PvP aura casting
During the start timer countdown, players should be allowed to cast auras.. or once casted they should stay on, or even just if you win the round.. that is all.
IGN: mustache_master Last edited by onthewaterr#4724 on Feb 22, 2013, 7:38:05 PM
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you have 5 auras to cast and i have one
why i need wait until you fully selfcast instead i goin to rush you when you try to cast profit |
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Agreed, if you want to cast many auras/summon mobs, you should be at risk and disadvantage to be caught out by oponent (silverflask).
ign: Grandpa_From_Graveyard
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auras should just stay up, having to cast auras just removes auras builds from being able to pvp effectively.
ign: DaEDaenarys
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" Disagreed entirely, this makes auras and summons entirely useless, i don't know how the fuck to respond if you think that doesn't making 60% of the builds who aren't pumping solely life, dps, and movespeed 100% useless in pvp. Oh you're built for Low-Life or Chaos Innoculation? Sorry, you can't 1v1 us as you would be dead by the time you cast discipline+required defensive aura(s) of choice, sorry I guess that's the downside of playing THE GAME AS "INTENDED" Why the fuck do dev's put this shit in the game... " This guy demonstrates exactly what I'm talking about. He's saying that 5 Auras is an advantage over using only one, when in actuality the aura-user is already AT the disadvantage of having to manage 5 auras (which costs quite a few points) without this RETARDED FUCKING DUELING SYSTEM making it even more unfair Auras SHOULD just stay up, Auras are part of the build, YOU MIGHT AS WELL MAKE EVERYONE ELSE REDISTRIBUTE THEIR PASSIVE POINTS BEFORE EVERY DUEL TO MAKE IT ANYWHERE RESEMBLING CLOSE TO FAIR. The downside of running multiple auras, SHOULD not be that you have to recast them EVERY FUCKING FIGHT, The downside of running multiple auras is that we have no fucking mana/life to fuck around with like other classes, and having to go all over the god damn passive tree for nothing but reduced mana reservation passives that could be spent into increasing our DPS or Defense. @GGG Either remove auras entirely and stop advertising Path of Exile as this diverse and deep game, because honestly over 60% of your greatest feature "the passive tree" is useless to effective builds. or. Keep aura's you have cast up when entering and starting new rounds of duels. I'm entirely sick of people "winning" because someone's build requires auras to compete. Currently it's like this, if you use more than one aura in 1v1 you lose, there's no other way around it, and this is the message that i'm getting from the Developers, "Don't do as we intended and make vast variances of builds, only build melee/life/armor/block/dmg/movespeed if you even want to have a little fun playing a competitive part of our game" Auras = Part of the Game and Part of the Build, the current disadvantage is too great, most builds needing auras to survive also rely on flasks, unlike the META of melee/life/armor/block/dps/movespeed builds, so you're giving multiple aura users three times the disadvantage. -passives -flasks -auras D: People shouldn't die in PVP because they cast too many skills. ...
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" Agree. Dev pls take note. |
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I apologize for my somewhat colorful language by the way, I'd hate to make a good point and have it mean nothing because of the way I expressed it. I just feel that this is one of the top flaws in the game, and it's irritating because I like to do play and reroll lots of non-cookie cutter builds.
Changing this one flaw obviously won't make PVP any more fair, and I realize how it would make a lot of Righteous Fire builds "top dog" in both 3v3 AND 1v1. However, fixing this flaw would open up the door to start truly balancing pvp. I understand how difficult it is to balance PVP with all of the available builds out there, there are SO MANY variations, and 80% balance would only be achieved through rewriting how all of the stats/skills work in PVP. Getting to at least a rock, paper, scissors, between str, int, or dex builds would be a far off dream. However, you shouldn't start the balancing off with gimping entire aura-based builds to a life of misery in PVP, at least give them a chance to get to the middle of the ring. Then from there take into consideration the most effective builds and start nerfing their effectiveness in pvp to be in check with viable counters. Righteous Fire for instance needs an easier counter threshold with the new buff it's received, and I believe the buff is much loved and needed ( i didn't pick RF for my main character because it was overpowered in pvp, but because it was viable in PVE finally, and I've always wanted to make a strong fire caster type, but none of the other fire skills appealed to me) As it stands, countering RF requires you to build like an RF player +max fire resist +overcap to not die to it if your attacks get blocked once or twice, but even still RF is no more stronger than rocking 10~15k damage per hit with cyclone or 30k damage per hit with crit flickers, seeing as how it is possible to gain absolute immunity to RF's fire damange and it IS possible to get 88% without a Rise of the Phoenix Shield, so anyone with geofri's crest could reach 98% fire resist with ruby flask active. Where as block only goes so high, 78% is the hard cap. I'm taking what I believe is the most imbalanced aura caster (RF) in the pvp scene and referencing it to some of the highest damage per hit builds, Now you tell me is it more imbalanced to have a 25% chance to instantly kill the RF who is designed to counter you even with a granite flask popped, or deal 2% of your max dmg (max dmg with RF is like 30~80k per second pre-resists including required curses/EE) to someone designed to counter you using ruby flask and not taking up the shield slot for Rise of the Phoenix. Now, lets factor in Rise of the Phoenix + ruby flask = 100% immunity, plenty of time to land a 25% chance to instantly kill. Now lets factor in not using a ruby flask or Phoenix shield at all, 88% resist to fire, 12% of 30~80k is about 3,000 and 8,000 if you're super cursed and your EE is flipped (assuming you're not super duper overcapped on fire resists which you should be if you are trying to counter one of the strongest builds) per second, that's still enough time to attempt to get a 25% chance to instant kill. All I'm saying is you would need is 2 ruby flasks and Rise of the Phoenix on swap to deal with RF...Getting your Fire Resist to an overcap of 150%+ would only help if they do use multiple curses and EE on you, otherwise Ruby flasks provide you with a huge +50% resist to fire (which is way more than what granites offer in terms of how large hits work AND how diminishing returns work) SO, all in all, RF being the aura caster of choice in this scenario vs someone who can just run out and invade you with 10k(avg/resos) to 30k+(critters) damage per hit with a 25% chance of hitting and 100% immunity to your damage for four seconds x4 flask uses..Do you really think it's necessary to gimp aura-based builds so tremendously that they can be ambushed before getting their second aura off? I think you get the picture. lol ...
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" Auras are skill gems just like any skills that we use, they have cast time. It's pretty much unfair if auras can be casted during the start of timer countdown or stay up at every round. Most of the auras have 1.2secs cast time others have more/less(i.e. Haste 1.3secs, Clarity 1sec). Using an aura is a choice, just like using any other skill. And yes in some cases they are part of the build, but part of the build is not enough to gain the advantage of casting your auras(Skill gem) before the start timer countdown. They are skills and need to be casted every now and then when they are needed just like any other skills(i.e. Aura, Spell, Melee, etc.) that we use. Here is a good example of what you are talking about. Letting the aura(Skill gem) be casted during the start timer countdown, then you should also let other skill gem be casted during that time. e.g. Lightning Warp and teleport in front of your opponent and throw some Bear Trap(While he is casting auras lol). And that is rediculous. Casting auras after the start timer countdown doesn't make the aura builds "etirely useless". Thats where strategy works. e.g. Kite and cast or use Faster Casting. PvP is not balance, nothing is. |
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" Totally agree. IGN: _Firebitch
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I'd really like more robust keybinds for this reason.
Want to Fix the Economy, Bad Loot, Trade and Legacy PvP? pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/548056
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