Bit of good news (maybe?)
" This is the EXACT point I've told him and countless others who try to "help" the PVP community by showcasing broken shit. When non-PVP players come in, they just get enough of a negative experience to the point that they don't want to go back in 'cause they're just gonna get their shit packed in by whatever skill is currently the most broken thing. They might not even KNOW that it's broken, they're just gonna see us as a bunch of rich assholes trying to show off. And the excuse (what it really is) of "GGG will fix it if we abuse it" is a load of horseshit as well. We can abuse shit 24/7, but if GGG doesn't give half a fat turd about PVP, shit's not gonna get fixed. Just look at Explosive Arrow. This is why I'm always on Vhlad's case when he comes in with Freezing Arrow or whatever one-shot skill he wants to use when everything's going fine. When it's just a bunch of players using regular, largely un-broken skills and EVERYONE is able to get a good amount of skills, it's an easy-going, fun atmosphere, and sadly, all it takes is one asshole with the OP skill to ruin the fun (that asshole is usually someone named after an online shopping/delivery service with free 2-day shipping). Unless someone is actually good at the game and can show technical skill, no one player should just be able to wreck house in Arena and take all the fun out of it. Anyway, in summary, it's one thing to showcase how broken something is TO US, but the non-PVP community isn't us. They don't know what we're discussing, they don't have the experience we do with PVP and what's unbearably OP and what isn't. Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith |
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The opposite corner and middle were actually safe from spark. I never chased anyone around or followed people to different servers. I also didn't trash talk any player. And I frequently apologized while doing it, as well as directed players on how to complete their dailies. It was usually fine, there'd be a pile of people in the middle waiting 180sec in harmony.
Why somehow this deserves righteous indignation while people turn a blind eye to players who are extremely toxic, insulting, racist, etc., confuses me. Usually the sarn complaints are about the players chasing after people doing dailies, running in circles killing everyone. I don't do that. In fact I do the opposite and try to protect the hostage or cast scary looking spells at people that deal 0 damage on my ancestral bond character. Not that I hold anything against the players who chase after people trying to do their dailies. It's a pretty lame quest, to get pvp master reputation by avoiding pvp. Chasing after people is sort of doing what they're supposed to in sarn, isn't it? But I see it makes some players upset and I don't enjoy making players upset, so I try not to go after people who are begging to be left alone. If we could tag players in an instance to change their name color on the map overlay it would be a great QoL feature. Anyway, the real griefing is from players spamming angry messages at others, threatening them, being very toxic in local chat, not allowing players to test things, following people who are trying to avoid them into different arenas, and so on. You can use OP meta stuff and be a good community member but you can't be a good community member if you're raging at people and being generally unpleasant. Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client. Last edited by Vhlad#6794 on Sep 2, 2016, 4:26:13 PM
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In talisman there was a cookiecutter sparker who was absolutely toxic in sarn arena. He'd harass everyone trying to fight from offscreen till everyone left, leave for a map, be back minutes later to check if sarn arena was still dead, chase off those that were there, rinse repeat. And since he was a braindead nolifer, he was able to keep it up for hours on end, much longer than most peoples available playtime.
When I read spark, I associated you with him, but I actually don't know how you played your sparker, so I can't judge. I didn't pvp much in perandus since I cept crashing, so I can't judge the sarn arena atmosphere from that league. Prophecy sarn arena had a good atmosphere I think, a bit less towards the end when there were just too many LA reach cookiecutters. What rlowe is saying is still true however. If there's a bunch of people playing playing melee and other assorted hipster builds, fighting them on an easymode pvp build is bad form. Bring a hipster yourself, or leave them be imo. |
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🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 |
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" I understand that and all, but not everyone knows you're serious, or maybe they somehow think you're being even more of a dick. As for the toxicity that exists, that happens in every game, no matter the community or anything. It's just a fact of life and, unfortunately, there's nothing we can really do about it, other than fight back, but as we all know, hate begets hate. But I will agree with you on that, most of the assholery comes from PVE players, but they probably have to seem like hardasses just to "blend in" with PVPers. And as for "protecting them" and whatnot, nothing can stop you from accidentally killing them (other than 0 damage things), but players will run away from you, including ones you're trying to "protect", and they'll wander into the firing line and get killed by accident. Same is true of your sparker, doesn't matter where you position yourself, there'll always be collateral damage. Or, at least there WAS always collateral damage from spark. Bottom line is, non-regulars in Arena or people new to PVP won't understand your goal, and are largely there just for Leo dailies. They wouldn't give a fuck about PVP otherwise. All of us here know you had good intentions, whether you showed it or not, but that's because WE know you. Those other players didn't. For all they know, you were just some prick getting off on killing everyone with 0 effort. Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith |
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" Can this be prefaced with some context? I spawn on top of you then flail at you until we both die, rather then just me. Spawning is involved but it's generally me spawning. "That's nice cupcake" ~ Rlowe, 1984 - RIP in pieces, least we 4get
"""Everyone is an asshole and I'm awesome" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016" ~ philophil, 2016" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016 "Fuck." ~ Rlowe, 2017 " thread..." ~ Rlowe, 2017 |
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" The context I was referring to (also don't think I didn't see that edit in the quote you jerk! lol) is when you're on the team that has taken advantage and you're on our side of the map. I'll spawn and get lacerated right away. I was just saying traps aren't the only spawn killers in 3v3. Everyone does it when they get the chance, understandably so. Also @everyone else; I'm satisfied with the results on my fire baller so I've discontinued my bear trapper. Should make some people happy. Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708 1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 Last edited by Simplesim45#4104 on Sep 4, 2016, 8:35:02 PM
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I would argue that the context here is that as a sapper who bumrushes the flag and suicide bombs ranged dps, what you percieve as spawn killing is from my perspective keeping the path open for others. As a general rule I can only return the flag if the only characters between me and my flag are defence. If I notice you pop up on map it's more sensible for my team that we both die and someone else runs flag then I grab the flag and get beartrapped while your in our base stealing our flag. I suppose the whole things null with you retiring him, but might as well put this out here for people who don't like it when I reprioritise killing them over flag nabbing, there is a slight difference between spawning on unvoidable death and being fast and suicidal in you approach to pvp.
"That's nice cupcake" ~ Rlowe, 1984 - RIP in pieces, least we 4get
"""Everyone is an asshole and I'm awesome" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016" ~ philophil, 2016" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016 "Fuck." ~ Rlowe, 2017 " thread..." ~ Rlowe, 2017 |
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The bottom line is that most of you fuckers want to dominate and have that one OP toon in the sarn arena, not to mention 1 v 1 pvp. Vhlad, you of all ppl have abused mechanics for the longest time. I have too (btw i retired my EA scion). We all want to dominate. I'm guilty of it. We all are. It's in our blood. If not, we would still be playing our melee reave, cyclone, crit arc or other build that is shit for pvp nowadays. But losing will do that to a lot of people. Fuck, if you are Alpha, you hate losing at anything! And losing to some nerd on a computer screen is only worse! Admit it! Only Rlowe, MullaX, Ahfack (screw your vortex! Now nerfed), Shin, Head High, Rupe (because you were the pioneer on LA), Dream (smartest fucker on POE), the fucking "mang" AmazonPrime aka Castablanca and and a handful of other can truly say they "play" pvp how the game was intended (sorry EU legends like Lib, Markuz and others, we don't play much together). You may say, "fuck Shin! He abuses the Pathfinder build." Really? Did any of you assholes even dream of it before he put it in the sarn arena? P.S. I used to laugh at Shin while he was developing his skills and game plan in the arena. Who's laughing now?
So, I abused skills like the rest of the general public. I'm not proud of it. I would like to think if I didn't have three kids and a full time job, I could formulate some decent pvp toon, melee or otherwise (not really, I drink too much). But until then, I have to search the forums for advice on how to better my toon. But don't get me wrong, I am an abuser by nature, because it is the easy path. A path a majority of us are guilty of. Anyway, fuck all of you. Just kidding. I love ALL of you fuckers. Cheers from Hawaii (yeah, that Hawaii), Snazzy |
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Would you say it's a path of............exile? Roflcopter
You're the man snazzy. Stay cool. And yes my vortex guy was a dirty, dirty, scumbag. 🎆🎆
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 |
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