<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: MrsGluten
Age: 22
Game experience: Been a gamer for a long time. Play primarily on PC now. Enjoy a wide variety of games (open to other games too if there is some interest in guild).
Reason for wanting to join: Ultimately this guild seems like a cool guild which caters to what i want out of a guild. (social, co-operative, fun!). I enjoy the community aspects of conversing and discussing and sharing in amusing and crushing moments and everyone pitching in to be more successful together. I also enjoy helping and being helped to overcome getting the league challenges cooperatively. Also keen to share maps/dailies etc.
Any additional information: I Have discord and like to use it!

Age: 26
Game experience: Since the abyssal season
Reason for wanting to join: to learn :)
IGN: Wreda
Age: 26
Game experience: 1677h in Poe.Playing since breach league
Reason for wanting to join: Im little bored, always solo playing. Little fun chatting with others would be lovely. Of course i dont mind in helping others or to ask for help for myself with challenges or anything.
Any additional information:Dunno.. I can talk(write) in english but i dont feel comfortable with speaking ;f maybe in futuer. Im a girl lel.
IGN: JollyAdventure
Age: 23
Game experience: Played since Abyss League
Reason for wanting to join: So lonely i-i
Any additional information: Would love to join your most excellent guild if you would have me.
IGN: NotThatBig
Age: 25
Game experience: Since the very first open beta (on/off), Very active in the past 4 leagues
Reason for wanting to join: LF for a fun group to hang out with and have fun. Will tip 5c
Any additional information: *insert witty/funny comment here*
Game experience: 197 hours
Reason for wanting to join:need a guild
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