2.6.0 Area of Effect Changes

tmaciak wrote:
I play with my friend LA assasin, who can clear 3 screens away in one blow on T13 map. 3 f**** screens at once. And they are butchering EQ AoE?

Are they dumb or so???

I played LA. The reason why you can clear 3 screens with 1 shit is "chaining AoE" on LL + Herald of Ice + Herald of Ash (If you use it). The AoE change will affect all of those thing, which means moobs will have to be closer than before for "chain reaction".
(Well, it probably will clear whole packs with 1 shot anyway)
Knowing how past redesigns of a certain system for skills have gone in past, best of luck not massively f***ing this one up.

Also, just curious, why gut reave which isn't even remotely good right now?
Interesting that no one seems to associate this change with the Xbox release.

If something needed ballance clearly it was poison - or energy shield - or life - or the amount of attack and cast speed we can acquire now, those were the things on the "PC-teams" issue list. Instead AoE is reballanced which has never been an (PC) issue to anyone. I am pretty sure this change is intended to reduce server, cpu and gpu load across the board ( smaller area = less enemies hit = less load ) so the game can actually run on an Xbox. I would expect a projectile "reballance" soon - especially when they realize people will just go for proj instead of AoE when they nerf AoE because proj will still hit the whole screen ( well most likely they already started that by having sneaked in a nerf to LA and prolif ).

Personally I don't care - just funny how things are hastily changed trashing skills and uniques to optimize the game for Xbox.
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Last edited by AdFinitum on Feb 27, 2017, 1:41:03 PM
Worst news ever.
How they always think nerfs are the solution to everything?
The game was hard enough before these changes, why do this?
To make us feel bad?
To make us quit playing?

It certainly will not benefit the game in any way possible.
I dont want a PoE that is harder to play.
Im pretty sure almost everyone want the same except for a few browntounges.

And if GGG have made some changes that will make up for this, for gods sake tell us because we are dissapointed...
why is there such a tiny aoe radius increase from using vaal reave after the changes? doesn't seem to be worth it to bother with that skill and 8 stacks anymore. almost no difference between 4 and 8 stacks.
Last edited by kompaniet on Feb 27, 2017, 1:54:30 PM
Changes look good for blade flurry, which i liked much before that nerf. Overlapping attacks radius - that's what torned appart packs, it won't be comfortable without investment in radius clusters. Though it still be playable, but we not saw balance patchnotes yet, yup, dps will get nerfed too. For those who still will play bf build: try to use dark seer in off-hand, you'll like it. Good changes for blade vortex, which i liked even when it was non-meta, with that skill you can run 100% time under phase run while killing anything (just don't use gloves lab-enchantment), base radius shines now and aoe gem with two clusters (two of them are stronger than gem now) is not needed or you can drop clusters, which will make another build decisions without huge radius reduce. Divinarius and Carcass Jack is another 1chaos uniques, which will give path to another ones to use. Dying sun will still be good for extra projectiles (fireball, barrage etc.), but area bonus looks like 15% block rumi now, fewer builds will want that, but i guess not less players, projectiles meta coming. New chance to try something new.

Not seeing cyclone base radius changes - strange. Not seeing radius compensation for curses and blasphemy quality? Will arrows still fly over two screens? Area radius gone to far, that's true, but arrows didn't?
I keep saying "No" but GGG balance team keeps on thrusting :(
gimme money bitch
Mateo_swe wrote:

The game was hard enough before these changes, why do this?

Was what? PoE Hard in 2017? I though you remember hard PoE since you joined in Feb 5, 2013
Aynix wrote:
Slicer9875 wrote:
Now if you use concentrated effect, you actually don't miss out on much area anymore. Now you should only miss out on 25%. This means if you are willing to invest only enough to offset concentrated effect you can actually benefit under the new system or am I wrong here?

If the concentrated effect gem is getting changed as well, I could be very wrong.

It will be changed to "reduced area" instead of "reduced radius" which means it will lower your AoE less than before.
But who cares, they just came here to whine because now AoE will cover 3/4 screen instead whole screen :c

I don't want to seem rude but I have two small corrections to make in your statement:

1- The post said nothing about conc effect, but I would assume they change it to area too
2- Conc effect is a LESS modifier not a REDUCED, which is very different and much more painful as a way to lower something
I know that. But since we gain less AoE from Inc. AoE gem, its safe to say that conc effect will reduce our AoE by less than before.
Just my assumption.

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