The state of PvP in PoE
The funny thing is that without the current best skills which all have to do with secondary damage or a broken T-value, there is actually not enough damage in this game.
If the broken shit gets "fixed", you can make a nearly immortal char with 50 passive points. The damage kind of needs to go up when they fix the things that are out of line at the moment. If they dont increase the damage and just fix the "bugged" gems, pvp in poe would be in a rather horrible state because no one would simply die. Not many realise this but even the current situation of extreme damage is better and more skill-based than the situation that follows after a nerf to the current viable (broken?) skills. I find it kind of funny that people think it would be the other way around. The current "balance" has it's good and bad aspects. The amount of viable skills is really really low at the moment, but the game play often actually is lot of about who gets the first hit in. In a mirror match, even guys with shit gear can kill a fully mirrored opponent. On the other hand, the situation where there is not enough damage means the guy with the better gear wins after both hold down their mouse1 for 10-30 seconds. tl:dr skills that are out of line (the current viable skills) need to be fixed but at the same time the general damage of nearly all skills has to go up (would be an easy tweak in the pvp formula) |
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i agree.
<irony> but i see that you have written all that because of your jealousy towards rise of the mulla. you dont have your 600 crit multi anymore and you whine ha? get shrekt. </irony> "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Aug 30, 2016, 4:16:06 AM
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new pvp T modifier update is coming according to the chris mashed up patch notes. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
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Simplesim, I also pretty much only play casters, but I don't see spell's position that bad at all. If you look at yesterday's ctf matches the only attack based build was amazon iirc. Just from my point melee diversity seems even wrose than spells, and bow skills are all pretty much viable, but still spells are pretty popular and easy to get into cheap. It might be the feeling that our bis gear doesnt make much of a difference in this meta, or doesn't compare as good with bis bow gear builds.
Lapiz, I agree that the current meta has good aspects, but I don't think the general damage of skills should go up, as I also don't see a too hard nerf to the problematic skills coming, or not all of them. We already have a counter to regen, so the only problematic defense mechanics left are Aegis and Zerphi, and if those also get nerfed the balance will feel fine imo. Dedicated tanks will lose the ability of dealing decent damage without investment if the broken skills get fixed, and well-rounded builds will still have ways to cheese around strong defences. IGN: Márkusz My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on Aug 30, 2016, 6:28:29 AM
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" This pretty much. There is not much sense to do anything else besides aegis and zerphi chars if they dont get nerfed in pvp somehow (if the damage of all skills will be on par with each other that is) But even now you don't need an aegis or zerphi to stay alive forever vs most. All you need is a pathfinder with avenger life/mana flasks, mind over matter and high block combined with high dodge. It really is easy to make your char super tanky vs someone who can be dodged/blocked. Pathfinder is the main reason this is possible really and is very much on par with aegis and zerphi when it comes to impenetrable defenses. Last edited by lapiz#7973 on Aug 30, 2016, 7:05:40 AM
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" Navali is new PvP master instead of Leo, coz everyone dislike Leo, so now we'll have a purple woman with 100% legitimate prophecies "You'll get oneshot from offscreen 5 times in 30 seconds" "Five for One, But Who is The One" Problem: impostor syndrome Solution: nerf everything Result: depressing mess Last edited by a_z0_9#4860 on Aug 30, 2016, 10:01:41 AM
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I agree with the general idea of lapiz's post. Personally I think regen is a big culprit in making people unkillable. In diablo 2, regen was essentially non existent. So while you didn't die instantly, you didn't survive forever either. Getting caught in a bad spot/position would get you killed.
If the viable skills were you get fixed, the solutions would be to either nerf regen/flask use in pvp or block...or like lapiz said, rebalance the damage, but the latter can be easily abused. @Markus: I don't disagree that melee has a rather limited amount of viable skills. However, when it comes to spells, there isn't much wiggle room to make builds either. Firestorm, flameblast, vortex, icestorm, blade vortex can be used primarily because of their super high damage or great area control or a mix of both. But I just don't see someone miraculously making arctic breath viable, or tendrils, or even skills that used to be good like incinerate. Spark was gutted, incinerate was gutted, storm call just doesnt have the damage and gets wrecked by block. Magma orb gets wrecked by block. Most spells get fucked by block really. Firebitch sat in my full dps + block pen magma orb last night for a whole minute. Killara can do the same, queen, anomaly, the list goes on. Obviously this doesnt only affect magma orb only. Each of these people dies to one bear trap tho. I hate this. I played some CTF last night and felt compelled to play bear trap because we had like 3 guys that barely died to anything. Walking through 3 dps with a flag on their back at like 2 km/h and not dying. Thing is, bear trap is broken as shit. So it drives some players away like Myga or ahfack and it bums me out. I really really want to play casters, but I also don't want to play something someone has already mastered. Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847 |
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" Unfortunately, it's next to impossible to compete with "unique" builds when most people have already min/maxed the broken ones. Although every once in awhile, someone discovers a hidden build that is somewhat viable. Those are always nice to see. I'm personally getting sick of the new meta of adding vortex to any build these days, including bow builds. I'll often die to their vortex cwdt, rather than their max dps primary skill. Ridiculous. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Aug 30, 2016, 10:09:10 AM
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I agree that how broken some skills like Bear trap are, but I don't see block that much of a problem in itself. I checked your profile, and you don't have BCR on any of your weapons, which would be the most important stat on weapon against blockers you mentioned, especially that you are dual wielding. That's 49% vs 26% block on the opponent if they capped originally, which is very significant.
The more problematic defense is spell dodge, which can be stacked more easily than block for non-pathfinders, and it is permanent opposed with Rumis, while only viable for life based builds, it's effect can be only reduced by around 30% by the support gem. Also the people you mentioned are using aegis iirc, which is a more problematic layer than block in itself, where that item should be adjusted first, and not skills that get countered by it. IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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