Mechanical Questions Thread

BGeezy wrote:
Just want to make sure of this I am fairly new. Can a target be frozen and have the bleed ailment at the same time?

Yes. Different ailments or status effects usually don't interfere with each other in any way.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on Mar 7, 2018, 8:42:03 PM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
BGeezy wrote:
Just want to make sure of this I am fairly new. Can a target be frozen and have the bleed ailment at the same time?

Yes. Different ailments or status effects usually don't interfere with each other in any way.

With the change a few patches ago to "Damage Taken when hit gained as Mana" to be over-time, and not instant, was it also changed to interact at all with Trickster's Patient Reaper "increased mana recovery rate"?
What is Mine arming speed? Is it delay between installing a mine and the possibility of exploding it? Is it time of my animation installs mines? Is Volatile mines node (detonating mine is instant) make Saboteur node Demolition specialist (100% arming speed) useless?
How's much base arming speed?
Is detonation mine spell totem affect node Demolition specialist? Pob says spell totem have castrate 7.3, that mean spell totem detonate my mines every ~0.14 - is this correct? Or it should be 0.14 + arming speed? Also, any proof that MY nodes affect on TOTEM nodes? Zero info about arming speed on wiki. Someone says its 1sec, someone says its 0.5sec by default, but its seems like less that 0.5s between click on skill and detonate icon.
Last edited by MrRedlook#6618 on Mar 8, 2018, 1:20:25 AM
Patch 3.2.0B, Herald of Ash works with Scorching ray...but does it also work with Righteous Fire?
For tectonic slam, according to the gem, it unleashes a fiery fissure, dealing damage "AND" releasing smaller fissures. Do the smaller fissures deal secondary damage, or just broaden the area affected by the single initial attack? If it's the former, there's no info about that damage anywhere, and I'd want to know if it can hit targets hit by the main fissure or not like Ice Crash. And then could multiple small fissures overlap and affect the same target with sufficient AoE? I have some vested interest for proccing additional ignites per second.

If there's no secondary damage source at all, it seems a fairly trivial mechanic, as the area covered by even a few fissures is adequate for clearing yard trash, and Increased AoE Support exists. In that case, I'd rather have a random number of fissures and keep my endurance charges (and might even be happy giving up on the more damage modifier to keep them, for that matter). Even if you have an endurance charge for every single hit, that's only half a support gem of added damage. Also, the two main ascendancies built to feed it then can't benefit from their passives that revolve around having those charges. I like the idea of these mechanics built around having to produce the charges, which is already a hoop to jump through. Then consuming them seems like a heavy-handed design choice.

All that said, it's nice to finally have an area melee attack option with fire conversion other than molten or convoluted phys/cold conversion setups.

qikink wrote:
With the change a few patches ago to "Damage Taken when hit gained as Mana" to be over-time, and not instant, was it also changed to interact at all with Trickster's Patient Reaper "increased mana recovery rate"?

"Recovery" is the sum of all over-time recovery, so yes, it works.

MrRedlook wrote:
What is Mine arming speed? Is it delay between installing a mine and the possibility of exploding it?[..]
How's much base arming speed?
Is detonation mine spell totem affect node Demolition specialist? Pob says spell totem have castrate 7.3, that mean spell totem detonate my mines every ~0.14 - is this correct? Or it should be 0.14 + arming speed?

Arming time is the span of time where the Mine is on the ground, but can not be detonated yet. It is unrelated to detonation speed; your Totem attempts to detonate Mines every 0.14 seconds.
I cannot find any information on Mine Arming time. Sorry.

Anvesi wrote:
Patch 3.2.0B, Herald of Ash works with Scorching ray...but does it also work with Righteous Fire?

Righteous Fire does not deal Spell Damage, so, no.

Norevo wrote:
For tectonic slam, according to the gem, it unleashes a fiery fissure, dealing damage "AND" releasing smaller fissures. Do the smaller fissures deal secondary damage, or just broaden the area affected by the single initial attack? If it's the former, there's no info about that damage anywhere,[..]

This alone tells you the answer. If it dealt some other amount of Damage, it would be stated as such.
Fissures just extend the natural area of effect. Nothing more, nothing less.
Was wondering if Painforges "Counter Attacks Deal Double Damage" applied to ailments such as bleed. The node doesnt state that the HIT itself deals double damage. So the way I assume it works is that the node just doubles the base % damage the skill itself does. In this case it would work great with bleed. Let me know if this is correct or wrong. Thank you for your time!
Wiki wrote:
Bleed deals physical damage over time. The amount is based on the base damage of the physical damage that caused it: 70% per second if the target is standing still (10% if an enemy monster applied it), If the target is moving it will take an additional +70% for a total of 140% per second if the target is moving.

So, if your counter-attack deals double damage, the Bleed inflicted will be doubled too.
It works the same way with Ignite, by the way : if your counter-attack inflicts fire damage, you can ignite the target, and the Ignite value will be calculated using the fire damage that you inflicted. So, double damage => double damage with ignite.
Last edited by Hyrtacus#0121 on Mar 9, 2018, 7:28:46 AM
Juggernaut's Unbreakable node has "1.5% of Total Physical Damage prevent from Hits in the past 10 seconds is Regenerated as Life per second". Presumably this looks at how much less damage you take due to "reduced physical damage taken" effects such as endurance changes.

How does this interact with sources of "increased physical damage taken" such as Abyssus?

For example, say you had 30% reduced and 40% increased physical damage taken. I'd guess these add up, so you technically don't "prevent" any damage and don't get the bonus regen, but is that true?
Last edited by FourForces#2908 on Mar 9, 2018, 6:04:04 PM

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