Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

My planned build received a few buffs :)
Already I posted this in the other thread, seems more appropriate to be here:

sarannah101 wrote:
Good patch notes, I do have a few things though:

-Cast on critical strike shouldn't have been nerfed like this(one spell and 500ms cooldown)! This destroyed the entire cast on crit gem for every spell linked to it, instead of only the overpowered ones like bladefall and discharge. Cast on crit was a new neverbefore seen ARPG mechanic, and players loved it. May I suggest a better fix. Please revert the cast on crit changes, and instead let individual spells do less damage(based on how overpowered they were) when linked with cast on crit. This will allow you to keep cast on crit intact, but to nerf cast on crit damage on a per spell basis.

-You say alot of new base items have been added, I believe it is even a challenge to find their rare versions... where can these drop(which map tiers)?

-You can now have 4 or 7 forsaken masters in the hide-out. Does this mean we can also do more daily missions per day now, due to having more masters in the hideout?

Awesome expansion, cannot wait to play!
The changes - so called 'its a buff' - to melee skills are more like a joke. Adding pure damage to skills no one used will change nothing at all. All you did is taking away defence while stating it will 'be enough' anyway (jugg nerf). It will be interesting to see where this ends. Surely not in more melee builds diversity.

wesleygjr wrote:
crystalwitch wrote:
wesleygjr wrote:
The funny thing is that Kinetic Blast was released 3 years ago, nothing changed since then. The mechanism of Frost Walls has been always there for many years. So where is GGG over the last 3 years? What is different now? more build threads of KB?

I was wondering the exact same thing about Voltaxic and chaos conversion.
Never knew why it suddenly became so popular.

The only conclusion I can get is that the imbalance is not actually a problem to GGG, but the popularity matters.
So, to GGG, checking the threads on forum is the only method for balancing skills.

Sooooo TRUE!!!
Not sure if I want to build a rofl-copter as a sweeper or again with a blade vortex.

CoC is dead! YES! screw you cocmasters.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
Whenever you like these patch notes, you are elite players
Whenever you don't like these patch notes, you are noob players

That's what I feel after I read through all comments til now.

Wow, really well done everywhere. Smart buffs and nerfs.

Grats GGG you guys did an amazing job this cycle. ^^
Last edited by GeorgAnatoly#4189 on Aug 31, 2016, 12:21:49 AM
i find it bad to create 2 strong legacy items with voidheart and reach - ggg writes in one line that those uniques are too strong and in the other line they keep them in SC. Well, u can say that SC is really unbalanced anyways, but it wont get better this way.
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
as usual, what gives a fun the most is broken

why they f@ck*% nerf great skills and builds and then give another??

Its not fair that i cant choose, what i want to play.
I look down on the statement "You shouldn't be able to faceroll."

Let's pretend GGG officially took your stance on the topic, and they said:
"The game is a challenge, but not only that. Regardless of how long players grind and perfect their build, we do not want them to progress to a point that they can EASILY engage all of the content in the game. It must always be a challenge regardless of the player's power."

Do you think that would go over ok? Do you think there won't be anymore faceroll builds, or do you plan on hating new faceroll builds too? Do you also hate mirrored gear?

I'm upset that I'm no longer among the strongest. I feel like I put in the time to be at the top of the heap, and it wasn't necessary to push me so far back down...

I wish that they had made new builds as good as CoC, instead of making CoC worse. I feel that the gear cost was appropriate for the power.
Kastmar wrote:
wesleygjr wrote:
crystalwitch wrote:
I was wondering the exact same thing about Voltaxic and chaos conversion.
Never knew why it suddenly became so popular.

The only conclusion I can get is that the imbalance is not actually a problem to GGG, but the popularity matters.
So, to GGG, checking the threads on forum is the only method for balancing skills.

Sooooo TRUE!!!

But that's the thing that puzzles me, because GGG even released the Arcane Archer Build of the Week highlighting the Voltaxic Rift bow and it still didn't become popular until months later.
Maybe Neversink was right about the poison buff and leech nodes.
"Let those with infinite free time pave the road with their corpses." - reboticon

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