[2.5] BHC WoE Cyclone Slayer - cheap and efficient, excellent for uber lab farming and mapping.

Do you think the chill from Arctic Armour is really important? I mean, do you think the chill really help us stay alive against the most dangerous enemies? I ask because we could run Herald of Ash instead and get 15% extra damage. More damage means more life leeched and also a shorter life span for enemies.

I wouldn't call it 'really important', after all you can chill enemies with things like cwdt and Arctic Breath or Vortex, or <X of Spite> glove enchants. However HoA would probably not impact your leeching as it should be capping out as is. Using Hypothermia instead of Added fire would probably give an increase in single-target as well, but only against bosses that aren't chill immune.

Personally I just found AA convenient and figured it might help me stay alive in case I got stuck on a rock when cycloning or something.

edit: and if users like @TiagoRox struggle with lab I can give tips but you need to be more specific like link your character and explain what exactly went wrong.
Last edited by Mannistab on Jan 9, 2017, 3:42:26 PM
Landoro wrote:
Your profile is private, I can't see your characters.

I think now it's public
TiagoRox wrote:
Landoro wrote:
Your profile is private, I can't see your characters.

I think now it's public

Don't use CWDT Immortal Call. It's okay for trash clearing in hard maps, but this build is based on mitigating and out-leeching incoming damage, and having IC purge your endurance charges kills a large part of your mitigation. Either unsocket the gem for Izaro and other bosses or don't use it at all since minmaxing survivability probably isn't required for SC. While you can't instantly generate full endurance charges against Izaro (you can get some off the totems in last room though) you can start with Basalt flask and get ready to use EC when he spawns skeletons or other adds, or just spam it.

Also as Slayer you don't really need anti-bleed flasks. They can be useful against bleed traps but I didn't feel the need to use them even in HC. Instead, I must stress the importance of having anti-freeze and anti-shock on utility flasks (not health flasks), because when buffed with Conduits or Essences Izaro will start slapping you with freezes and shocks. If there are curse fonts, swap out 2 of your flask for curse immune ones.

Those are the most important things imo. As I said in my experience all mods except charge disruptors + another damage mod and double elemental mods are manageable, especially on hammer days. Being in HC I haven't really done extensive research on it but in the time span I ran labs, which was about 8-10 days, there was only one day when I didn't dare attempt full keys.

Last edited by Mannistab on Jan 10, 2017, 12:38:28 AM
Sorry just a question. Are we supposed to follow the point distribution until L39 than respec to 70 skill tree and onwards to the 90?
Mannistab wrote:

Don't use CWDT Immortal Call. It's okay for trash clearing in hard maps, but this build is based on mitigating and out-leeching incoming damage, and having IC purge your endurance charges kills a large part of your mitigation. Either unsocket the gem for Izaro and other bosses or don't use it at all since minmaxing survivability probably isn't required for SC. While you can't instantly generate full endurance charges against Izaro (you can get some off the totems in last room though) you can start with Basalt flask and get ready to use EC when he spawns skeletons or other adds, or just spam it.

Also as Slayer you don't really need anti-bleed flasks. They can be useful against bleed traps but I didn't feel the need to use them even in HC. Instead, I must stress the importance of having anti-freeze and anti-shock on utility flasks (not health flasks), because when buffed with Conduits or Essences Izaro will start slapping you with freezes and shocks. If there are curse fonts, swap out 2 of your flask for curse immune ones.

Those are the most important things imo. As I said in my experience all mods except charge disruptors + another damage mod and double elemental mods are manageable, especially on hammer days. Being in HC I haven't really done extensive research on it but in the time span I ran labs, which was about 8-10 days, there was only one day when I didn't dare attempt full keys.

I read what you wrote just now. But i made some changes yesterday. I changed my boots, rings and amulet. Now my resist are 76/75/75/30. My armor are really sux. I think it's just +- 1350. Now i have 6190 of life.

Yesterday i tried to run 4 labs. I just did all them, but only with 2 keys. Only 1 run I could do with 3 key (because I killed Arnus). I don't know how to active the mecanich of the boss.

But thank you man! Your build really work and it's really cheap. I was almost giving up, because i have another 2 chars, a necromancer that i spent almost 2 exalts and can't do uber lab with it.

Thank you :D
Mannistab wrote:

Don't use CWDT Immortal Call. It's okay for trash clearing in hard maps, but this build is based on mitigating and out-leeching incoming damage, and having IC purge your endurance charges kills a large part of your mitigation.

What do you suggest to use in the 5th link?
TiagoRox wrote:
Mannistab wrote:

Don't use CWDT Immortal Call. It's okay for trash clearing in hard maps, but this build is based on mitigating and out-leeching incoming damage, and having IC purge your endurance charges kills a large part of your mitigation.

What do you suggest to use in the 5th link?

You could use Melee physical for your warchief or something, second 5L isn't really a big deal. Also I wouldn't go out of my way to get chaos res, it's not super important for this build IMO.

You can explore Izaro mechanics at http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Izaro or poelab.com, but I can give an overview from what I can remember. Some mechanics require that you wait a while before DPS'ing Izaro to next phase.

Conduits (clickable statues): You must wait until all 3 are up, save flasks until the end.

Charge Disruptors: You must wait until Izaro has 15 buffs and not click any disruptors, this takes like 20-30 seconds. He does an emote 'Machinery at maximum efficiency' when at max charges, that's when you know it's safe to threshold him.

Essences (golems): Just DPS Izaro but avoid killing the golems.

Gargoyles: I'm pretty sure you can simply DPS Izaro as fast as you can, but you must avoid killing the gargs.

Idols: You must wait until all beacons have activated at least once. This doesn't take very long but make sure you've spotted frost, fire and lightning bombs.

Lieutenants: You can just DPS Izaro, but you must try to avoid killing any of the lieutenants. Sometimes tricky as melee.

Fonts: DPS Izaro while chaining anti-curse flasks.

Portals: Simply DPS Izaro without killing the portals. Very easy.

I might be wrong on some of these accounts but that's the general idea. I noticed wiki was either wrong or vague on some of these.
Last edited by Mannistab on Jan 10, 2017, 3:17:30 PM
jerrickchew wrote:
Sorry just a question. Are we supposed to follow the point distribution until L39 than respec to 70 skill tree and onwards to the 90?

Yes, after you've reached the level 39 build, start putting points in the 'lower ring', and once you've closed that loop at some point between level 50-70 you can respec out of the points that connect Duelist and Marauder via the upper route, and then respec for slight optimizations when you get your WoE on.

I find that this way of leveling makes meeting stat requirements easier while granting early access to the life regen and AoE nodes as well as RT.
Last edited by Mannistab on Jan 10, 2017, 10:42:42 AM
What 5L setup would you suggest? I'm thinking of using Devoto's Devotion for the MS and 5L Belly instead of just BoR
vayneteran wrote:
What 5L setup would you suggest? I'm thinking of using Devoto's Devotion for the MS and 5L Belly instead of just BoR

You'll lose block, blind and dps by not using BoR. In my opinion, only a good 6L chest would be better than BoR. In any case, be it 5L ou 6L, you would have to spend a lot more.

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