Mechanical Questions Thread
Good afternoon first of all.
I have a question I'd like to make regarding how the imbued "onslaught" on items synergizes with the ascension of raider " quartz infusion" and avatar of the veil. First things first, when I equip the boots with imbued " onslaught" I don't get the buff on the top, and having another way that gets "onslaught" on kill for x seconds doesn't double onslaught which makes perfect sense but I think this should be reviewed due to the fact that it can gives the players some doubts and could cause people to not be sure if onslaught effect is active or not. Second of all, if I understand correctly, "quartz infusion" says: you have phasing during onslaught. Since I have permanent onslaught,I think that means I have permanent phasing. Does this mechanics synergy mean I always have permanent added 10% to dodge spells, imunnity to ailments ( Ignite, chill, freeze, shock, scorch, brittle, sap, bleed, poison and ignite) and the increased movement speed? Thank you so much for your time, keep up the great work GGG, game has been amazing since it started and has been getting better and better. ( On a final note, I'm posting this again, I had posted it on the other forum but I'm not sure where is the proper one to post this question) Best regards |
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hi dear. GGG.
Terminus Est, from the "frenzy charge" = Is that the same thing you get from gem? (frenzy skill gem) I can't abandon Terminus. I'd like to use another sword. I need frenzy charge. Is it possible if I use Skill Gem? Best regards |
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The point of my question is if I can get frenzy charge when I hit the enemy with frenzy skill gems.
more.. I realized. frenzy gem is not support gem TT Last edited by sasueki#0510 on Jul 1, 2019, 11:01:15 AM
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Добрый день!
У меня есть вопрос по поводу новый самоцветов. Есть два ключевых поинта на древе талантов. Которые конвертируют получаемый урон от стихий в урон хаоса на 50%. Почему когда беру второй такой же поинт, Он не работает вообще. Максимальное сопротивление хаоса 85%. И не поднимается до 90% (как написано на самом поинте (максимум не может превышать 90%)) Следовательно получаемый урон от стихий так же не конвертируется до 100%. Translated google: I have a question about the new gems. There are two key points on the talent tree. Which convert the damage taken from the elements to chaos damage by 50%. Why when I take the second such point, It does not work at all. The maximum chaos resistance is 85%. And it does not rise to 90% (as written on the point itself (the maximum can not exceed 90%)) Therefore, the damage received from the elements is also not converted to 100%. ![]() Чувствуешь запах? Это костры Инквизиции. Я люблю запах костров поутру. Однажды мы сжигали одну ведьму двенадцать часов подряд. И когда всё закончилось, я подошел к столбу. Там уже ничего не было, даже ни одной частицы плоти. Только запах костра! Это был запах святости!
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Hi. i have getting problem chanching Rawhide Boots to seven step league. as wiki states throug zana map device. that means perandus mod should be choosen right?!!!. i have done that around 15k times scour+ chance. i am pretty sure that this is now a bug.
this worked with headhunter leather belt chancing on nemesis mod choosen forom zana map device. can i jesus christ please get some information about this boots. because i have already searched criss cross forum and wikis. there is no clear info. This item was exclusive to the Perandus leagues. It is currently only obtainable by trading or through Zana's map device. edit. yes i tryed with trash to treasure aswell. on perandus mod choose from zana map device. nothing happened fk archnemesis. Last edited by SuperDrop#0420 on Jul 1, 2019, 8:14:16 AM
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" Yes, it's the same Frenzy Charge you get from Terminus Est. " Привет, Вы можете извлечь выгоду только из одного за раз. Это основное правило ключевых поинтов. В прошлом такая ситуация возникала только с уникальными предметами, поэтому о взаимодействии можно прочитать здесь: (Я также использовал Google Translate.) Need game info? Check out the Wiki at: Contact for account issues. Check out How to Report Bugs + Post Images at: Last edited by adghar#1824 on Jul 1, 2019, 10:18:53 AM
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Hello, I have a problem with leech on my character. It's a Slayer, that has the Endless Hunger Ascendancy along with 2 leech clusters (Vitality Void, Hematophagy) with 1.8% overall leech from any attack damage, and uses Vaal Pact. I use Dread Banner, Pride, Blood and Sand, Flesh and Stone auras + Blood Rage. The problem is, while clearing, my hp drops, but life leech isn't working all the time, sometimes, my hp jumps up a little, but in the end, i can never sustain life. Also, the transparent red indicator for leech shows up only for a brief moment, and disappers almost instantly. For bosses it happens only sometimes.
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"Onslaught is Onslaught, no matter where you get it from. If you have permanent Onslaught and Quartz Infusion, then you'll also have permanent Phasing. If you also have Avatar of the Veil, you'll also have all the benefits of that notable permanently. Note that AotV only protects from Elemental Ailments, not Poison or Bleeding. As for why you don't see the icon, I think the developers decided to leave it out to save space on the top of the screen in the case where you have the buff permanently. It's easy for all those icons to overrun their space if you have Headhunter or lots of minions, auras, flask effects etc., so I guess they wanted to reduce clutter a little bit and expect you to remember that you have the buff at all times. Personally I think that should be a configurable option, and that the top bar in general needs looking at in light of the current meta. "Frenzy Charges are Frenzy Charges, no matter where you get them from. If you can keep them topped off through the Frenzy skill, you don't need to use Terminus Est. Since they last at least 10 seconds, probably longer if you've been investing in passives, using the Frenzy skill occasionally should be easy enough. "This looks like it was already answered, but for the benefit of English speakers, Keystones never stack with themselves. Taking Divine Flesh a second time has no additional benefit. "This sounds like something we'd need to see your character in Path of Building to investigate. But since you didn't take Brutal Fervour, your life leech is being removed at full life and will take some time to build up instances again. You also mentioned Pride and Dread Banner. Impale is considered Reflected damage and doesn't count for leech, and Pride doesn't help with leeching since it modifies Damage Taken, while leech only cares about Damage Dealt. If those are a big part of your DPS, it's possible that your effective damage for life leech purposes isn't enough at 1.8% for sustain. |
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Hi Guys!
I'm again stuck with building an custom build and I'm confused on the interaction between some skills. I've tried it in path of building, but it didn't show any change to the damage. So now I don't know if it just doesn't work, or if I did something wrong. I am using totem SRS. This worked very well last season but now I wanna change it a bit. Can I get the SRS to scale with +chaos damage nodes? Adding chaos damage support or Decay Support didn't do anything in PoB. I wanted to boost the SRS damage by adding chaos damage and taking some chaos nodes. If I could get this to work I could change my beloved SRS-Totem build and add essence drain and cont, since SRS and ED/Cont all get bonus through - Minion Damage (Spiritual Aid) - Longer Duration Nodes - Necromancer Tree (spiritual node and offerings) The only question now is if I can add the chaos damage to the SRS damage, because I want to reduce travel nodes to a minimum. |
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" For augmenting minion stats, only modifiers that specifically say "to minions" work, or support gems linked to a minion gem. As such [+X chaos damage] does not work on minions, it would have to say [Minions deal +X chaos damage] for example Last edited by Topazhh#3275 on Jul 1, 2019, 1:17:57 PM
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