[3.10] Bashtart's SPARK INQUISITOR * farming like a god! :)

can you give to an amateur like me some tips of how did you manage to accumulate so many chaoses? :D Thanks anyway
Repentance3 wrote:
What's the BIS 6L chest for MF?
I have over 2k C and just wondering what kind of gear can min-max this build.

I would just go with a rare chest with high life and res. Some player think that the convent or the belly of the beast is a good option. I like a rare with much res and life because it free's up other places. For example I dropped my rare all res ring for berek's grip which is just great for my damage and sustain.
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Aug 30, 2017, 11:41:27 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for updating the build!

The maligaro's and rat's nest instead of winds of change and rare helm feels so smooth! Gliding through maps now, thanks!
why dont you put 1 point in EE? or am i missing something?

edit: nvm i realised with the crit ignore resist, there no point in getting EE.
Last edited by gianmk#0065 on Sep 1, 2017, 12:53:44 AM
xDeadRabbit wrote:
Just wanted to say thanks for updating the build!

The maligaro's and rat's nest instead of winds of change and rare helm feels so smooth! Gliding through maps now, thanks!

I made few additional changes... I dropped my rare all res ring for berek grip and its is great. I also use lightning damage support instead of critical strike support because i am using a diamond flask which replenishes with crits. This synergy of the flask is crazy and allows you to have like 95% uptime. For lower tier maps i use onslaught and for harder i use hypothermia as 6link. You should try it out... it is really great 👍
And i kinda always run biscos for farming... only for hard bosses I sometimes switch to choirs.
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Sep 1, 2017, 12:36:52 AM
What do you thing if i play ascendant class inquisitor/elemental for spark.
and use the tempest binding for spark set-up idk 4L for spark but free lv18 innervate, ice bite.
I have free 6L dmg set-up for single-target i think use ball lightning.

in harbinger leauge i have ascendant class lv93 (Re-passive) and i want to find some build fun to play but i cant find TwT
sorry if i do something to waste your time TwT

Last edited by deadmanio#4453 on Sep 1, 2017, 1:45:05 AM
deadmanio wrote:
What do you thing if i play ascendant class inquisitor/elemental for spark.
and use the tempest binding for spark set-up idk 4L for spark but free lv18 innervate, ice bite.
I have free 6L dmg set-up for single-target i think use ball lightning.

in harbinger leauge i have ascendant class lv93 (Re-passive) and i want to find some build fun to play but i cant find TwT
sorry if i do something to waste your time TwT

Hi, i never played a scion yet ... so I had to check acendancies first. And I would not recommend goin for scion inquisitor... doesn feels to beneficial. Maybe elementalist/Deadeye...I really like the idea with tempest binding but I guess to get one with correct enchantment will get expansive but I am pretty sure it will work. Of course you will have to adjust it a bit... for example elemental weakness seems to be a good option without inevitable judgement. For single target ball lightning would also be the first what comes to mind.

What does TwT mean?
Oh Sorry TwT(Emotion) is like a cry !
I see Deadeye is near perfect but if i try assasin/ele ? or deadeye/ele ? what are you think good choice ?

in my mind have 2 thing ! set-up

- Pledge of Hands 6L for single set-up but low crit chance ....
- Kaom's Heart
if play this set-up i think EO is good choice more than crit ?
lost link to much !!!

- Chest 6L for single set-up

and how many DPS unbuff hideout ?

thank for answer and i hopefully it's work :)

Last edited by deadmanio#4453 on Sep 1, 2017, 5:22:12 AM
deadmanio wrote:
Oh Sorry TwT(Emotion) is like a cry !
I see Deadeye is near perfect but if i try assasin/ele ? or deadeye/ele ? what are you think good choice ?

in my mind have 2 thing ! set-up

- Pledge of Hands 6L for single set-up but low crit chance ....
- Kaom's Heart
if play this set-up i think EO is good choice more than crit ?
lost link to much !!!

- Chest 6L for single set-up

and how many DPS unbuff hideout ?

thank for answer and i hopefully it's work :)

I think there are not that many option for scion ascendancies which make sense... i guess all of ranger, inquisitor, elementalist and assasin are viable options. I dont like staff's so much because my favorite movement skills are shield charg and whirling blades. I also think it is more effective to scale the damage with crit chance & multipliers. Maybe I did not get the big picture but for what reason would you wanna use koam heart without any fire damage?
I really would use PoB to make your imagined build and then you will see when you try out what should work and whar not.

Your setup also depends on what you wanna do with it... wanna farm mostly? Wanna kill bosses?
Hey guess il do my last report now rather than leave you waiting as im getting very bored of PoE and will prob not play alot more this league.

This was my leaguestarter(well i started as bv and respeced) and i got it up to lvl 99 the goal was 100 but lost motivation as my ranks dropped due to not playing alot anymore from being burned out from the game.

my gear is nothing fancy ive even always used a 5link and very bad gloves, a biscos etc i just was farming all maps so i didnt feel the need to upgrade.
Only map mods i re-rolled was 'cannot leech' and 'ele reflect' and rarely also temp chains if im lazy.

I have mainly farmed shaped maps (t10-15) , guardians, beachhead t15 and poorjoys
Note1: most of the time i did skip the map boss this is because there is a risk of dying and it takes alot of time (and dying at high lvls loses u a ton of time cause of the xp loss). That being said it is possible to do the bosses (if u wanna get atlas completion or spend the time evrytime you certainly can) i have done minotaur and phoenix and quite a few map bosses for the 8-mod challenge and twinned/zana missions etc.
Note2: Also i did these bosses with BAD gear, a 5-link and did no gem swaps so u can easy double my dps if not more to the point where it can actually do them reliable.

I had alot of fun on this character (as i did last league) i farmed a ton of currency (geared this char +bought a HH and fully geared my next char for around 50ex all from mapping)

heres link to my profile:

missing items: belt with life/Resist, gem in body added lightning, boots: curse on hit-herald of ice-assasins mark and shield increased duration.

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