Medallion, Event 6: OHAA Malachai Kill

Started 9 years ago at 2:00 pm, July 23rd 2016 GMT-04:00
Ended 9 years ago at 7:00 pm, July 23rd 2016 GMT-04:00


  • Hardcore:A character killed in Hardcore is moved to its parent league.
  • Solo:You may not party in this league.
League has ended


Export CSV
Rank Account Character Class Level Experience Time
1 SteelRace Scion 41 21024923 3h 10m 11s
2 LostInternetQQ Duelist 40 19269894 3h 16m 46s
3 RaceGuy Duelist 39 17514204 3h 19m 8s
4 OHAA_haHAA Ranger 43 26091661 3h 25m 49s
5 Numbfrost_volatileonehi Ranger 42 23559693 3h 25m 56s
6 bladevortex_ohaa_disp Shadow 43 27825616 3h 27m 14s
7 VolatileDevourersLUL Templar 41 22263209 3h 32m 4s
8 _WREX__ Witch 41 21865016 3h 41m 23s
9 asdaszxczxf Marauder 41 21157653 3h 46m 1s
10 wrberbetb Scion 41 21308699 3h 55m 8s
11 HereWeGooooooooooo Marauder 40 19286010 3h 57m 38s
12 Medallion_six Marauder 41 21244556 4h 1m 28s
13 JustNoRipperino Duelist 41 20840331 4h 5m 46s
14 StormuRace Shadow 42 25194339 4h 10m 57s
15 qwewwqeewqewqdsa Shadow 45 33735322 4h 12m 54s
16 SRBAA Shadow 41 21456275 4h 13m 18s
17 hglkajshfkajsbanfpingas Ranger 44 29321716 4h 19m 1s
18 BM_Slam_Jam Marauder 42 24486608 4h 22m 30s
19 BernardLeSansPus Marauder 41 21804554 4h 24m 41s
20 mlody_malachai Marauder 42 24263848 4h 30m 28s
Hey noob here. After dying numerous times I have managed to get into the Lioneye's Watch and continued. Despite those arctic clouds being so annoying, it didn't caused much harm. But when I was in the upper prison looking to the skill tree after leveling up, I just died without any enemy attacking me. I guess it was a cloud's doing I only saw one of them. I had full life with fair amount of life reg. I was just too frustrated to start again because of dying such in vain.
Last edited by Vaermina_#5513 on Jul 23, 2016, 5:58:08 PM
Few deaths, few disconnects, overcapped on cold resist but still dying in 3 sec :D Fun race non the less :D

drop off Malachai :D
Last edited by shashk0#0810 on Jul 23, 2016, 6:24:52 PM
First time that I didn't die to volatiles in hh race. Arctic was just annoying for the most part, until a4 where it became a real challenge in tight spaces and bossrooms, alright race overall except maybe a bit too long.


Crashed twice at Dominus, crashed twice at Daresso, crashed once in Dried Lake. The arctic clouds were really difficult to spot during the Dominus fight, the clouds clip with the floor and blend in with the color of the floor. Malachai was quite easy compared to the Harvest zone itself (had to logout several times when i got stuck in a cramped area with rare mobs and several arctic clouds.
I still had fun
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I've crashed a few times and gotten booted to login numerous times, yeah fun.
Openly admit I'm a noob at racing, but seriously, the arctic clouds made this race not only miserable but has kinda put me off trying more races in the future. I'm not moaning, just putting across my POV. FWIW I got past Brutus and then got smashed in lead-up to Act 2 lol.

Really enjoyed the 1-hour races earlier yesterday as they seemed to flow better and didn't take up a big chunk of time. Still had fun on this race, but not enough to try another 5-hour race with arctic clouds active!
TFW you start late and your /played is better than 1st overall :/
never again play a race with arctic
my english sux.
Last edited by C1111#0919 on Jul 23, 2016, 7:03:40 PM

Catmasterrace (Level 39) has died at position 50 of the ladder. (Daresso's Dream)

I like the Headhunter Race. Its good stuff. I also think its a great idea that you guys put in those cold degens to make it a bit harder because the buffs we get from the Headhunter Effect are very strong.
But I would like to see them tuned down a bit because I do not think it's fun in the bossfights if the cold degen areas pose a bigger threat than the boss himself.

When I was on Dominus' rooftop, the degen would drain so hard that even with a catalyzed colossal life flask I could not outpot it (cold resist capped). It drains about three or four times as hard as Dominus' chilling bond totems. I don't like to look at myself as a very skilled player and I am certainly not, but I played my fair share of PoE and I cannot imagine new players having an enjoyable experience in this race beyond act 2, which is sad, because the headhunter races are among the most fun themed races in the game and should be enjoyable for everyone.

The results after I died about 4h7m into the race showed that not even 20 people had completed the race at that point and I sincerely doubt that the top 20 class rankings will even be half filled by the end of the race.

TL;DR: I like it if you spice the game up and make it more challenging but these degens are plain bullshit and please rather buff the mobs or nerf our skills or survivability again. I want to be afraid of Dominus and Piety and all the other bosses and not afraid of unpredictable faceless OP clouds and fiddly movement mechanics. Especially the Headhunter race should be accessible and completeable within the set time frame of 5 hours to more people in my opinion.

PS. Chat improvements and still no timestamps? wow. Please soon, yea?!

Playing since Nov'14 just before Bloodlines/Torment release, livestream since 2018, hosting Fated Connections PoE Community Podcast with BalorMage. I look forward to providing a lot more quality content in the future to come :3
Someone knows if the arctic clouds deal flat cold degen (increasing with higher level) or does it deal % of life cold degen (also increasing with higher level) like traps in lab ?

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