How We Approach Console Development

Pathological wrote:
The cynic in me says the performance improvements should have been prioritised regardless of the port version, and assigning their value to the port's existence is porky at best.

You say you don't want to jump down a rabbit hole, but you're already looking at it in the rear view mirror. PoE's major draws are difficulty and depth of mechanics. The former is a moving target, the latter is getting watered down more and more as time goes on. You say console and pc will be developed separately, but that simply isn't the case. You aren't going to completely alter mechanics to function entirely differently from one version to the other, and you aren't going to spend time developing new mechanics that don't function well on the console version, which means that the game will have a glass ceiling in this area.

Unless the two games are literally divergent from each other, with different design teams and completely separate skills and back-end mechanics, console is already affecting PC as we speak, because there are choices that you need to make that you cannot make with a console version in the wings. Its existence snuffs out all hope of certain changes being made that many were hopeful would eventually come.

Can only hope to be wrong, but history from other game(s) show us the reality.

this is the exact reality that i see.
8/8 Overachiever
Aside from all the other valid points others have made about the reality of the current state of the game, my question is "Why?".

Why are you developing an XBOX One version? Is this an attempt to bring in more revenue by expanding the player-base? Your player-base is currently expanding quickly meanwhile power creep and feature creep is already out-of-control. So you want to add more content on a completely different platform that requires other solutions for a player-base that doesn't exist yet?

Perhaps, you are content with the current state of the game and "performance" updates, but I'd assume a lot of players feel differently.

Honestly, I'm confused.
I do hope that local multiplayer will be an option. Was a big draw for me with Diablo 3
We hired new team members specifically for the the console project. They were directly responsible for the massive improvements to frame rate, client load times, memory use, as well as the introduction of the 64-bit client, DirectX 11 renderer and new audio system. These changes were immediately released to the PC version as soon as they were available. Even if you're not a console gamer, this project improved the game for you.

We've been asking for performance improvements for YEARS. So why aren't they gonna stay on PC?

We haven't modified the game content on the PC version due to any console decisions.

Console project guys supposedly fixed stuff on PC but apparently console decisions don't affect PC? What's up with the mixed messages?
Last edited by Waswat on Jan 19, 2017, 2:59:15 PM
Pathological wrote:
The cynic in me says the performance improvements should have been prioritised regardless of the port version, and assigning their value to the port's existence is porky at best.

You say you don't want to jump down a rabbit hole, but you're already looking at it in the rear view mirror. PoE's major draws are difficulty and depth of mechanics. The former is a moving target, the latter is getting watered down more and more as time goes on. You say console and pc will be developed separately, but that simply isn't the case. You aren't going to completely alter mechanics to function entirely differently from one version to the other, and you aren't going to spend time developing new mechanics that don't function well on the console version, which means that the game will have a glass ceiling in this area.

Unless the two games are literally divergent from each other, with different design teams and completely separate skills and back-end mechanics, console is already affecting PC as we speak, because there are choices that you need to make that you cannot make with a console version in the wings. Its existence snuffs out all hope of certain changes being made that many were hopeful would eventually come.

Can only hope to be wrong, but history from other game(s) show us the reality.

I completely agree with the sentiments above. Also as 'theslap' commented:


Honestly, I'm confused.

So was 3.0/Act 5 delayed bc of console?

Instead of one 3 month challenge league between xpacs, we're getting two 3 month challenge leagues between Atlas and 3.0/Act 5.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

Why all of the cloak & dagger? What happened to the message in the opening line of the dev manifesto opening post?
So long and thanks for all the fish, Chris.
Pants of Textile
The new directX 11 changes that this team worked on didnt benefit everyone. Personally it didn't help me at all. The only thing this new feature brought for me was that one error message that got two of my characters killed this league.

I just wish Hardcore would get a bit of love instead of spending so much resources on making the game casual friendly, such as improving the servers stability or maybe doing something about the current disconnect problems (Keeping you connected to the servers for 8 seconds after a disconnect is just unacceptable in a game such as this one).

Pretty sad to hear the news about this xbox 1 release. To me this is sort of the beggining of the end.
Hey Chris,

Are you implying that if you did not decide to make an Xbox version we would never have gotten the PC improvments such as 64-bit client, DirectX 11 renderer and new audio system? I am sure the same people you hired could do these improvements without having to make xbox version of the game.

Your explanation to why you would wait around 1 year to make the Xbox announcement seems very shallow to me. I think you waited out of fear that you would loose supporter purchases.

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