Mechanical Questions Thread
Question about warband affixes. What the wiki says is this: "They may only appear on magic items of the correct item type that drop from the respective warband members."
Does this mean that they need to drop with the affix already on them, or do appropriate items gain the ability to roll this mod. For example, can I keep hitting a helmet that dropped from a Redblade member with alts to roll the 10% of physical damage taken as fire damage? |
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Got another question:
If I am using Summon Skeletons linked to Trap Support, will having the jewel Coated Shrapnel add flat physical damage to the skeletons, or just the "casting" of them, therefore doing nothing. |
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" 1) When wiki displays base stats modifiers aren't included, however we can't really see monster stats in real time so take it with a grain of salt. 2) The calculation looks good, that 120% multiplier is something the game uses to scale monster damage, poedb lists base damage of fireball skill which is scaled in some way by monster level and damage multiplier, so a flame sentinel would do different damage with a fireball than Igna Phoenix at same levels. Elemental Focus works on fireball all the time, but conc effect won't kick in if it didn't explode. 3) It's a common question with damage conversion, you might want to look into the whole thing in detail. To keep it short, this is how it works: damage is added as a extra base that carries both damage properties, so a zombie will have the physical part scaled by everything that scales minion physical damage and also the cold part which will also be scaled by cold bonuses in addition to everything else. " You really need to drop them from a warband member, the item itself is no different but the mods it received on drop can be. " No, that's a bonus to your damage and you do no damage when summoning a skeleton. It would apply to warp damage if you used Mirror arrow traps, but not to the clones themselves. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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" Thank you very much! Appreciate it. |
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Question about The Writhing Jar.
I know people have said that the worms will give flask charges if they are cursed with Poacher's Mark. Is this still true? |
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the support told me to use this Thread here and I´m still not sure if it´s a bug or a feature... I encountered an issue with crafting a ring. I used Elreons multiple crafting Mod and after that I crafted % Energie Shield and maximum mana on it. This costs me 3 Exalted Orbs. After that I used a Divine Orb on it and it cost me again 3 Exalted Orbs. I really didn´t expect that. Is this a normal behavior? Because last season it doesn´t cost any more exalted orbs. A few friends also used blessed orbs without pay again the exalted ones. Thanks and best regards Ephrial |
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Duelist Impact node in the slayer tree question :
Melee splash give your skill the AoE tag, does impact work the sameway ? can i spec into it then use Concentrated effect ? if not, could its become a thing ? |
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I have a question about some game mechanics that i cannot find documentation anywhere on (probably on purpose not documented but i must know)
Is there any way spectral spirits scale? Like how whispering ice scales with more intel? (Spectral spirits is the affix you get when you use essence of insanity on a weapon) Or is it like a SRS spirit but just permanent? |
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"as far as I know you can, but only the aoe portion would be affected, not the initial hit Like lightning strikes projectiles is affected by pierce. But the damage multiplier doesnt apply to the initial hit Ice shot as well, can be supported by conc effect but the damage only applies to the cone of the hit, not the main target Last edited by KiKurASiruSaSH#6767 on Jan 26, 2017, 4:55:28 AM
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Hi! i have a question regarding Molten Strike Used with starforge. since starforge has the stat "Deal No Elemental Damage" will the projectiles from Molten Strike only do 40% of the damage or will just not convert any elemental damage and do 100% phys?
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