[3.7] SC/HC - ED/Blight Trickster - Up to 10k eHP, Layered Defense, 3m DPS

This is more of a general question. I've got a level 20 ED gem with 20% quality. Would it be better to use a level 21 corrupted ED gem instead, and just relevel my 20/20 ED gem until its 21/20? Or am I confused how the gem mechanic works?
20% quality on ED gives 20% increased chaos damage. This is additive to the rest of the total increased damage of the character including gear and passives. A level 21 gem is around 10% more flat damage that all your other increased and more modifiers scale from. A 21/0 is vastly superior to a 20/20, and the 21/20 is just a bonus.
Enjoying the build so far and like your video downing uber elder. Just wondering, at the end of the video you mentioned that it was not a fun fight as ED contagion. What other builds have you guys played that you recommend for uber elder farming.

Ascendant Slayer/Raider Blade Flurry. Leveling mine now, and it is disgusting.
What do you guys think of skittering runes? Is it worth putting points into?
@Gussboy, yeah, that's the build I am currently doing uber elder on.

@CapedBaldyyy, that depends on what you feel is the major weakness of the character. If you struggle with map mobs being too fast, you should consider it. If it is for bossing purposes, there are better alternatives for us. Map bosses have 60% less curse effect. Shaper/Elder has 80%, making your curses next to useless.
Hello, i'm new to ED build and after a couple of hours i've this set up standing at lvl 89.

I feel like i have not enough dmg to do elder maps ez so how can i upgrade that plz ? Thanks for the help :D
You are using Allelopathy without a proper Blight setup. You should fit Controlled Destruction + Efficacy + Void Manipulation + Swift Affliction into the gloves and use Blight as your main single target ability, since its single target damage is a lot superior when compared to the Essence Drain one.
Just started the game like a month ago and wound up swapping my build to this guide. Now that I'm trying out an alt I understand why you have that disclaimer section in your OP stating that this isn't a BS guide. I'm finding tons of them looking for something I can do with my templar. This build guide has helped take me from 100% clueless noob to killing shaper in about 2 weeks. Thank you thank you thank you. All the friends I play with have been conned into those BAJILLION DPS FOR FREE clickbait guides.

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