss and any tougher trash, even when doing my best to avoid damage and move around to take advantage of ST pathing etc.
Does the toughness improve with levels and such or is it always squishy? Thanks! Cheers 0/
Sibcoe ------------- |
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" Inc crit strikes is by far the worst gem in the setup, and it was even the worst gem in the setup in 2.6, we just didn't have anything better we could put there. So ele focus compared to inc crit is going to be a much bigger difference then say ele focus vs added cold. Now I have not crunched the numbers so I do not know the exact calculations but... ele focus will be the best dps output you get, however you get that at a cost of losing all your status ailments. You lose the shock, you lose the awesome shatter effect, you lose the ability to use herald of ice + curse, you don't shock/ignite/freeze/chill regular bosses anymore. Now I look at it the complete opposite of you... You say 99% of the stuff don't matter anyway because you one shot it. Well the only thing ele focus will really be better on is shaper/guardians. If this is ALL you farm than ya ele focus would probably be best bet for you. However most ppl do general mapping (probably t10-t15) a majority of the time, and do guariands/shaper rarely. For anyone like this, the only time ele focus would be better is.... never. Now I am not saying you can not use it, if you prefer it knock yourself out, just want to let gazillion people who are reading the topic/posts know. Hopefully I will put whole build through POB soon now that I have 40/40 done this league and can actually give the numbers.[/quote] Ele focus over added Cold is still significantly more damage, Shock was nerfed you are rarely getting 50 percent damage. freeze is a defensive thing. I under stand you lose everything including curses and herald of ice. My point being at end game they die anyway so they are not getting cursed... Multiple people including myself who are playing the build and trying to min/max have confirmed ele focus and ice bite is the way to go. map clearing, boss killing, anything. disregard POB which also agrees with this. go map with the set up then go map with icebite and added cold. you will see a significant difference mapping and killing bosses. I think you put out a great build. I couldnt be more appreciative, on the other hand I am not trying to lure people into options that are far worse. Anyone can build however they want its personal preference. I am just trying to help people and let them know the best possible 6 link option for dps. I have literally tried them all and what I have explained to be the best is the best. maybe not at lower maps or lesser gear. I also use inspired learning jewel, and do so because it is incredibly entertaining. Is it the best option? not sure, but when i have 7 buffs from rare monsters I can tell you I clear maps insanely fast and it is incredibly fun! I am by no means trying to argue with you just giving the point of view of someone who is playing the build in 3.0 thanks. |
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100lvl mele pvp QUIT Last edited by Jedi_blr#7847 on Aug 30, 2017, 12:29:03 PM
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" I farm t15-t16 shaper uber all days and i can tell u ? crit gem > ele focus in all fight ( only shaper fight focus us better) 100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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So is there any consensus for the 6-link now? I didnt really get it from the changelog or the other answers here.
This is what I am using now. I mainly ask for boss damage while still being viable for the map clear (switching in greater projectile for boss). edit: I tried and changed out lightning dmg for cold dmg. small dps upgrade but still. also will change out ele focus for lightning damage for mapping and focus for harder bosses only) Last edited by D3s7r0y3r#3492 on Aug 30, 2017, 2:45:48 PM
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Hello Guys!
I got a few questions. I got a claw with high lightning roll. Is the lightning roll still good if i play with added cold? What is the strongest 5 link setup for mapping? Should i use addes lightning and added cold or only one of them? At the moment i'm really confused and don't get it... I farm the bosses with ancestral warchief und tukohama. I got no experince with ranger so far but i want to use it for fast mapping. Thank you |
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Been testing this build since Harbinger league start. Can vouch, great build. Got my first Shaper kill.
Decided to kill him after getting all the top end pieces including max life belly, enchanted max roll rats nest and so on. Leech allows to facetank A LOT. Quite easily. Once again, @g00fy_goober, ty for great build. Looking forward to testing more stuff. If you are interested about gear, check char: topkeklucky. Still some parts need to be replaced but that's extra for the future. http://steamcommunity.com/id/the_mendax/screenshot/861732315868758924 Last edited by sputniK9#1615 on Aug 30, 2017, 5:02:04 PM
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Its really hard to figure out what the best 6L setup is with everyone arguing. I pretty much kill everything under t16 with 1 or 2 spectral throws, maybe its time for me to take out added cold to get more damage on bosse. is it SP - GMP - Added lightning - Ele focus - WED and icebite?
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" I hope you are not misunderstanding me and thinking I am telling you to "stop" or to "shut up". If so I apologize for not being more clear. I appreciate those in the thread taking time to help others and answer the questions that are asked over and over and over and over and has really gotten under my skin. You are entitled to your opinion on the gems and as for pure dps numbers you are also right on them. To me however it, I still don't find it worth it, which is my opinion on the build. All builds work generally the same, map clearing can be done on a 4 link without any issues at all. The only thing that really matters in this game is bosses and single target. The only point I was trying to get across is... (and im just pulling numbers out of my ass here) Say it takes you 2 minutes to kill minotaur boss. Ele focus is better dps and you can't shock/freeze minotaur so ele focus is better, you swap the gem with added cold (which is a different color and a completely diff problem if you swap back and forth) and you can now kill minotaur in 1 minute and 50 seconds. Does that difference matter? Is it worth the trouble? And on top of that the ONLY times this comes into effect is for guardians + shaper. All other bosses have low enough hp where you can shock/ignite/freeze etc. So all I am saying is to me, it will never be worth swapping gem, recoloring belly, losing curse/herald of ice, shatter effect/sound on 99.9% of the gameplay, just so when I do kill a guardian or shaper I can do it in 10 less seconds. You are more than welcome to tell people that ele focus is the best dps and the best numbers you can get out of the links. I however still don't find it worth it and thus will continue to tell people exactly that. " While I get your point, the word "arguing" rubs me the wrong way. Its simply a discussion. No one is arguing, fighting, calling eachother names, yelling at eachother etc etc. Just because 2 people have 2 different opinions and have a discussion where they try to support their own opinions does not mean it is arguing. Anyway you said nothing wrong, and not trying to get down on you, just something that was always a pet peeve of mine. As for your question, you can read what I wrote in this post up above and you will have my take on it. |
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