PvP aura casting
" I know I'm necro-ing, but this is important: This is ridiculous. You're ridiculous. Even semi-reasonable builds make kiting impossible. Builds that can kill uber atziri become useless in PvP because they need 5 auras. Summons are not this incredibly broken thing; they are one way of playing the game. There are also pure-ridiculous-6L-DPS ways of kill uber atziri that can just completely annihilate PvP. It's just one way of playing the game; those builds focus on nodes that don't give you aura efficiency. This is just horribly inconsistent. Either all summons and auras should go away every time you enter a new map (horrible), or zombies/spectres and auras should remain when PvP starts, or at _least_ be castable during the countdown (logical). Last edited by codetaku#0468 on Dec 1, 2014, 7:57:51 AM
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I don't think there's a problem casting auras, did u try casting one aura, teleporting behind cover, casting another... until u are set?
Most rushers are dagger builds, u can just summon a reflect guardian first and run a bit before you cast one aura and so on.... On another note, most uber atziri capable builds are mediocre at best in PvP not coz they can't cast auras before they are rushed but since they rely on exploiting a scripted fight that can be won without being hit at all. PVP is not like that, one million random ele dps with 8 power charges, without penetration, does not mean much in PVP. items shop: 364086 ign: [ICU]missuse if you like to HLD, add me inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something. Last edited by missuse#0603 on Dec 1, 2014, 5:07:57 PM
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I really cant see why aura builds need to both pay for the auras they run by spending a lot of skill point on it, reserve most mana AND cast all maybe 5+ auras at the start of every round. It makes them both tedious and under powered. Changing that would open up more possible builds in pvp.
Also summoners should imo start with spectres. As it is now summoners are both depending on auras that puts you at a major disadvantage to start every round by casting and also summoning stuff. I know a few people have made decent none top zomebie/srs summoners but even looking at those build even they need a buff for competitive play. Edit: starting with spectres every round may be totally op in it current state so maybe that needs some pvp balancing done before that can happen but it really should be the goal. I never played a build using more than 2 auras in pvp nor any summoner so no one can call me biased on this one. I just think it would be fun to face more than just the same builds that currently are played over and over again. Edit2: aura builds are almost entirely a hld thing though so not really my problem anymore :) but summoners would be fun to see given a buff as they could be a lld thing. Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Dec 1, 2014, 6:32:59 PM
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" SRS is already a build in LLD. It's pretty strong actually, quite often it's hard for melee to play against. |
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Some people invested in speed and you would tell them to wait? Or with your suggestion auras being up all the time would make one's investment in speed rather useless. Like the other guy said, auras are like spells needed to be cast. Be creative.
Last edited by awetZ020#5407 on Dec 1, 2014, 11:20:55 PM
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" Welcome to PvP. |
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" Sure as I said there are a few lld srs builds but imo they are in serious need of a buff. This may sound like I think to much of myself but I really do not think I would lose any lld match against a summoner ever. And that is why in my eyes they need to be buffed (I am ofc talking of the games current state, I do not know how 1.3 will change things). |
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" which summoners have you played against and what is your build? you sound pretty confident in your ability to not lose a single match vs any summoner...ever :P Summoners already deal quite significant damage so I don't think that a buff is really needed. LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
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" I mainly play a freeze pulser. Ill admit I haven't played many summoners but there is a reason for there being so few of them. And I just want to clarify I did not say I would never lose to summoners because I think I am awesome. It is the opposite in fact. I am at best a mediocre dota player (think skill in dota should be telling of playing skill in poe pvp) so when even I feel I wont lose to any summoner something is in my opinion wrong. Would be fun being proven wrong in my statement that I wouldnt lose to any summoner though. Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Dec 3, 2014, 5:50:43 AM
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Having to recast 4-9 auras every 5-10 seconds of pvp is so friggin annoying and on top of what some people have been saying earlier, certain builds that require a few of these auras in order to do more dps, have no chance in pvp, all the other player has to do is quickly run over and lay their 1 shot kill trap or just 1-2 shot from range or whatever and that's it. To make matters worse, the other player just uses his quicksilver flask and dashes or giving you very little time to put on barely 1 aura.
In sarns arena before, while playing as low life st, i was at least able to battle it out much more effectively and would have to deal with the occasional spawn killing abuse the price of having to put on 7 + auras etc, but now with the 1.3 nerf and the broken pvp system, i can't even really pvp effectively in the battlefield and still have to deal with the spawn killing abuse. Also when playing as a low life build, after you spam your attacks you would need to rezone/enter to fill your pots, but they made it even worse and more annoying, that if you zone, you have to run all the way back from the stash area to the pvp zone. PVP is totally broken and unbalanced, i spend more time trying to put on auras than actually enjoying the pvp. You already friggin nerfed some of the builds, at least enable all auras on by default and make this pvp a bit more enjoyable! Last edited by WhatD3ShouldHaveBeen#1886 on Dec 14, 2014, 10:24:40 AM
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