Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

Kastmar wrote:
zoolanderrr wrote:
Kastmar wrote:
You know GGG you can nerf all game to oblivion. It's your game. I will deal with it. But what you CANNOT DO, is to force me to play your game or spend a dime on this fucking nerfing game. You nerf the game every couple months. Why you introduce some mechanic and unique items? Just to nerf it because lot of players using it? You have no developer team to PREDICT the mechanics and new stuff? So you need to nerfit after couple months when actually players show you what you did wrong? Shame on you for it. You nerfing my character EVERY couple months and I'm sick and tire to make always new one. So you can have your game. I will see how my character will work. If not bye, bye.

i really dont think its worth quiting over man game is fun, and itll still be fun, but i too am sad about some of the nerfs i really loved mjolner builds and aspired to them in every league, makes me sad that their gone now.

You know the game was fun at the beginning. When I had nothing to loose. But after playing a years and nerfing all my characters, the fun is gone and I'm sick and tired to make always another character which WILL BE NERFED AGAIN.!!! Never ending nerfing wheel. And that's not fun. Game is soooo unstable now that is almost beyond playable.

i enjoy making new characters and problem solving im super sad my favorite build "rf mjolner" is no longer end game viable, but now my wheels are turning on what to make next!
Pandamownium wrote:
I look down on the statement "You shouldn't be able to faceroll."

I'm upset that I'm no longer among the strongest. I feel like I put in the time to be at the top of the heap, and it wasn't necessary to push me so far back down...

I wish that they had made new builds as good as CoC, instead of making CoC worse. I feel that the gear cost was appropriate for the power.

Gear is always more or less appropriate to power, it's simple supply / demand situation.

Yes it was necessary to push you back down, quite simply people who used overpowered builds belonged to where they shouldn't.

I play online games for nearly 20 years and still can't get used to people crying about nerfs, is it really so hard for some people to adapt ?
Very nice.
Cannot wait
Matlock0 wrote:
So a 63% buff to BV in all content except maybe Uber Atziri? Nobody ran 30+ stacks while mapping anyway so this is an insane buff to the skill overall.

Absolutely agree. Also you can skip massive cast speed stack to increase even more the damage.

In another hand, failed to see Lightning Tendrils buff in skill balance section, they even forgot it in the channeled skills section...
my favorite posts so far for those of you late to join

c0debr3ak wrote:
10/10 in the CoC nerf and all the other nerf too.

This time in with you, you got 2 big balls!!

I totaly agree the Mjölner nerf was totaly unjustified the rest is kinda what happens when GGG wants to change the META I mean come on CoC was the King for soooo long let's try something NEW.

Oh and for the 100ex build whiner you guys remember Shatter Chuck (the 1000ex build) that got totaly destroyed.

p0t wrote:
holy cow

kellogz87 wrote:
I played alot of CoC builds, and after reading these patch notes im more upset about the Zana voice :'(

R.I.P - Legacy Zana Voice - 02/09/2016

Czerpakistan wrote:
so because your 1 shot,faceroll,click one button and drool on your keyboard builds got brought down to a standard perspective that actually requires SKILL your gonna quit the game lol This game was never intended to be easy, it was intended to be a skill based counter to diablo's facerolly garbage.

The_Reporter wrote:
Now there's going to be a bunch of angry nerds running around without their cocs!

garliccannon wrote:
Lol look at all these salty ass coc boys

Czerpakistan wrote:
Kastmar wrote:
Czerpakistan wrote:
so because your 1 shot,faceroll,click one button and drool on your keyboard builds got brought down to a standard perspective that actually requires SKILL your gonna quit the game lol This game was never intended to be easy, it was intended to be a skill based counter to diablo's facerolly garbage.

You know how much time I spend creating this 1 shot(actually far away from it) build? Over a Year every day of playing hours. To save 100+ ex. Not the ex I'm worry about. I'm pissed of that I wasted TIME!! and effort to make OP build which I created myself. I will never get time back.

If it took you over a year to make 100ex, your doing something wrong. you can easily make a few ex a day just doing chaos recipes a few hours a day on a magic find build.

it's a game mate, all games are is a hobby to waste time lol quit crying, start over like everyone else.

its just a GAME lol

VarthDaver wrote:
So every OP skill I was planning to use 'adjusted.' Love to see the performance and diversity changes, even though it hurts at times.

Saranghaeyo_ wrote:



D4wdl wrote:
k im ready

crystalwitch wrote:
It puzzles me that some people have still failed to realise that this game is continually developing and changing how things work.

eragon1111 wrote:
Kastmar wrote:
Variability of game is gone. Now is everything about archers. But I don't like playing them. So what are my options? Quit the game.

Coc was gutted, eq was SLIGHTLY nerfed = nothing else is playable beside archers ? Lol at you..

Like archers were EVER the best t1 build in poe.

Ailuue wrote:
I teach Kindergarten and see/hear less crying than this.

Grow the fuck up people. GGG wants to give people a challenge, and make a game they feel is enjoyable, rewarding, and REFRESHING to play. There is one downside to ARPGs, which is monotony. To combat this, they shake up the meta, and try to add challenge.

Jerle wrote:
Wow! Came earlier than I thought!

AssasinCreed wrote:
Now you got my support ;P Finally we can play the game !

vtsRunty wrote:
everything rekt, cadiro is back, NO WERBENDS ZANA AHHHHHHH

Neph00 wrote:
As always I'm impressed and very excited. I wonder if they read this far in. Anyways, thanks for the awesome game and constantly providing us with stellar content. GG, GGG.

ShowUs wrote:
All these nerf's.

I'm so happy atm.

Thank you so much for listening to the community GGG.

God Bless.

The_Risen wrote:
Well done you crazy old mans.

sauldosanjos wrote:
Great patch GGG! loved it!

Qiox wrote:

Pretty sure the 2 main categories of loyal players would be:
- people who buy supporter packs
- people who roll with the changes and keep on playing

Tereng wrote:
So, in all the forums and streamer videos people were crying:

- COC is broken and laggy (more discharge per second)
- voidheart is OP
- ROTC is insanely crazy

nerf! nerf! nerf!!!

Now, GGG nerfed it (which I totally support), people are crying why nerfed!!!

LOL, guess you can never make everyone happy, so it's better to make the right ones happy :)

Well done GGG, good balancing, also thanks for trying to bring some less used skills up to the bar, will have to try and see how good they are now.

deMoxE wrote:
Crying that company betrayed you because CoC got nerfed, I mean really? They are balancing things out so everything is playable instead of CoC spam-shit. But some people would better keep their spam shit and cast 50 more spells in second than fucking gandalf just so their 100ex build can do 10 times more damage.

If GGG would listen only to whiners the game would turn into BS like diablo series brainless button smashing for human bots.

Don't listen to this sad people and keep balancing the gameplay you did very good job nerfing CoC and frostwall. At least you got the balls to do the right thing and brains to know what the right thing is. I'm amazed.

ihasmario wrote:
Best patch notes in ages, except for the Zana change.

GG GGG. Keep up the controversy. This game is legendary. Now if i could only sort out these MTX tabs...

GitGud, GitNerfed, Repeat.
Last edited by southsidepopper#1989 on Aug 31, 2016, 6:27:53 PM
I'll be the first to admit that game design isn't my area of expertise and I don't know what is possible and what isn't but when it came to the 'solution' to fixing CoC builds it seems like GGG took the lazy/easy option and ruined the build. No I don't care if they nerfed the damage of CoC builds or even so much about the cooldown because that's not what killed the build for me. It was how awesome it looked and how awesome it felt to play.

Why couldn't GGG have left us the option to have multiple skills chained after CoC but added a condition to gems used AFTER the first chosen skill to have a reasonable decreased amount of damage?

One thing I can safely say is YES, it would be a load of work for GGG and I would NOT be the one wanting to recode the game to make this happen, that I know but what I don't know is if that kind of condition on a skill gem is even possible.

Regardless, it's a waste of effort posting this as what is done is done however if it is a possibility I'd love to see it hopefully implemented eventually into the game because yeah, I'm fairly new and didn't even get to scratch the surface of CoC but I had such an awesome game play experience and so much fun trying it out.
Pomerania wrote:
Matlock0 wrote:
So a 63% buff to BV in all content except maybe Uber Atziri? Nobody ran 30+ stacks while mapping anyway so this is an insane buff to the skill overall.

Absolutely agree. Also you can skip massive cast speed stack to increase even more the damage.

In another hand, failed to see Lightning Tendrils buff in skill balance section, they even forgot it in the channeled skills section...

we all know blade vortex just wasnt strong enough
sagiterios wrote:
i play 5 builds. a CoC, a RF mjolner, a frost wall kinetic blaster, a spark inquisitor and a SRS witch.


I was truly looking forward to this expansion. I was preparing and planning for weeks. I even bought a supporter pack (with my extremely limited funds) because i believed in this company. and now i feel betrayed. I am not excited, i am not hopeful, i wish i could have my money back because i have lost faith in the decisions of this company.

Each major patch brings nerfs. So.... time to research and play 6th build :) Some meta builds got ruined? Meh, fck it, go get a new one, for sure there will be again some OP builds.
HOLY SHITSSTORM / very nice and accurate hits with the nerfbat. sweeeeeet. so i can look forward to a league without 4 dischargers in a party making it impossible for me to take 2 steps from the portal..

Voidheart nerf. sad but needed.

What i like about these patch notes is that much (not all) of the meta goes down the toilet so people will have to rethink their plans.
deMoxE wrote:
Pandamownium wrote:
I look down on the statement "You shouldn't be able to faceroll."

I'm upset that I'm no longer among the strongest. I feel like I put in the time to be at the top of the heap, and it wasn't necessary to push me so far back down...

I wish that they had made new builds as good as CoC, instead of making CoC worse. I feel that the gear cost was appropriate for the power.

Gear is always more or less appropriate to power, it's simple supply / demand situation.

Yes it was necessary to push you back down, quite simply people who used overpowered builds belonged to where they shouldn't.

I play online games for nearly 20 years and still can't get used to people crying about nerfs, is it really so hard for some people to adapt ?

OMG when you people finally realize that is NOT ABOUT NERFS. IT ABOUT LOST OF TIME WHAT WE PUT TO THESE CHARACTERS. It's hundred of hours to farming and saving currency to make those build. And this time is wasted now. That's what piss me off. Lost of TIME!!!!!!!!!! They changing game rules AVERY FUCKING COUPLE MONTHS. Instability of this game is what this game is killing. You cannot focus to make characters, because it WILL BE NERFED.

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