Mechanical Questions Thread

Hello Mark,

I would like to know how The Flow Untethered unique belt works in cases where the gated skill's cool down is an internal cool down - For example Cospri's Malice or Triggering CoC skills / CwC skills.

Does the 40% cool down affect theses times to make them proc faster as these are internal cool downs of the items / skill and not gated cool downs? Is there a difference between internal and gated?

question about " the taming"

According to the wiki, several ignites at once are possible and stay for 4 seconds. Only the strongest Ignite does dmg.

So lets say I have 5 Ignites on a mob do i get the "the Taming effect" 5 times or only once.
The Taming only counts active Ignites, so one bonus.
I want to like this skill, and use it to kite tough mobs, but it is still broken and it use is limited to a clunky 30% movement burst, and to safely trigger boxes (which are nice options to have, but not enough to justify it taking up a valuable gem socket).

Prior to 3.0, I could lay a smoke mine and right away teleport to a previously placed mine, while the newly placed mine was still arming, and without the new mine being triggered and consumed. It was a great mechanic to kite tough mobs, teleporting back and forth, and provided some utility to this rarely used movement skill.

At the start of 3.0 smoke mine was changed, a previously laid smoke mine would not detonate if a recently laid smoke mine was still arming. This effectively erased its ability to be used to efficiently kite tough mobs. This bug has since changed and now (Aug 28, 2017) when a smoke mine is laid, while it is still arming you can trigger a previously placed mine, but it also triggers the still arming mine too, causing you to teleport to the previously placed mine for a fraction of a second before teleporting you right back to the mine you just laid and the spot where you were trying to escape from.

Please fix it to its pre-3.0 behavior, where you could lay a mine, and trigger a previous mine while the one at your feet was still arming.

As a bonus, if you could also remove the line of sight requirement, that would be great.

Last edited by UllurTheElder#6146 on Aug 28, 2017, 1:12:04 PM
I'm not sure if this is the place to put this, but when I load the game it is completely glitched where I can only see menus and places. I can load it and log in but I won't see walls, players, or npc's. I have uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times. I have also uninstalled/reinstalled steam. I have "verified the game files" and none of it has worked. This only happened with the new update and only POE and not other games. Any suggestions?
Vipermagi wrote:
South_North wrote:
Does cyclone "cast" rolls one time for bleed or not, and if it rolls, does it apply bleed until that cast(action) has ended or it rolls change to bleed per hit it does while hitting enemies?
Usually i would go with simple logic that it applies per hit, but this is PoE after all.. :P

All on-Hit effects are rolled... on Hit. :P One roll per Hit you land.

Cyclone isn't very intuitive there, due to how it works with crit.

Speaking of crit, I'm absolutely confused by bear trap. On the one hand it counts as a spell for the sake of gruthkul's pelt, on the other hand it isn't affected by spell crit increases. Which is pretty weird. My question: Are both of these intended or is one of them a bug?
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Irimae wrote:
I'm Playing Guardian and with the Unwavering Faith node it says that Auras add 1% physical reduction and .2% Life Regen.
However I use two curses on Blasphemy which states that it turns Curses into Auras. However with this transition it does not add the bonuses from Unwavering Faith for the Blasphemy based curses. Is this intended even though Blasphemy states that it turns Curses into Auras?
It specifically says that the auras grant those bonuses to you and allies. Neither you nor your allies are affected by those curse auras, so they cannot grant stats to you. an aura has to affect you to give you stats.

Wampey wrote:
I was advised to ask here by I was wondering if a list could be provided of what bosses can and can not be knocked back? My build worked mainly around knocking back bosses, but atlas I can't do that to all bosses. So far, it seems Vaal Oversoul and Izaro can not be knocked back. Are there others?
This is not a simple question to answer, and I can't provided a comprehensive list. There are multiple different ways things might not be able to be knocked back, some of which aren't always in effect and some of which are. These can often be applied in different ways, making it dificult to work out an exact list of what does or doesn't meet one of the ccriteria.

Some monsters have a stat which prevents the player moving them - this affects knockback, but also things like Vaal Lightning Warp. This is generally given to mosnters either because they aren't representing actual monsters, but immobile objects, or because the monster needs to be able to rely on it's own movements succeeding for it's fight to work. Izaro, the Vaal Oversoul, and Dominus's second form are all examples of the later, while things like Piety's transformation portals, various objects in Izaro's fight variations, or Arakaali's eggs are examples of the latter.

In addition, the Fall of Oriath expansion included several bosses, such as Arakali and Kitava, which are much larger than the game's maximum object size. One of the restrictions which allows those monsters to work is that they can never move, for any reason. Thus any of those "extra-large" monsters are inherently not knockbackable.

The Goddess of Judgement cannot be knocked back because she doesn't have her own position that can be moved - she's attached to Izaro. Currently she's the only case in the game of a monster attached to another monster, but that won't always be the case.

Also, some skills prevent the user being knocked back or otherwise moved during their execution, because they can't work correctly otherwise. Obviously any monster using such a skill can't be knocked back while using that skill.

From a lot of research and asking around, I came up with the following list of actual boss monsters which can't be knocked back, but it should not be considered comprehensive:
  • Arakaali
  • Kitava, and his hearts
  • Avarius's Statues
  • Dominus's second form
  • Vaal Oversoul
  • the large Harbinger portal
  • All Harbingers
  • A couple of specific things summoned by Talisman effects temporarily
  • Piety
  • Lunaris and Solaris (celestial forms)
  • The ambush versions of Maligaro, Shavronne, and Doedre, which appear and attack, then disappear, while you progress through their areas.
  • Rigwald

I've excluded from this list things which aren't part of a boss fight or are obviously not conceptually a "monster" that could move around, and therefore be moved around.

SirDragos wrote:
Vortex says "Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this skill's Damage Over Time."

Doe this mean that ANY DoT effect created by the skill is modified by spell damage or just the AoE ground effect it creates?
Prior to 3.0.0, Vortex (and a few other spells) said the text you quoted, and this did indeed apply to any damage over time caused by using the skill.
In 3.0.0, that stat now says "Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to this Skill's Damage Over Time effect", and refers only to the specific damage over time effect the skill applies, not to any other DoT that might occur when you use it.

Ahtras wrote:
The Saboteur node Demolitions Specialist has the following lines:

20% increased Mine Laying Speed if you Detonated Mines Recently
40% increased Damage if you Detonated Mines Recently

Can I take the "you" as an indicator that these won't work with Spell Totem - Detonate Mines?
Yes. If the totem detonated mines, but you didn't, you won't get the bonus.
Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Aug 9, 2017, 10:47:45 PM
vasterov wrote:
Does flame totem work with projectile weakness?
I mostly want to know about pierce chance and increased damage parts.
Flame totem fires projectiles, so the modifier on Projectile Weakness which increased damage taken from projectiles will of course apply. Flame Totem's projectiles already pierce everything, so the modifier on Projectile Weakness that lets projectiles pierce the cursed enemies will not do anything extra in this case.

sherkhan wrote:
Does Izaro's mortar skill (green globs) bypass the taunt mechanism? I've had him target me multiple times despite having the taunt red glow around him (procced by my Decoy Totem).

The same happens on the Plaza boss, so I imagine the potential bypass/break is attached to the skill, and not the bosses.
Izaro does not have a mortar skill. The Goddess of Judgement does - she acts independantly from Izaro, and is not affected by him being taunted. Because you cannot hit the Goddess, most (possibly all, currently) forms of applying taunt will not work on her.

LazerDeath wrote:
Other question will Controlled Destruction Support gem (Spell, Support) add damage to SRS gem (Spell, Minion, Duration, Fire)?
Controlled Destruction increses Spell Damage - Raging Spirits do not deal Spell Damage, they only use a melee Attack. You can support the skill, but the only effect it will practically have is reducing the spriits' critical strike chance.

alexcore128 wrote:
Quick question regarding the singularity item, the item has this line that says "Nearby Enemies are Hindered, with 25% reduced Movement Speed", there is also the Maim effect that says "Maimed Enemies have 30% reduced Movement Speed. We know that bosses have curse resist, do they have any kind of resist for this kind of debuff ? Thanks for your time.
Not as a generic thing all bosses have like reduced effect of curses, no. Some specific bosses may have stats to combat Hinder and/or Maim.

Dread_s wrote:
Can you share the order that life regen factors into damage calculations if at all? For instance, when you are running Righteous Fire your health always is down a small slice of damage (probably worth one tick of the degen damage).
If you are taking damage over time, and recovering Life (or ES/Mana), then you will be recovering to full, and then taking damage from that point, every frame. This is because doing them in the other order would let players die to damage before they recovered it. If the amount of life recopver exceeds the damage you're taking on life over time, you'll still count as "on full life" for game effects.

Zanarias wrote:
I have an alternate art Kaom's Sign still in a remove-only stash tab from a long time ago. What happens to that alt-art ring if I run it through the prophecy that upgrades Kaom's Sign to Kaom's Way? Is the original item directly updated with the new mods, or is your original item replaced with the new item with equivalent stats to the old one (essentially meaning that the art on the previous item would be lost)?

Is it possible to have an alternate art Kaom's Way, is really what this question boils down to?
Those prophecies do not create an entirely new item, but modify properties of the existing item. However, the visual identity of that item, which includes it's 2d and 3d art, is one of the properties that can change, and for that reason, in addition to some technical stuff, alt-art uniques cannot become fated uniques.

Rowanbladex wrote:
One thing I've been curious about for a while is how more multipliers stack up together, when from different sources.

Lets say you are a bezerker, and have the 40% more damage from it (forget the name). Then you go ahead and get another 20% more damage from 5 frenzy charges.

Are these two simply added together to make 1.6x damage, or are they multiplied together to result in 1.68x damage.
"More" (and "less") multipliers never add together. They are always mutliplicative.
ThisIsZardox wrote:
How does Assassin's Ambush interact with spells like Firestorm that roll crit when you cast them? Do spells like these just not benefit from this keystone?
All skills, with very few exceptions, roll crit once, when the skill is used. Firestorm isn't special in this respect, that's just how crit works.
The critical strike chance against some enemies can be higher than against others - in cases such as these, if the skill's crit roll falls between the two, it will crit some enemies but not others.

MuCephei wrote:
If a weapon has a mod "Adds #-# Fire Damage to Spells", do all spell and fire damage modifiers apply to that added damage?
And, in case the spell is projectile-based, would that damage be added to each projectile?

For example if my Incinerate spell gets 30-50 added fire damage from my equipped weapon and I am running with 100% increased spell damage, would each projectile deal now 60-100 extra fire damage?

frenchpunk wrote:
Hi, I have some questions about LA.
What does represent the DPS shown on the skill stats ? Is it DPS per projectile or total DPS if you hit every arrow on the same target ?
DPS of a skill always is shown against a single enemy, meaning it's assuming one arrow will hit that enemy once.
frenchpunk wrote:
And finally, how does the AoE works ? Is it inculded in the DPS, or is there an additional damage to calculate ?
Lightning Arrow does not deal AoE damage - it sends out lightning to individually hit a set number of enemies within an area. This cannot include the target hit by the arrow. The damage dealt is the same as on the arrow hit.
frenchpunk wrote:
Does the AoE proc on every target it pierces, or does it only proc on the last hit
The lightning hits nearby enemies every time the arrow hits an enemy.

Cephyros wrote:
I have two question to Elemental Conflux and the interaction with Traps. Is it right that when I have the buff the trap will apply the shock, ignite and chill, is this how it suppose to work?
Yes. The trap is using your skill, which has your stats.
Cephyros wrote:
And secondly, when I kill something with degen, so like the southbound gloves trick, you have a skill that poisons and you use the gloves, now the degen will kill it and you receive the conflux buff, is this suppose to work like it is now?
I'm not sure what part of this you're asking about. Southbond specifically says it prevents your hits from killing enemies, so damage over time, which doesn't hit, can still kill things.

kylegetsspam wrote:
Say I cast it far enough away that my character's going to spin 5 times for 10 total hits. Is the crit check of the first hit going to determine whether or not the next 9 hits crit?
Cyclone, like almost all skills, makes the crit roll once, when the skill is used. However, that does not mean the same as what you've written here. The crit roll is made before anything is hit, and it is compared to the chance to crit against each enemy that's hit with that use of the skill. If the chance to crit against all the enemies hit is the same, then they'll either all be crits or all not, since they're compared against the same roll. As noted above, if something means that the chance to crit some enemies is different, they might not be.

Boomdog83 wrote:
I posted a question (bug?) about Ancestral Warchief's mechanics when dual wielding here: Could you check it out?
Please ask specific questions in this thread. This thread is not here to draw my attention to things, and will not work well for that purpose.

Regarding the content of that thread, Ancestral Warchief definitely only cares about main-hand attack speed. It's possible that it used to be bugged, but it is working correctly now.

Kyrone wrote:
I have a few questions about Lightning Arrow mechanics.
I've started a Deadeye, using lightning arrow with 100% pierce chance.
LA does not have the projectile tag - but it benefits from stuff like Drillneck as well as from projectile damage nodes on the tree and LMP/GMP. Therefore I assumed it might be considered a projectile but simply missing the projectile tag.
It is not missing the tag - bow attacks don't get a seperate projectile tag, because the "bow" tag is considered to include it. the arows are indeed projectiles.
Kyrone wrote:
Thus I went for Powerful Precision as my 8th ascendancy, expecting this to work with LA as well. However, the part of "Attack Projectiles return to you after hitting targets" does not trigger. I do however gain 100% increased crit chance from this node.
If the arrow always pierces, it never finishes hitting targets, so can't return. A given projectile can only continue after hitting a target in one way at a time - yours will always pierce, so will never be able to return to you instead.
Kyrone wrote:
And in case I did, what would happen if I respec'd into Ricochet, gaining +1 chain together with my 100% pierce chance? Would that even work?
Again, no. A projectile cannot both pierce and chain - since yours will always pierce, they never get to chain.
If you give vendor 3 same maps (for example 3x Crystal Ore Map), you get 1 Factory Map.

So, if you want to do the Cartographer's Chisel recipe (3 recipes at the same time), which is 20% Quality Gavel/Rock Breaker + random map, you get Factory Map + 3 Blacksmith's Whetstone.

3x Crystal Ore Map + 3x 20% Gavel = 1x Factory + 3x Blacksmith's Whetstone

I think it should prioritized to be 3x Cartographer's Chisel.

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