<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

Game experience: 10+
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for good guild :)
Any additional information/comments : Thanks for an invite
IGN: Whiteknight_one
Age: 37
Game experience: 525 hours (at least according to steam)
Reason for wanting to join: Every character I make I can't seem to kill the Minotaur, that and since the nerfs this noob can use some help :)
Any additional information/comments : I just want to have some fun and I am on when I can

IGN: AestheticManOnDrug
Game experience: 3 years
Reason for wanting to join: Want a group to play with and maybe some experienced players to give advice. it is boring playing alone.
Age: 29
Game experience: 1.5 years, 1000+ hours
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for good, active guild with helpful and experienced members.

Edit: fixed IGN
Last edited by Ezio1501 on Aug 3, 2021, 2:53:36 PM
IGN:ilmerluzzo ( I think )
Game experience: 4/5 years, couple thousand hours
Reason for wanting to join: I've always played alone and wanted to try a new experience :D
IGN: InfiniteMana
Age: 30
Game experience: Played since tempest league, so 6ish years?
Reason for wanting to join: Bored of playing alone, looking to share my knowledge to people who want it and help out where I can, share crafts/goals etc. Just looking for a good community experience.

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