Bit of good news (maybe?)
" I must have hit a sensible nerve, first of all i only switch between available caster skills to what i want to play at the moment. My gear remained the same for years already, i did not change build at all besides adjustments due to meta changes. Let me tell you something real tho, atleast i adjust my builds and make them work when i get nerfed or when the meta changes, i dont slap on the most broken skill ''ea'' to cover the fact that im weak and call it a day... that's lazyness #1. At the end of the day i'll still kill you without crit you can put that shiny armor on i will deal around it, then you'll try and use your EA swap like an hypocrite. The dude hates cancer but he incorporates cancer itself into his build... flawless. The only time i 1 shotted people was when LL rf was available or when RF burn itself was broken, after that i havent seen any of my skills 1 shotting whatsoever. Now that inquisitor is gone, you have a crit counter, your melee got buffed, what's next on the list to tell that my build is still cancer and broken ? nothing, it's perfectly rounded and balanced now. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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" I'm proud to be the master of *click* *BOOOMBOOOMBOOMBOOMBOOOMBOOMBOOMBOOOMBOOMBOOMBOOOMBOOMBOOM* *death sound*. Despite the fact that I have . People like me (e.g: bottom tier PvP trash that gets stomped on constantly) will always be necessary for tanky masochists like Firebitch, as his reaction to Vhlad's announcement of beartrappiness suggests. IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard]
~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...) | |
Christ, Mulla you are the most obnoxious person the PVP community has to offer, always talking shit, getting up in peoples' faces (yes, over the internet), flinging insults left and right, and just generally being an obnoxious, loud-mouthed tyrant.
Please never change. lmao I always let out an "oooooh boy" when I see you've left a comment on something. Any time I see your name on the "last post" column, my shitstorm detector goes off the goddamn charts. Honestly, I've sided against you for the longest time, but goddamn I can't help but enjoy your presence and simply obnoxious, lengthy, insult-laiden comments. For some reason. GGG do not edit. Oh but, Mulla, please learn the difference between "then" and "than" ;) Lavender or Leave. PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith Last edited by I_am_Upset#2098 on Sep 5, 2016, 2:30:06 PM
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Sorry Rlowe, I won't expose bull shitters anymore. You guys can prance around carefree shitting down each other's throats. It also doesn't matter if it's online nor off, I'll say the very same thing to anyone that says something contradicting or stupid.
IGN: MullaXul
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" Remember that one time, in the hour of need, when evil itself must to be defeated you also gone evil : ) IGN: Márkusz My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on Sep 5, 2016, 4:15:46 PM
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" I don't know if you thought I was joking or not, I was being completely sincere, and everything I said was a compliment. I know it takes adjustment in recognizing what a compliment from me is like, but that was one. One of the few you'll probably get from anyone on the forums here, but a compliment nonetheless. I'm pretty sure of GGG staff were paid for every comment they had to edit, they'd be picking out a new yacht 'cause of you lol Back to the main topic of the thread, any dev follow-up? Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith |
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: )
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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I got ya.
I mean it'd be like Dismantle coming in here every so often. To educate people on the negative effects of trolling queue, while we all know that's his m.o. IGN: MullaXul
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" I guess I'm one of the select few that actually enjoys bear traps being in pvp. IMO, it adds a completely different and needed meta - a counter to kiting, movement speed based builds (the number one ascendancy class in pvp, pathfinder), aegis builds, arguably the tankiest in pvp, and HoT builds, arguably the most retarded. Rather than just right-click to victory, you have to strategize a little more (be cautious and sweep). Just as the new anti-crit chest (The Brass Dome) may keep crit builds in check (having people think twice before making them), bear trappers will keep pathfinders, aegis builds, and Hot builds in check, with the threat their natural counters are more available. I'm sure the majority will disagree with me on the above, however I like seeing more rock, scissors, paper scenarios in pvp, where one build/class doesn't rule them all. Counters to bear traps; - HoA (overkill damage will one-shot the trapper if they're in the general vicinity of the trap). - Skeles and other traps (breaks traps before clever construction expires). - Icestorm, firestorm, blast rain, bladefall, rain of arrows, arc, ball lightning, desecrete, storm call, mines, lightning strike, ground slam aoe, earthquake aoe (breaks traps after clever construction expires). - Conversion trap hilariousness (converts traps to your own, so they'll be armed towards the trapper themselves.) IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Sep 6, 2016, 10:52:13 AM
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Bear traps function is not a problem in PvP, and I agree with you rock-paper-scissors outlook. Your Bear traps you use are legit.
The secondary damage of bear trap is a problem. The duration scalability is a problem. Like you insinuated, you can't have it all. A trap that both one shots on crit and holds the enemy in place on non-crit is not okay no matter how much someone sweeps/skels. 🎆🎆
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