The state of PvP in PoE

Head_Less wrote:
MullaXul wrote:

Poe Pking

Fucken awesome right?

Ya I know, it's fucken super gay, shitty and the nerd in the video just adds insult to injury.

Why are you guys complaining so much about this game but each extension buy supporter packs?
Serious question, because PVP suck balls but pve is also fucking boring so why?

Well I am sure mulla you can look like a real pimp with those capes, Just make a necro and specter those tities monsters, make them dance around you in sarn arena.

I don't hate the game, that's why I support a PvM game. PvP is an absolute joke partly GGG's fault and partly the players fault.

If you're abusing Scolds/Zerphi's,Worms,lag etc... then you're basically a p.o.s or troll

GGG can't be expected to keep up with all the trash, because they have other areas to focus on and primarily they cater to casuals and PvM content. Which you can't fault them for because casual players and mtx sales are what keeps this game a float.

If I was a GGG employee with literally no clue about PvP, id enter Sarn or observe some 1v1's/3v3's and just laugh my ass off and go..."ya fuck that, not even going to attempt to fix this". When you see a bunch of tards just running around mashing 12345 with worms, scolds or zerphi's you can't help but laugh because its sooooooooo fuuuuuuuucking stupid. As for the rest of the game balance, few legitimate t value implementations and a better algorithm that actually scales numbers back based on how the game is played...i.e multi projectiles/aoe overlap instead of just effecting players using single attacks without secondary damage. This game needs a legitimate revision in regards to ranged options versus melee options instead of just making everyone ranged+secondary damage. With that said it seems to go full circle back to the casuals and mtx...what do casuals want? They want to feel like they own at almost all times and this game does that for the majority willing to play to the stupidity. The people wanting to play a different way are the minority and aren't a concern.

I've been playing this game since its beta and anyone else who has knows where we are now is nothing new. This game has been this way from the beginning. Substitute any "meta inverted dick build" today, with RF LL EK Tempest shield caster or similar of the past. They thought they owned hard too even though they sucked nads and it was just the game carrying them.

My initial post was just how stupid the "pking" is in this game, its laughably bad. As our only option to actually grief people in a game that's supposed to be soooooo fucken hardcore and dark, add the nerd streamer for added effect of gayness and it just makes anyone who's pk'd in the past...well laugh.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Nov 26, 2016, 12:56:06 PM

My initial post was just how stupid the "pking" is in this game, its laughably bad. As our only option to actually grief people in a game that's supposed to be soooooo fucken hardcore and dark, add the nerd streamer for added effect of gayness and it just makes anyone who's pk'd in the past...well laugh.

Even in beta there was a thing called Cutthroat I remind you Sir LowLvlNoob.

LowLevelNoob: thankz 4 hostin baalz i can almost were p crown!!1
MyPkerSorc: No problem.
LowLevelNoob: most runs i join sum nuob trys to pk me lol
MyPkerSorc: I hate pkers.
LowLevelNoob: me 2
MyPkerSorc: What is your name?
MyPkerSorc has expressed hostility towards you.
MyPkerSorc has left your party.
LowLevelNoob was slain by MyPkerSorc
MyPkerSorc: LowLevelNoob was owned.
MyPkerSorc: Back to level one! LOL
LowLevelNoob: ...
LowLevelNoob (*IHatePkers) has left our world. Diablo's minions weaken.

The people wanting to play a different way are the minority and aren't a concern.

Because this minority are stashing ears on their inventory.
What? Haha
IGN: MullaXul

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