Mechanical Questions Thread
I posted this same question in a separate thread on this forum and didn't get much response.
Since this thread receives much more attention I'm posting it here - hopefully GGG will respond or someone can point me towards an existing GGG response. ============= Chaos Orbs and Number of Affixes Distribution After using a chaos orb on an item, the item is rerolled. Sometimes the resultant item has 4 affixes, sometimes 5 but usually 6. Has GGG released any information about how likely each of the possible outcomes are? In the case of 4 affixes, what is the distribution of affix outcomes (PPPS, PPSS and PSSS)? Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 27, 2017, 4:45:04 AM
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" It is intended, when they introduced fortify gem to the game it was specifically made incompatible with counterattack gems because fortify is supposed to result from something you actively do. " Devs are reluctant about releasing information like that, after all this time we still don't know the exact socket color formula and the rare affix spawn chance is datamined from assets that the game doesn't actually use so their reliability is suspect. Therefore, we sadly have no idea if, say, a crafted item with 2 prefixes is more likely to roll a suffix or the third prefix when you exalt it. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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Hi GGG I had a problem in Poorjoy's Asylum after fully clearing it and the boss , the shapers orb never dropped ? I spent almost a half hour checking everywhere for it not just at the site where the boss died I cant link the screen shots here but I have the green checkmark in the box but the blue circle is still around the map showing that the map is not completed as far as I know other maps including the unique ones have a gold circle an again I didn't get the shapers orb that was supposed to drop so Iam really stalled out of doing anymore maps till I get some response to this problem I really need some help here PLEASE an Thank You
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" According to a thread in the Bug Report forum, legacy maps do not drop Shaper Orbs. So if you ran a legacy version of this map it's apparently by design that you don't get the Shaper's Orb. It's not clear to me why this is stalling you from doing more maps. If you need a Tier 9 Shaper's Orb, you can also get one from Volcano or from Death and Taxes. If you already have these orbs and need a third, I believe that you can use a Master Cartographer's Seal on the Poorjoy's Map in your atlas and then rerun it, using a non-legacy version of the map. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 27, 2017, 8:59:56 PM
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1. If white Necro Silk has 150 es and Vaal Regalia 210 (lets call it "bit more than quater" for now) that means that excatly the same increased and added flat es mods on both would give me total es less only by this excatc "bit more than quater" amount?
2. Does messing with "apply burning" part of Firestorm will have bad impact on damage? I.e. if I use Ele. Focus support on it? I have no burning boosts at all, for all I know, just generic +spell damage, cast speed and inc. crits mods and nodes in my setup. this one bothers me for some time: 3. How come that Orb of storms is that good in generating P. charges, even with 1/0 Pcoc, poor crits on char etc. Its base is low, I don't get it. Does it casts some tons of "hits"/sec or something? 4. Using Orb of Storms(for p. charges) on raider with usual bow rangers crit chance nodes and mods (nodes"...with bows" mostly, and some generic ones plus generic c.chance on gear) even makes any sense? I'm still under impression how better O. of storms is than any given bow skill and how I can't see this for shit in both skills description and character chart. That'd be 5 months and counting of impression (srsly) 5. I have Elrons h/o now and he hit lvl 8 today, yet h/o didn't expand. I guess I must re-create it with him, will it keep current decorations, tho? 6. Last one is about prefixes and crafting:
I'm pretty sure it has tyrranicall+ravers prefixes and that's the issue. I don't remember for sure. Is there any way to check if it's tyrranicall or cruel without divinig it? Because if it's cruel, I may lost much more divines to get it back to where it is now. And if it's tyrranical divine is rather no-brainer. Thanks in advance. edit: must type this: Thanks a lot raics! I've got starting to worry that no1 will answer me :S Burn all the orbs! Last edited by skuadak#1891 on Jan 28, 2017, 12:14:21 PM
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" 1. No, it will happen if the difference of 'base + flat' on both items is 'a bit more than quarter'. 2. Removing ignites from a generic Firestorm build has very little impact on dps. 3. No, it just rolls crit on every zap instead of once on skill use. 4. Sure, Orb won't generate charges better than a generic bow skill with PCoC, but it does so while you're doing something else. 5. The hideout expands on level 7, you need to do so manually and it will be reset. 6. Sadly, no, you will have to risk it. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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Hi, I just have a quick question and the obliteration wand and the Herald of ice gem and how they would work with each other. Basically I was just wondering if herald of Ice will still shatter them upon being killed with the explosion from the obliteration wand. Assuming they are frozen upon death. I am only asking this because I am wondering if you can still get the shattered on death for more vaal souls using the chill of corruption jewel.
Thanks for any help in advance 😁 |
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Hi, Mark i have a question.
shock nova have a 2 damage type enchantment 1. 40% increased Shock Nova Damage 2. Shock Nova ring deals 60% increased Damage ![]() i don't know this shock nova's Ring is what mean its red enemies on the ring or orange enemies on the ring? thanks you so much. |
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In the site "poeaffix", some items have the prefix "#% increased Evasion / #% increased Stun Recovery" listed together, but looking at the item itself, they are two separate prefixes.
So, my question is: The prefix "#% increased Evasion / #% increased Stun Recovery" count as one prefix or two? |
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" Yeah, if they were frozen, they will shatter. " It's the red dots, it would probably be more accurate to say 'enemies touched by the ring' than 'enemies in the ring'. " It counts as one prefix, though on the item it will stack with '#% increased Evasion' if any, so in that case you will have two. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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