[3.10] Bashtart's SPARK INQUISITOR * farming like a god! :)
" no biscos? |
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" Thanks for the tips. |
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" Well you will get a lot of damage when you level your gems to 20 with 20% quality. Gearwise I would go for insanity gloves for your movement setup and also for a avengers flask of heat (get ride of one life flask). Both items will increase your clearspeed by a lot. Also I would buy a spark gem lvl 20 quality 20. " Hi its great to hear that you having fun. 1) The int does not have to be allocated. 2) We still have a lot crit chance so controlled destruction is still the best for dps. Maybe with lower levels it is ok. " Sure biscos is very good option...if you still have enough damage. Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Aug 26, 2017, 11:21:22 PM
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" I understood the controlled destruction wrong, thought it would nullify any critical dmg on the output. The Jewel crisis, oh yeah. didn't know that, but that's crazy - in a good way. Alright, thank you very much. Last edited by SleepingSun666#1392 on Aug 27, 2017, 4:37:03 AM
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Hi there, this is my first league of PoE (came over from D3) and I have been loving playing your build! It's very satisfying to play, fast paced, and can do everything I've thrown at it so far.
I managed to get lucky with a fated connections prophecy last week so I've been on a spending/theorycrafting/testing spree since someone bough it, but before then I did a lot of tuning on the build that I thought might be worth sharing Here's the current setup I'm using for reference, with description below on the changes I made from your most recent setup: https://pastebin.com/5K1JFdM8 This setup includes a bunch of changes I don't think are worth mentioning because they're based on having a 6L covenant chest piece which cost me 450c, I'll only cover the things I think might helpthe base build on your last update: I focused most of my tuning to solve for limitations I found frustrating: 1. Unable to kill bosses efficiently without depending on potions/gem swaps (I know bosses are inefficient no matter what but it was not satisfying to ignore them) 2. Build is centered around two items that have very poor stats for damage/survivability, reducing its overall potential ( Voidwalkers + CoTB ) 3. Difficutlty balancing mana costs + reserved mana pool + MoM damage to mana (burst damage makes us stop casting => stop leeching => dead) 4. Freeze inconsistent vs higher HP monsters / bosses To address these things, I did the following: 6l setup: Spark > Controlled Destruction > Increased Critical Strikes > Hypothermia > Spell Echo > Pierce Support - Replaced Crit Multiplier gem with Hypothermia. Hypothermia adds more dps and even adds more max-damage-per-crit (for freeze mechanics) than Crit Multi so this was a no brainer. May not be true if someone has very low crit multi to start out or if they're already stacking more damage, for the last pastebin you posted hypothermia jumps pretty far ahead once you set the "is target chilled" checkbox which should be most of the time for this build. - Pierce support gives 19% more damage to spark frees up the boot slot and a potion slot for the build. I used voidwalkers for a while but then while I was playing around with Path of Building I noticed pierce support was only 5% lower damage than a Crit Multiplier gem of the same level/quality. Then I looked at voidwalkers and noticed that the only thing they add to the build is the pierce. Projectile speed is pretty easy to make up for in other places so it was a no brainer to trade 5% damage to free up the boots slot and a potion slot Ring #2: Berek's grip - Has great damage stats - Dual leech more effectively utilizes Vaal Pact and MoM - Removes dependency on WL mark and Potions for leech, making bosses easier and mapping more smooth - Leech opens up more expensive build option that I'm currently testing, using Covenant 6l chest armor Windscream boots - I have enough resist from the rares/passives I didn't need anything crazy here, and the unique boot options short of Skyforth are not very impressive. These boots add maybe 2 passives worth of damage/survival stats over voidwalkers but the additional curse lets you move the 13 points you have invested into that tree for the extra curse, life, and crit and instead spend 8 points getting Throatseeker and Melding to more than make up the difference. You're left with 5 extra passives from this tradeoff on top of the boot stats voidwalker adds. That's about all I have for the base build, the other changes I made are mostly for the blood magic testing I'm working on using Covenant 6L chest which I might get into once I'm in a better place with it! |
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" Hi there, I orginally also came from D3 but already in 2.6. After reading your post twice I must say it is always refreshing to read some new thoughts about a topic. It seems you like theory crafting like me... then this is the perfect game for you. Your build version seems to be promising... can you post a video... I really would like to see it in action. How far did you progress already with it? Atm my testing goes exactly the other way... no bosses and just clearing as fast as possible. I also just added the poacher's mark into my curse setup and it is great. I switched the added lightning damage support against hypothermia and in theory it increases my dps... so I will have to test that on out. I thought about berek's grip too because it is a pretty nice ring. Also your idea about changing boots and interesting and the tree changes seems to be interesting. It seems always to be a trade off between clear speed and bosskilling. Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Aug 27, 2017, 7:39:08 AM
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" i mean is amulet gonna change that much for us ? since we are basically skipping bosses anyways choir wont matter in maps that much overall will it ? |
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" No with decent gear its just fine... but I have not tested it in high tiers yet because I am just a few mins away from level up and dont wanna mess it up. |
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Just a quick question, would 40% spark damage or 3 additional spark projectiles be better for clearspeed? My 40% damage is on starkonja's, and the additional projectiles on devotos.
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Rate my build! So far I'm pretty happy with it and the only problems I have is running Trials and getting one-shot from clusterfucks or some bosses.
Raw Path of Building code here, can't use pastebin.
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