<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: dzftgn
Age: 27
Game experience: i've been playing since 2013
Reason for wanting to join: Need a guild to play with this league
Any additional information/comments: no
IGN: 'RighteousKoloss' most of the time. Sometimes 'Surveillance'
Age: 33
Game experience: 2nd league, caught the tail end of the Scourge League. Have yet to beat maven/shaper/
Reason for wanting to join: Would like a group I could get the opinions of on certain things, mostly crafts/item value. I also enjoy the social aspects of being in a guild, and it's less impersonal than global chat.
Any additional information/comments:
IGN: Mildmeta
Age: 40
Game experience:Playing POE since 2016
Reason for wanting to join: Current guild isn't as social as I would like. I am fairly casual, but do like to chat and some party play when I am on. I usually roll 1-3 chars per league, leveling to around 80+ then rerolling.
Any additional information/comments: I am in Canada on E.S.T. and play evenings
Game experience: Playing since talisman i belive with some pauses
Reason for wanting to join: sharing with other ppl as the game is kinda boring after a while when ur alone
Hello ! I'd like to join this interesting guild :)!

IGN: CovidContagionist (SC League)

Age: 28

Game experience: Since Open Beta, played for 2 years then stopped, started again 2 months ago and enjoying it so far :)! I understand most basic mechanics, item evaluation and build building is still something I need to improve upon.

Reason for wanting to join: As said before, I came back to this game 2 months ago without special expectations and I really like it to replace WoW or LoL :)! Now that I'm enjoying the game I'd like to enjoy a community to share good moments in the game, tips, successes. I also hope to strengthen my love for this game by playing with other players that will be part of my gameplay experience ;) !

Any additional information/comments:
I'm a casual player with an estimated playing frequency of 2 to 3(max) evenings a week, sometime big geeking weekends but I like to keep it this way to enjoy every minute of POE Grind :D!
Talked languages: French, English
IGN: Cool_spending
Age: 24
Game experience: Newbie
Reason for wanting to join: I'd like to join to have more exprerience.

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