<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: BetterLateThanNeverXX
Age: 24
Game experience: Have played since the first leagues, highest character level being 97
Reason for wanting to join: To play with others as solo can be boring
Game experience: Mostly just temp league not into hc
Reason for wanting to join:Playing solo is getting boring kinda fast..
Any additional information: playtime around 5-30h per week
Game experience:well i just started a month ago but my friend taught me how to play
Reason for wanting to join: well i just wanna play with groups yknow and share.
Any additional information: none
IGN: Eggarian (all my characters have similar names to make it easy for people to know its me)
Age: Over 30
Game experience: Started in 2014; use PoB to plan my characters.
Reason for wanting to join: I got into my current guild because I liked grouping with the GM and a the members. However, since joining the guild has become HC and I don't have the time/skill to be in HC and have to starting over when I die.
Any additional information: I don't have a Mic/Discord. Just looking to group to help get some achievement done and maybe have access to some low level map sharing: I think I still have 1 or 2 maps <T6 that I haven't done.

Edit: I am in North America and play on the DC server.
Last edited by Eggar on Jan 17, 2018, 8:57:04 AM

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