Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

best idea ever
ghoulavenger wrote:

I found a Shavs, chanced a Skyforth, corrupted several level 21 gems, including a level 4 empower. Made a good 5-6 6 links (takes about 2 weeks to bench craft a 6L with vorici). All self found. This is not an unrealistic expectation. It all depends on how long you play more than anything else. If you're looking for an even better example, you should try looking up TheAnuhart. He has elevated being SSF into an artform.

Haha, I wish...
Sure, you CAN do this theoretically, but you'll need MASSIVE amounts of playtime. I like to play alone and just chat with guild, so I like this new feature but for my limited ingame-time, I just can progress at some point and usually take worn stuff that guildies don't need anymore ;)

An offlineversion could provide different difficulty settings to make things easier without cheating.

One problem is my favourite playing style: melee
Not cyclone or wannabe-melee-like skills or indirect damage... just hitting stuff with a sword. It's hard to even beat "normal"
Architekturkritik, die man tatsächlich sieht!

Farin Urlaub
Wraeklops wrote:

One problem is my favourite playing style: melee
Not cyclone or wannabe-melee-like skills or indirect damage... just hitting stuff with a sword. It's hard to even beat "normal"

I've noticed most of my builds tend to be weak near the end of Normal, but once they start getting the right passives in order toward mid-Cruel they tend to shoot up in efficacy.
This does sound interesting and might make it so I can stand playing in SC temp leagues.

Doubt it though as HC adds so much more risk and fun.

I still want there to be a strong multiplayer feel to SSF though. I would like some way of seeing another character's achievements and progression in SSF. So I can look at another character in town and say wow that dude beat shaper in SSF, crazy. Then I could start some dialogue with him about his/her accomplishments.

Good players should stand out more than just being on a latter. Show the difficult endgame content they have completed while playing SSF.
I started out teaming up with 1 friend in this game, but then he stopped playing for a while and I've been basically solo ever since. I can't claim to be doing the solo self-found thing, tho, since my brother also plays and leaves stuff in a guild stash that I can use.

SSF sounds like it'll fit me just fine, though. This might just get me back into HC mode again, just to see how high I can get.
Uhm, could we have everlasting instances in normal playthroughs then?

I've always found it weird with the 8/15 minute reset of instances. It really detracts from my enjoyment of finding new items, as I have this timer breathing down my neck, when experimenting in town.

Why is it there in the first place?
This is so cool, thank you for adding it to the game!
Identity is cheap. Reputation is priceless.

Retired Let's Player.
Retired HC player.
Still a SSF hipster build player who loves Ruthless.
Always played my RPG as SSF, so really nice to have rules set, instead of just bragging it
Only real trade multiple stuff is on my char in BSC, and even I like the power I gain immediate, it's not so rewarding on a personal POV
thanks GGG
i would like perma SSF.. simple as that.

current trade is nothing but a bad joke anyway. bring on ssf.
Thank you GGG.

I will certainly play some SSF chars.
One feels very nice when a char starts to preform really well and its all SSF self made and found.
Going to be fun.

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