<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

Age: 20
Game experience: Just started 2 weeks ago
Reason for wanting to join: need some help in technical stuff and just a guild to join
Any additional information/comments : i usually play in singapore server
Game experience:214hrs
Reason for wanting to join:for to learn more about poe,have players to enjoy the game whit
Any additional information/comments :didnt reached end game yet :D
IGN: iheardspinwins
Age: 30
Game experience: I've been gaming for most of my life, ever since I got an N64. I've played almost every genre of game and usually find something to like. I most enjoy games that I can pursue challenging content and improve continuously, which is why PoE is such an awesome game for me.
Reason for wanting to join: I'd like to find a community to join that shares my drive and interests. I still have a lot to learn about the game and it would be great to both learn and be around other players who are passionate about progression and helping each other.
Any additional information/comments : I'm also available in discord at Redshift#8981. I hope to hear from you :)
Game experience:nov 2019
Reason for wanting to join:social,make friends talk with experienced players
Any additional information/comments :friendly fun person
IGN: Legosinwn
Age: 18
Game experience: Several years of experience (I know, hard to believe a 15 year old playing path of exile, but I swear its true, I have past leagues challenge MTX rewards!! and 3k hours clocked !!)
Reason for wanting to join: I took a 1+ year break from the game and looking for a fresh start in a new guild. I like to be helpful to everyone.
Any additional information/comments :
I play 4-5 hours per day due to the current situation.
Gameexperiance:played 1 years
Looking for:good peapoles we can play and farm together
playing 3-5 hours in day
Game experience:casual player on and off since 2018. Much more involved this league and wanting to settle into a guild to progress my knowledge and characters
Reason for wanting to join:Solo play is fine but group play and being part of something is so much better
Any additional information/comments :Have been an online player in all sorts since year 2000. Used to run a clan in TFC and TF2. Love the multiplayer aspect of everything as it brings together ALL walks of life and churns out very interesting combinations..much like POE.
Looking to expand my limited knowledge

Taken 2 characters to 90+ this league

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