[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*
" But my ST Tooltipp says there is a bit flat Phys dmg, for sure not much, but i thought it would be enough to leech. If i am wrong its funny because it felt a lot better :D |
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" " I guess you're assuming is right, but still - check how much phys dps you do - in case it's about 250 phys dps you can do the following calculation 0,37 / 250 * 100 = 0,148 - so basicly you leech 0,148 mana per hit, (7-8 hits for 1 mana). Depends then of course if you attack a stack where are like 15-20 enemies, you are able to recover 3 mana per single attack (based on 20 enemies and a pdps from 250 = 2,96 mana). Last edited by CutMySoul#2773 on Aug 30, 2017, 1:39:12 AM
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Is the Added Lightning version of Vessel of Vinktar still the best one version?
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Hi, i'm playing this build and so far I find it awesome (lvl 43 only, but in early levels i already have a lot of fun :-D ).
I'm wondering whether a ice focused build would be more efficient than a thunder focused build ? Removing WED (since it's been nerfed), and playing with Innervate (with added lightning dmg and lightning pen) + herald of thunder ......... OR playing with icebite (with added cold dmg and cold pen) + herald of ice ? What would you think would be the more fun ? I love the shattering effect of ice, but .... What do you think guys ? Thanks :) |
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Hey i moved from ssf and done already chest head and shield. Now i got around 300 chaos to upgrade my items. What you suggest guys to start with?
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ElJanek/characters here is link to character. Ty for reply. |
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" Last night re-rolled belly multiple times for testing purposes. added lightning, st, gmp, weapon ele stay the same icebite added cold- end game gear this is awful. you freeze things... but it doesnt not matter with ele focus I 1 shot everything anyway I dont need the freeze and on bosses it is very very very noticeable how much dps you lose against the boss. these gems are fine for low level and maps and low gear its safer. End game they are trash. Ele focus and icebite- these are the two gems i have been using for a while now. The clear speed is very good. not as safe as icebite/added cold if you dont one shot things; however the boss killing and clear speed is better than icebite and added cold by a lot In my conclusion I found out that I enjoy map clearing with icebite and increased critical strikes and on bosses I switch ele focus for increased critical strikes. the damage is fairly similar as you are critting much more and you still have freeze shock, herald of ice and curses. |
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If you are phasing you are immune to shock anyway... unless I am incorrect vinktars does not actually shock you if you have max frenzy stacks.. which is 100 percent of the time.
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After looking at your character, the reason you are not downing these bosses at level 90 which you 100 percent should be is because of gear.
not the proper flasks no rats nets claw is low dps. decent edps but the attack speed is very low damage rolls on rings/ammy are almost none existent gloves need attack speed. If you address these issues you will down those bosses in seconds. sincerely, |
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" Goofy I would have to agree to disagree with you. Based on actual experience and play testing it is significantly better to run ele focus over added cold even in map clearing. However I would also mention that I enjoy mapping with increased critical strikes/ icebite and then swapping out ele focus for shaper. ele focus on bosses is not a slight difference it is very noticeable. best regards, |
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" Hey bud! glad you are enjoying the build, big thanks to goofy for posting his guide. From what i have experienced spec throw, GMP/SP, weapon ele and added lightning should never come out of your links. icebite and added cold are excellent in a 6 link when you are first getting into maps and want to survive Ele focus and ice bite- is the max dps you can acheive and what should be used for bosses at end game. Increased critical strikes and ice bite- are great for mapping at higher level t13+ best of luck man! |
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