<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

im MMawsome123 and the reason of joining is beacause of trying to play poe with someone
Game Exp: Second league played a little during Crusible
Reason for Joining: I think it will be cool to play poe with people
Game experience:Crucible
Reason for wanting to join: looking for place to chill chat
Any additional information/comments: CA
IGN: LilToxi
Age: 32
Game experience: Beta
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a place to socialize and have fun with others
Any additional information/comments: Left previous guild as it was just irl friends but they pretty much don't play anymore :(
Last edited by Aretsue on Dec 10, 2023, 12:31:00 PM
Hello everyone

IGN: InsaneCOCuwu
Age: 30
Game experience: Crucible was the first and only league I ever played and I had a lot of fun. I'm new to this genre but spent a good amount of hours learning and searching stuff.
Reason for wanting to join: The guild I was part of has kinda died off and friends told me this is a great place to chill and learn some stuff here and there.
Any additional information/comments: Thanks for reading.

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