Mechanical Questions Thread
"Yes, it increases any numerical quality of the curse. "As above - yes, except for Onslaught, which is not a numerical property, but a boolean state. A character either does or does not have Onslaught, and 20% increased "having Onslaught" is still having it. EDIT: As has been pointed out, this is incorrect. The question said their Diamond Flask was giving increased critical strike chance (which would be affected by this modifier), but Diamond Flasks do not increase critical strike chance, they make it Lucky, which like Onslaught, is boolean, and cannot be increased. "You only used the skill once, and it repeated. It rolls once per skill use. "Because it's a projectile support, and those are projectile skills. Making this specific interaction more detailed by implementing a specific new skill type for things that inherently pierce is both more trouble than it's worth and less futureproof. "This depends on the traps. The traps don't stop existing until they've finished using their skill. If the skill is one that calcualtes damage at that point, such as Ice Nova, then the traps will be there at the time damage is calcualted, and apply. If they fire projectiles which don't hit anything until after the trap has already gone, then they won't be there when that projectile hits something and calculates it's damage. "Poison is modified by skill duration modifiers, so yes. "It does give charges. However, if you move on and leave the aftershock to kill things, those might not still be in the aura when they're killed. It also doesn't get around the only one-charge-per-skill restriction, so if you kill something with the initial hit and get the charge, you won't get a second charge from the aftershock. "All local modifiers on a weapon contribute to that weapon's damage, which can be seen on the item. This total is what you get as base damage for equipping the weapon, to which your modifiers apply. "Movement speed modifiers and Attack Speed modifiers. Where they come from is irrelevant. "They are Auras, and would be affected by increased Aura radius, and increased Effect of Auras. However, you do not have those modifiers. They are not Aura Skills, nor are they Auras you Cast. Thus they can't be affected by increased radius of Aura Skills, or increased effect of non-Curse Auras you Cast. "Yes. The penalty is "less Damage", and the skeletons are dealing damage, so are affected. "No. The bonus is "increased Totem Damage", and the skeletons are not dealing Totem Damage. "Yes. The damage is not limited to attacks and/or spells, so will apply to all hits of damage. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Jun 28, 2016, 8:31:32 PM
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I'm curious about an interaction with the saboteur node "Born in the Shadows". Does the 30% increased damage against blinded enemies work like vulnerability? where "Cursed enemies take increased damage: Because these modifiers are an increase to the target's damage taken, they are multiplicative with your damage dealt and additive with any other increased damage taken effects on the target."
So does that mean this node Born in the Shadows does a 30% more damage increase or just 30% additive to your own damage like a 30% increased trap damage node for example? |
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how does lightning strike with 0 chance to pierce and chain support work with frostwall?
does every hit that hit the frostwall also chains to nearby enemies? can i hit single mob with this metod multiple times? (same question to other projectiles as well ) my builds: - COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: - the Flash: - the oro's bridle build: Last edited by The_x_ile#7220 on Jun 14, 2016, 2:01:35 AM
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"I'm not sure what you're referring to, sorry. "This part is roughly correct, yes. "This part is not. What you're referring to are modifiers to damage taken, and are entirely separate to modifiers to damage dealt. They are inherently not part of the same calculation. The result of the first calculation is your damage, this is then mitigated by resistances/armour/etc, to obtain the base damage dealt. These modifiers apply to that value. They follow the same rules as all modifiers - increased/reduced modifiers of this type are additive, more/less modifiers are multiplicative. "Correct on both counts. "Reflected damage cannot crit. But you are correct that you're hitting yourself, so it's your own accuracy, etc. Reflected damage cannot be modified by damage modifiers, and cannot cause on-hit effects, including penetration. "No. It does not do this and is not intended to. I don't understand why you think it would be? "Reflect can't trigger anything. It does not trigger any on-hit effects, of which on-block effects are a subset. "This is currently bugged, thank you for bringing it to my attention. It will be fixed in the future. "You aren't doing any damage. This is the basic reason - that skill cannot possibly deal damage. It summons a minion, which, once it's been summoned and thus has it's own entirely separate set of stats that aren't part of that skill or directly calculatable from that skill, that minion uses an attack that does damage. This is inherently not DPS of the Summon Raging Spirit skill, and cannot be displayed as such. The calculation of damage accounts for well over 6000 lines of code. Duplicating all of that with different inputs in order to attempt to predict the damage output of a monster that doesn't exist yet and thus has no stats is infeasible and would lead to massive problems with having to maintain the two sets of calculations in parallel. There are improvements planned for the character screen in the long term, but for now the fundamental fact that the minion's damage is not the skill's damage, and has nothing to do with the skill's damage, makes this effectively impossible. | |
"No. "You are incorrect - those kills are credited to your character. They are, however, inherently not main-hand, nor off-hand kills, which means that passive cannot apply to them. "Yes. " "Yes. "No. Poison is not a Warcry. "Not at all "Essence Drain will have "increased Skill Effect Duration", which is a stat that applies to poison (among other things). "I have no idea what you're talking about, sorry. There is no "Thorns" damage in PoE. "Yes. "Technically, they are Notables, although since you can't socket an Inspired Learning jewel near them, this doesn't matter mechanically. I'm not aware of any other specific name for them. "These are, as you've correctly noted, conversions. Converted damage (or converted anything) is the thing it's converted to, and is affected by modifiers to it, but it is also affected by modifiers to the thing it used to be. So the fire damage that was converted to physical is affected by increased fire damage, increased physical damage, and increased attack damage, and all of these stack additively, since they're increases. "This is incorrect, but grounded in truth. "This is extremely incorrect. Gem tags do not indicate which modifiers apply to something. That's not their purpose, nor could they be adequate for that purpose. Gem tags exist to classify gems into groups, primarily so we can give "+1 to level of socketed TAG gems" and have that mean something. They also help clarify the types of skill, such as which skills are curses. Bow skills do not get the "Projectile" tag, because they already have the "Bow" tag, which implies they are projectile skills, and makes having the tag redundant. "Correct. It does not fire any projectiles. "By classifying it's damage as "projectile damage", just as was done for Rain of Arrows, because this made intuitive sense. | |
" Still looking for answers here since last Thursday. No luck on reddit, skill gem feedback page, wiki, etc. Email to support last week directed me here in lieu of answering. Doomed for Life
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Would Rapid Decay increase a DoT damage caused by Ancestral Warchief ?
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" No. The Passive would read something in the vein of "Blinded enemies take 30% increased damage." It's the difference between "Damage" and "Damage Taken" (or 'take Damage'). You deal Damage, enemies take Damage. Born in the Shadows applies to your Damage dealt. " It's worth noting that Increased Damage Taken is still an additive modifier, so it wouldn't always be a plain 30% More Damage modifier. A Shocked or Vuln'ed enemy for example wouldn't take an additional 30% 'More' Damage. " Yes, that is what More Damage over Time does :p |
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1. What determines if a projectile hits a Frost Wall? Sometimes it passes through (such as using Explosive Arrow), even though the character has no pierce chance. Are Frost Wall segments capable of evading?
2. When wearing The Retch, allocating the Endless Hunger notable, and using instantaneous life leech, will the Retch's "Life Leech applies to enemies as Chaos Damage" modifier deal instant chaos damage when at full life? 3. When wearing the Retch, if you are leeching from many enemies simultaneously, such that your maximum leech rate is reached, so that the leech from many of those enemies are not actually giving you any further recovery, do those enemies still take chaos damage from the Retch's modifier? 4. When wearing Daresso's Defiance and allocating the Unflinching notable, when you are hit (and assuming both effects trigger), do you first gain an endurance charge and then lose it, gaining at least 1 second of Onslaught, or do you lose all endurance charges, gain Onslaught, and then gain one endurance charge? Last edited by TheMipchunk#3171 on Jun 14, 2016, 6:02:55 AM
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Hi Mark, thanks for the awesome thread
Got a simple question What's lacerate base range ? |
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