Mechanical Questions Thread

deleted - it is strange that i cant delete my own post... :(
Last edited by Staglaitor_#3917 on Oct 28, 2018, 5:33:02 PM
Hi i was wondering hopw to run haste and hatred at the same time? Like in this build/video.
Hello. I have a question about the order the calculations of Iron Reflexes and Formless Inferno/The Perfect Form happen.

If Iron Reflexes happen first, I'm assuming The Perfect Form Evasion rating multiplier (by the uncapped cold resist) don't happen since all my Evasion will be already converted to armour.

And if Iron Reflexes happen after, that mean the armour multiplier from Formless Inferno won't benefit from the armour gained by the Evasion Rating.

So, I'd like to know the order it happen so I can ponder to use (or not) those itens.
Last edited by Jeknar#2614 on Oct 29, 2018, 6:05:19 PM
FRUITarian wrote:
Hi i was wondering hopw to run haste and hatred at the same time? Like in this build/video.

Look for "reduced mana reserved" on the passive tree or items to have unreserved mana remaining after reserving two auras with a base reservation of 50%.

Check out this wiki page for details.

Jeknar wrote:
Hello. I have a question about the order the calculations of Iron Reflexes and Formless Inferno/The Perfect Form happen.

If Iron Reflexes happen first, I'm assuming The Perfect Form Evasion rating multiplier (by the uncapped cold resist) don't happen since all my Evasion will be already converted to armour.

And if Iron Reflexes happen after, that mean the armour multiplier from Formless Inferno won't benefit from the armour gained by the Evasion Rating.

So, I'd like to know the order it happen so I can ponder to use (or not) those itens.

Both increases apply additively to converted Evasion.

See the first formula under the point "Conversion Formulae" in the "Mechanics" section of the Iron Reflexes wiki page. The Perfect Form and The Formless Inferno respectively add global increased evasion rating and global increased armour. The only part that might not be intuitive is that modifiers to evasion rating and armour only apply to evasion once.
Might be jumping the gun here a little bit; my questions around the new ice spear changes and the duration to ‘arm.’ In the announcement post, it stated that this is based on the distance travelled (so I presume that projectile speed won’t affect this) but what about if you add chain into the mix? Currently you can chain ice spear (I believe) in its second form as the pierce occurs before arming. With this reversing, chain can still occur before the arming, but not after. With this in mind, does the distance to arm reset upon chain or will it just end up not fulfilling the additional chain(s) due to the set distance travelled? Or because an element of the skill has pierce , will chain not work at all?

Hi i have a question

I use both weapon setups and swap with X, like everyone else.

I have a problem however, when i carefully assign what the mouse bottens does:-(

The problem is that the game tries to help me, and fails badly.

Lets say I have scortching ray in a weapon and want it on left mouse.

When i swap i have default attack on mouse 1 in setup 2, now when i swap back, i have default attack on mouse 1 in booth setups. WTF where is my scortching ray?

I want to assign what my keys does and the 2 setups to have nothing to do with each other, i dont want the game "fix" my setups.

Plz remove the link between setups when swapping, i see this a a bug.
CoreOnCrack wrote:
When i swap i have default attack on mouse 1 in setup 2, now when i swap back, i have default attack on mouse 1 in booth setups. WTF where is my scortching ray?

It's very annoying when that happens, but here's a little band-aid tip for you:

Choose your LMB skill (Scorching Ray), switch to 2nd set, choose a skill from that set for LMB (even if you won't use it). Now the "placeholder" skill will stop the game from switching to default attack and messing up your setup.

- Self-proclaimed king of level 172 budget builds -
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hey there i got a question:
im playing ek(ethereal knives) right now and i was wondering how herald of ice explosions and the "shocked enemies you kill explode, dealing 10% of their maximum life as lightning damage wich cannot shock" from the chest "inpulsa's broken heart" interact together, since i only hear enemys shattering cause of my crit but never hear any corpses explode when i kill them. is the inpulsas worthless in that case since herald of ice happens first? would be cool if you could explain that to me.
How does the damage per endurance charge from unyielding works? Cause it doesn't seem to give the REAL 5% per charge. So how that DAMAGE scales with a skill?
Slaenesjh wrote:
Might be jumping the gun here a little bit; my questions around the new ice spear changes and the duration to ‘arm.’ In the announcement post, it stated that this is based on the distance travelled (so I presume that projectile speed won’t affect this) but what about if you add chain into the mix? Currently you can chain ice spear (I believe) in its second form as the pierce occurs before arming. With this reversing, chain can still occur before the arming, but not after. With this in mind, does the distance to arm reset upon chain or will it just end up not fulfilling the additional chain(s) due to the set distance travelled? Or because an element of the skill has pierce , will chain not work at all?

From the wiki article on Point Blank, which I believe is applicable to this situation:
Fork, pierce and chain
A projectile which pierces, chains or forks is still considered the same projectile, and its total travel distance is used.

The spears should arm at a specified distance travelled and shoot into their new directions if they forked or chained before then.

siMoK wrote:
hey there i got a question:
im playing ek(ethereal knives) right now and i was wondering how herald of ice explosions and the "shocked enemies you kill explode, dealing 10% of their maximum life as lightning damage wich cannot shock" from the chest "inpulsa's broken heart" interact together, since i only hear enemys shattering cause of my crit but never hear any corpses explode when i kill them. is the inpulsas worthless in that case since herald of ice happens first? would be cool if you could explain that to me.

As far as I know, on-death explosions should stack. It's possible that their visual or audio effects don't stack though. It might however also be possible that your enemies weren't shocked.

Other than that, the item is popularly used in builds that allow Herald of Ice to shock and its own explosions to freeze, creating chain reactions, so it's definitely not useless. You need to figure out whether it's useful for your build of course.

NarutoxKurama wrote:
How does the damage per endurance charge from unyielding works? Cause it doesn't seem to give the REAL 5% per charge. So how that DAMAGE scales with a skill?

It's normally additive with all other global applicable increases and reductions to the damage you deal.

Check out the wiki for more details. Such increases are listed as global modifiers in the third step of the damage calculation.

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