[3.8] What a Shocking Tri-Element Trapper! [Fire/Ice Trap build][UberAtziri/Shaper Video]

Caliginosus wrote:
Controlled Destruction with Fire Trap? Fire Trap is not a spell.

It.. is. Would be a pretty darn huge oversight if I wouldn't have noticed after a year that it does not work, eh? No worries, friend, Conrolled Destruction works with it.
MrMoho wrote:
Caliginosus wrote:
Controlled Destruction with Fire Trap? Fire Trap is not a spell.

It.. is. Would be a pretty darn huge oversight if I wouldn't have noticed after a year that it does not work, eh? No worries, friend, Conrolled Destruction works with it.

Wow. Can't believe it. :D Only played Fire Trap once but I was convinced it wasn't.
Good to know.
IGN: Scordalia_
MrMoho wrote:
ShadowsCrush wrote:

Is there a reason you use Shock Nova over Lightning Trap?
Is it purely for the shock effectiveness?
The damage on LT is higher, and with just pierce you can clear screens (and offscreen) with LT all on its own, with the same % chance to shock, plus, since its an official trap, it has a 1 sec cd like ice trap, which that on it's own is enough to technically triple your dps vs a 3s nova cd. (also it sounds amazing lol)

Answered that a couple times, but here I go again. It's fairly simple: Lightning Trap is not a AoE skill, but counts as a projectile (well, each ball does). That way, all those AoE damage nodes in the skilltree and Carcass Jack won't have any positive effect on it. Lightning Trap thus very badly harmonizes with the other trap skills. Also, the 3s cd you will hardly notice since you got plenty reduced cooldown rate from the skilltree and two other traps to throw! And no, a lower cd most definitely will not increase the dps with traps. Well, maybe a bit, but the stuff you get from the skilltree is all you are gonna need to reach the max dps acquirable through lower cooldown.

ah, well, when your thread gets 17 pages, that'll happen xD
I didn't see it in the skill section so thanks for answering.

One other recommendation, hopefully more to your liking.
Last league my trapper settled on The Vertex for it's helment.
Aside from the gloriousness of +1 to all gems, and the amazing eva/es values, the 50% mana cost for the trap/traps you socket there is sooooo quality of life, or was for me.
ShadowsCrush wrote:
One other recommendation, hopefully more to your liking.
Last league my trapper settled on The Vertex for it's helment.
Aside from the gloriousness of +1 to all gems, and the amazing eva/es values, the 50% mana cost for the trap/traps you socket there is sooooo quality of life, or was for me.

...I actually kinda forgot about that one. Yeah, you're right, The Vertex is actually a really good helmet to get, especially since the last ES nerf. I am going to probably add that to the recommended uniques runner sometime soon!

Also, I will finally work on that bloody FAQ that I wanted to make for so long. Should make it clear that Lightning Trap is a bad choice.
Last edited by MrMoho on Aug 7, 2017, 1:31:19 PM
MrMoho wrote:
ShadowsCrush wrote:
One other recommendation, hopefully more to your liking.
Last league my trapper settled on The Vertex for it's helment.
Aside from the gloriousness of +1 to all gems, and the amazing eva/es values, the 50% mana cost for the trap/traps you socket there is sooooo quality of life, or was for me.

...I actually kinda forgot about that one. Yeah, you're right, The Vertex is actually a really good helmet to get, especially since the last ES nerf. I am going to probably add that to the recommended uniques runner sometime soon!

Also, I will finally work on that bloody FAQ that I wanted to make for so long. Should make it clear that Lightning Trap is a bad choice.

I wouldn't say it's a bad choice persay, maybe just make a distinction as to when to switch to nova and why.

As a trap LT is by far the best choice for leveling/clearing until you get all the AoE nodes to suit your nova purposes. I can't remember the last time I leveled a trapper without it. Some may argue towards firestorm traps or something like that but eh.
ShadowsCrush wrote:

I wouldn't say it's a bad choice persay, maybe just make a distinction as to when to switch to nova and why.

As a trap LT is by far the best choice for leveling/clearing until you get all the AoE nodes to suit your nova purposes. I can't remember the last time I leveled a trapper without it. Some may argue towards firestorm traps or something like that but eh.

Oh, for levelling, I suppose it is just fine. Until you reach the General and get yourself Ice Trap, I'd say it is time to throw it out. Or not, people can level up this build however they like. On higher levels, however, they should stick to Area Traps.
How is Fire Trap's damage in 3.0 now that they reworked the Ignite? Also, aside from the 5% less crit chance, does the build still perform good against bosses?
Azrash wrote:
How is Fire Trap's damage in 3.0 now that they reworked the Ignite? Also, aside from the 5% less crit chance, does the build still perform good against bosses?

It still performs very well. There is no longer the case of the boss's flaming away in seconds (also partly due to the fact their health got increased) but they still die pretty fast. The Guardians I never Ignited, anyways, and those were easily manageable with this build, still.
Hi, Which I would recommend when it comes to buying a dagger, which statistics should have more or less. an excellent guide, my congratulations
flasdaon wrote:
Hi, Which I would recommend when it comes to buying a dagger, which statistics should have more or less. an excellent guide, my congratulations

Spell damage, Crit for spells, Global Crit Multiplier and Mana regeneration and of each plenty is the most optimal. Past that, resistances and stats are nice. Never get added Elemental damage to spells, since that will conflict with Elemental Equilibrium.

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