Mechanical Questions Thread

ThisIsZardox wrote:
How does Assassin's Ambush interact with spells like Firestorm that roll crit when you cast them? Do spells like these just not benefit from this keystone?
All skills, with very few exceptions, roll crit once, when the skill is used. Firestorm isn't special in this respect, that's just how crit works.
The critical strike chance against some enemies can be higher than against others - in cases such as these, if the skill's crit roll falls between the two, it will crit some enemies but not others.

MuCephei wrote:
If a weapon has a mod "Adds #-# Fire Damage to Spells", do all spell and fire damage modifiers apply to that added damage?
And, in case the spell is projectile-based, would that damage be added to each projectile?

For example if my Incinerate spell gets 30-50 added fire damage from my equipped weapon and I am running with 100% increased spell damage, would each projectile deal now 60-100 extra fire damage?

frenchpunk wrote:
Hi, I have some questions about LA.
What does represent the DPS shown on the skill stats ? Is it DPS per projectile or total DPS if you hit every arrow on the same target ?
DPS of a skill always is shown against a single enemy, meaning it's assuming one arrow will hit that enemy once.
frenchpunk wrote:
And finally, how does the AoE works ? Is it inculded in the DPS, or is there an additional damage to calculate ?
Lightning Arrow does not deal AoE damage - it sends out lightning to individually hit a set number of enemies within an area. This cannot include the target hit by the arrow. The damage dealt is the same as on the arrow hit.
frenchpunk wrote:
Does the AoE proc on every target it pierces, or does it only proc on the last hit
The lightning hits nearby enemies every time the arrow hits an enemy.

Cephyros wrote:
I have two question to Elemental Conflux and the interaction with Traps. Is it right that when I have the buff the trap will apply the shock, ignite and chill, is this how it suppose to work?
Yes. The trap is using your skill, which has your stats.
Cephyros wrote:
And secondly, when I kill something with degen, so like the southbound gloves trick, you have a skill that poisons and you use the gloves, now the degen will kill it and you receive the conflux buff, is this suppose to work like it is now?
I'm not sure what part of this you're asking about. Southbond specifically says it prevents your hits from killing enemies, so damage over time, which doesn't hit, can still kill things.

Say I cast it far enough away that my character's going to spin 5 times for 10 total hits. Is the crit check of the first hit going to determine whether or not the next 9 hits crit?
Cyclone, like almost all skills, makes the crit roll once, when the skill is used. However, that does not mean the same as what you've written here. The crit roll is made before anything is hit, and it is compared to the chance to crit against each enemy that's hit with that use of the skill. If the chance to crit against all the enemies hit is the same, then they'll either all be crits or all not, since they're compared against the same roll. As noted above, if something means that the chance to crit some enemies is different, they might not be.

Boomdog83 wrote:
I posted a question (bug?) about Ancestral Warchief's mechanics when dual wielding here: Could you check it out?
Please ask specific questions in this thread. This thread is not here to draw my attention to things, and will not work well for that purpose.

Regarding the content of that thread, Ancestral Warchief definitely only cares about main-hand attack speed. It's possible that it used to be bugged, but it is working correctly now.

Kyrone wrote:
I have a few questions about Lightning Arrow mechanics.
I've started a Deadeye, using lightning arrow with 100% pierce chance.
LA does not have the projectile tag - but it benefits from stuff like Drillneck as well as from projectile damage nodes on the tree and LMP/GMP. Therefore I assumed it might be considered a projectile but simply missing the projectile tag.
It is not missing the tag - bow attacks don't get a seperate projectile tag, because the "bow" tag is considered to include it. the arows are indeed projectiles.
Kyrone wrote:
Thus I went for Powerful Precision as my 8th ascendancy, expecting this to work with LA as well. However, the part of "Attack Projectiles return to you after hitting targets" does not trigger. I do however gain 100% increased crit chance from this node.
If the arrow always pierces, it never finishes hitting targets, so can't return. A given projectile can only continue after hitting a target in one way at a time - yours will always pierce, so will never be able to return to you instead.
Kyrone wrote:
And in case I did, what would happen if I respec'd into Ricochet, gaining +1 chain together with my 100% pierce chance? Would that even work?
Again, no. A projectile cannot both pierce and chain - since yours will always pierce, they never get to chain.
vaiur wrote:
Does projectile weakness buff the bleeds/poisons caused by the assassin ascendancy nodes?

D623932883 wrote:
Are bows considered "Two Handed Weapons"? For example do the Slayer's bonuses to "Two Handed Weapons" apply to them? I'm assuming yes, but I ask because Heavy Strike states it works with "Two Handed Weapons" but doesn't work with bows.
Yes, bows are two-handed weapons. They are not two-handed melee weapons, which is a more common thing to see referenced in the passive tree, but as you point out, the Slayer's bonuses are more generic, and thus will apply to bows.

D623932883 wrote:
I've noticed that it is not possible to regenerate to full life when Blood Rage is active, and therefore not possible to gain full-life bonuses or use Melee Damage on Full Life with it.
While you will not actually be consistantly on absolutely full life because you will degen a bit every frame before regening it, it is possible to benefit from those bonuses. The "full life" condition was changed a while ago so that if the amount of life you're recoverying per second is higher than the amount you're losing per second, such that you are hitting full and falling back again each frame, you count as on full life the whole time.

If you regen ES so that your life is never touched, then yes, that also keeps your life full (unless you take some chaos damage).

Xamhung wrote:
I'm using the Ascendant Hierophant node and the 20% chance to gain power charge on totemcast seems a bit off? I spam summon totem constantly and rarely get a charge - it seems to be like 1/10 rather than 1/5. I'm just curious if it's working correctly or not, because if it is.. I've made a huge mistake ;D
That chance has been changed to 50% since your post, but at both values, it does what it says. It is in the nature of random events that they appear streaky (or rather, it's in the nature of humans that we percieve streakiness and patterns in random events).

Note that if you have a trap or mine summon the totem for you, the trap would get the charge, not you, which would fail because the trap cannot have charges.

NightMareeee wrote:
Hi, i made my RF vortex (not blade vortex! That new vortex) build. I choose pyre ring to convert all cold dmg from vortex to fire. After putting that ring, i still does not see any changes in tooltip (in damage over time, that normal dmg is converting normaly). Is that a bug ? And second think, if it will convert that dot cold dmg into fire, will burning dmg affect that dot ?
Damage over time cannot be converted.
UnDeaD_CyBorG wrote:
Will multipliers apply before or after applicable limits?
If I have, f.Ex., high block, and I pick Acrobatics, will it lessen the block after I hit the block limit, or before, aka, could I sort of "overcap" block rate to keep more than 51% with Acrobatics?
Before. If modifiers could modify the value after the cap was applied, they could raise the value above the cap, which would be silly. The cap can only work by being the last step in working out the value of the stat.
UnDeaD_CyBorG wrote:
How about Spell-Block when generated from regular Block rate, like with Reckless Defense or Gladiator, in interaction with the above?
Applying the cap is the last step in working out the value of the stat, but it is part of that process, not separate to it. Your Block Chance is a capped value, so anything that gets the value of your block chance will get the value after it's fully calculated, including applying the cap. Thus "overcapping" block chance will not cause you to get more spell block chance from it, because the value of your block chance doesn't change.

heiderhof wrote:
does hatred aura and added fire support gem double dip on stats like trap damage, minion damage, projectile damage, meaning that those stats increase both the physical portion of the hit and the % added cold / fire?
They will apply to the extra damage, but this does not cause double-dipping. The modifier only applies once to each part of the damage.

Also, that damage is not added damage (this matters for things like "Effectiveness of Added Damage" on gems).

Katasi wrote:
Last league, I was playing a sunblast trapper (100% reduced trap duration), and I wasn't sure if I needed clever construction, so I specced out of it and threw some traps on burning ground. They still exploded, so I assumed that I didn't need clever construction, and left myself specced out of it. I never had any other problems on that character, but I didn't play him for very much longer.

This league, I'm playing another sunblast trapper, and I can VERY clearly see my traps dying to almost any ground effect. Was a change made? Was my testing last league done incorrectly?
In 3.0.0, traps were changed to be invulnerable to all damage while arming and while using their skill. This means if they have no duration, they have no point at which they are vulnerable, and they will be unable to die.

Prior to 3.0.0, this depended on how much fire damage per second the burning ground is dealing. If it dealt enough to total 1 damage in the time it takes the trap to arm and start using the skill - which is a small but nonzero amount of time - it would die, and otherwise it would not (or at least not until after the skill has "gone off"). It's possible the burning ground you tested on was weaker than that you faced in practice.

Sonto wrote:
If a kill with an AOE skill linked to poison procs Profane Bloom's or Oblieration's chaos explosion, can the chaos explosion proc poison also?
The explosion is not from the skill, so cannot benefit from the skill's poison chance. The damage from the explosion will only be able to apply poison if you have poison chance in your stats (e.g. from gear or passives), not in the specific skill that got the kill.

VillainGuy wrote:
I was wondering, since Commander of Darkness is worded as
"Auras you Cast grant 10% increased Damage to you and Allies
Auras you Cast grant 5% increased Attack and Cast Speed to you and Allies
You and Allies affected by your Auras have +20% to all Elemental Resistances", shouldn't the bonus affect a spell totem twice if the aura is defensive?

I thought that theoretically a totem would receive double the bonus, because they are considered allies. For example if I have Discipline on (defense aura), I would receive 5% increased cast speed which would be applied to my totem, and then since my aura also affects my totem it would receive 5% cast speed for a total of 10% increased cast speed.
However, at least based upon the tooltip, this doesn't appear to be the case. When I cast an aura, I receive the buffs, but when I place the totem the tooltip doesn't change even though I'd assumed it would.

Is this intended, or should I be able to "double-dip" with the aura bonuses of Commander of Darkness?
This is correct. The whole reason that "offensive" auras don't apply to Totems in the first place is because they wouldn't benefit from having those stats. The totem is not using it's own skills, it's using your skills, which inherently use your stats - not the totem's stats. Granting increased Damage or Attack Speed to a Totem means it's skills will have those bonuses. But it doesn't have any such skills, and is using your skills, which aren't in any way affected by bonuses on the totems.

Speedkin wrote:
Two questions about the Sanctify node in the Inquisitor tree and its interactions with spell totem.

1) Does the 25% chance to create consecrated ground on kill proc on spell totem kills or just player kills?
You need to get the kill to create the ground.

Speedkin wrote:
2) Since totems count as allies, If both you and your spell totem were on consecrated ground, would it effectively be an 80% increased damage bonus or just 40 %.
As noted above, only the bonus on you applies to your skills, regardless of whether you or the totems use them. The totem being in the consecrated ground is of no benefit to it.
RabidMonk wrote:
Why does Controlled Destruction work with Essence Drain, but NOT Contagion?
This support was bugged for a bit with certain skills. It now applies correctly.
RabidMonk wrote:
PSS: Why doesn't concentrated effect work with abyssal cry?
It does.

5tr1k3r wrote:
If I'm using Arc (a non-aoe skill) as an Elementalist, do "% increased radius of area skills" nodes on the tree affect Beacon of Ruin radius?
Yes, although the description of those stats has since changed, in part to make interactions like this more clear.

Demonlition wrote:
Hi, I was wondering how earthquake interacts with melee damage on full life, specifically when using blood magic. As I understand it, the life cost is taken before the damage is calculated, so you won't get the increased damage on the initial hit, but if you return to full life before the aftershock goes off, would you gain the bonus to it, or is the instance of damage determined with the initial hit and delayed, thus you wouldn't gain the benefit?
The damage is the aftershock is calculated at the point it starts to go off. If you're at full life

ofdia wrote:
hi i was wondering if rapid decay gem would work with poison and bleed comes from void heart ring?

when i use gem setup like Eearthqueake- meele physical damage- less duration- rapid decay- increased area of effect - fortify
Yes. Note that this support gem has been renamed to Swift Affliction Support.

sushicide wrote:
How do multiple on-kill explosions work? For example if I cast Abyssal Cry on a monster then kill it using Infernal Blow, would both explosions occur or only one effect can take place?
Each will apply separately.

sushicide wrote:
What's the difference between helm enchants "30% increase Spectral Throw Projectile Speed" and "30% reduced Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration", especially when used with the Slower Projectile Support gem? Which one would travel farther?
The difference is that one of them affects speed (making the projectile start at a higher speed), while one affects deceleration (meaning the projectile slows down less quickly). Which one makes it get firther before it turns around depends on both the magnitudes of these stats, and what other bonuses you have to the speed of the projectile. There isn't a simple answer.
Kleintje wrote:
Freeze duration is based on the amount of damage versus amount of life the target has.
If the duration is below a certain threshold it will not freeze.

Does this imply that increased freeze duration effectively lowers the amount of damage needed to freeze?

sherkhan wrote:
Does Izaro's mortar skill (green globs) bypass the taunt mechanism?
No, but in practice, sort of. Izaro does not have a mortar skill. The Goddess of Judgement has a mortar skill. She is a different monster to Izaro, and tauntint Izaro thus does not affect her. She Herself cannot be damaged, targeted, or thus taunted.
sherkhan wrote:
Do "when hit" effects (e.g. Punishment) apply when the character blocks?
In general, blocking suppresses the attacker's on-hit effects, but lets the blocker's on-get-hit effects fire normally - this is because blocking is supposed to be a good thing. While a Punished enemy applying a buff to things they hit is technically an on-hit effect on the attacker, it is beneficial to, and (usually) ultimately caused by, the defender, so it still occurs for blocked hits.
sherkhan wrote:
Does AOE radius only increase in integer increments? I.e. if a dagger cyclone has +10% AOE, will the resultant radius be 7 or 7.7?
The radius used for AoE effects will always be an integer value. Note that modifiers to area affect the actual area, rather than directly applying to the radius.
sherkhan wrote:
How does Powerful Precision interact with Tornado Shot? If the initial projectile lands 120 units away, do the secondary projectiles start off with zero chance to pierce or 100% chance to pierce?
The secondary projectiles are all continuations of the original projectile, they have already traveled that distance.

Rmpz wrote:
Question about the new unique Hiltless
The unique have the following line on it "Enemies you attack reflect 100 physical damage to you"

How exactly is that handled, I'm assuming having high armor reduces the damage since its physical and if we take increased damage like the berserker with Aspect of Carnage the 100 physical dmg will also increase.
Rmpz wrote:
However what about dodge/evasion can we dodge the damage completely or is it guaranteed to hit us?
Reflected damage from attacks can be dodged or evaded.
Rmpz wrote:
what if we have Lightning Coil the physical part will also be converted to lightning, just like any normal physical attack damage would?
The modifier that makes you take physical damage as lightning would apply, but that is not conversion.
Rmpz wrote:
What if we convert some physical damage to lightning with our gear is that affected by it at all since it isn't really our own attack or is it?
No. This isn't coming from your physical damage, it's a set amount.

adghar wrote:
I was wondering if the new Taunt mechanic (10% less damage taken part) + Decoy Totem helps against Porcupine death needles. My guess is no, with justification as the combination of these two facts, the 1st my guess, and the 2nd one you have confirmed:

1. One effect of the Taunt debuff is the granting of a stat that essentially reads "Deal 10% less Damage to Targets-that-are-not-X"
2. Damage can only be calculated at time of Hit
Conclusion. At time of Hit, porcupine is dead and cannot have Taunt debuff, and thus cannot have a deal-less-damage stat. Taunt 10% mitigation is not applied against Porcupine death needles.
Correct. The damage occurs after the death, and the monster is no longer taunted at that time.

adghar wrote:
Similarly, wondering if Taunt mechanic would reduce Volatile Xblood and similar modifiers.

My guess would be yes, with justification of same fact 1 above, plus fact 3, which I think you have confirmed:

3. Damage calculation for Volatile Xblood and other on-Death effects is completed before the entity is removed from the game world
Conclusion. Having an entity that is not You taunt an enemy with Volatile Xblood will help you take 10% less damage from the explosion if you're near it
(EDITED) This is correct at the time you asked, but the Volatile nemesis mods have changed. The damage is now not dealt until later, by which point the monster is no longer taunted.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Apr 2, 2018, 2:48:28 PM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
adghar wrote:
Similarly, wondering if Taunt mechanic would reduce Volatile Xblood and similar modifiers.

My guess would be yes, with justification of same fact 1 above, plus fact 3, which I think you have confirmed:

3. Damage calculation for Volatile Xblood and other on-Death effects is completed before the entity is removed from the game world
Conclusion. Having an entity that is not You taunt an enemy with Volatile Xblood will help you take 10% less damage from the explosion if you're near it

Is this still the case with the reworked Volatile Flameblood, which deals damage (much) later after the monster's death?
Whoops, good catch, thanks. Have edited my post.
Vipermagi wrote:
I only forgot to ask for three days straight, but: Spark has a re-arm time of 1000 milliseconds. What exactly does this mean?
This isn't really accurate terminology. What spark does is that every 1000 milliseconds, the set of spark projectiles from that firing lose their memory of which things they've hit. This means anything which had previously been hit by one of those sparks can now be hit by one of those sparks again. Previously this happened when one of them bouned and hadn't happened within the past 1000ms, but that's no longer the case (and would not have any effect since it now does it every 1000ms regardless of bouncing).

Damier wrote:
I have a question concerning shocked status. So in the poewiki discription it is stated that enemies taking "...50% increased damage from all sources". Now i know the difference between increased and more, but i wonder if the "receiving" and "outgoing" increased damage multipiers are applied differently/seperately.
Yes. "increased" and "reduced" modifiers to the same value stack additively. But modifiers to Damage and modifiers to Damage Taken are not applying to the same value, and thus cannot possibly stack addively.

Modifiers to Damage are all calcualted by the attacker to get their total damage value of each type. That total Damage value is then affected by all the defender's damage mitigation, such as resistances (as well as more complicated mitigation stats). The result of that calculation is the Damage taken, and that's what Modifiers to Damage taken apply to. Shock is an effect on the enemy which modifies their damage taken, so the only things it can stack additively are other modifiers which are affecting the damage taken by that enemy, such as the Bear Trap debuff.

Steiner1 wrote:
What does the secondary duration of Frost Bomb do?
The Base duration seems to be the time the Frost Bomb lasts until it detonates from my observation.
Is the secondary duration the time the debuff the Frost Bomb applies lasts?
Steiner1 wrote:
From my observation the debuff Frost Bomb applies cannot stack - is my observation correct?

Kikubao wrote:
I've noticed that projectile pierce on the tree affects minions. I also remember that Deadeye's +1 projectile worked with minions (I could be wrong on this thought).
Neither of those apply to minions.
Kikubao wrote:
What other passives work with minions then? I'm specifically interested in Elementalist's Beacon of Ruin.
The only passives which affect minions are passives which explicitly say they affect minions (or those that apply aura-style effects to nearby allies, since your minions are inherently your allies).

"chance to avoid Fire Damage when Hit"

For example, Monster deals a hit on Me, that bring 10 phys dmg & 10 fire dmg.

I avoid it (with mod above), then:

1. I'll take 10 phys damage;
2. I'll take NO dmg at all.

Which is right?
1. You avoid the fire damage, not the physical damage.

Kriegler wrote:
Lets say we wear bramblejack, and we are also a berserker with cloaked in savagery allocated and we just took a savage hit recently. Will we leech %100 of the reflect damage we deal with bramblejack for incoming melee attacks ??
Reflected damage cannot apply on-hit effects, including leech.

Kenli87 wrote:
Hezmana's bloodlust

The poe item wiki on hezmana's bloodlust states that the highest phys roll is 12-25. I however dont see anyone having higher than 10-25 like in poe trade. Could there be an error in the wiki?
The wiki, while a useful resource, is created by users and is not always correct. Currently it agrees with your values, so it seems likely the information there at the time of your post was incorrect.

Nowdays, if you enable the advanced mod display, you can see the ranges of any mods on your items by holding Alt (or whatever you rebound the item highlight key to).
Tihi1982 wrote:
Can abyssal cry leech life and mana if i have for an example, Pain Reaver berserker node?
Abyssal Cry can leech just like any other damage. However, Pain Reaver currently only grants leech from attack damage, which Abyssal Cry doesn't deal. Unrestricted sources of leech, such as the support gems, will work.

BigBadPanda_ wrote:
Grip of council does not effect Mirror/Blink Arrow minions. Is this inteded or a bug ?
You are incorrect. It does affect them, and always has.

EKost wrote:
I completed prophecy Erase from the memory without killing anyone. I'm just entered Catarina's daily map and did it. How it can be?
This took a long time to investigate, and that's mostly wasted now by the time I'm posting this, because this won't come up again. The Prophecy didn't actually require that you, specifically kill a unique monster, only that one dies (presumably because this is better in party play). The corpses you can animate in Caterina missions were (in at least some cases) technically unique, which I believe was done because that has a side effect of making them better at following. Since monsters inherent default state is alive, and nothing can be chagned away from it's default state before it exists, spawning corpses technically spawns living monsters and then kills them. The result being that setting up the mission state could in theory cause the prophecy to technically complete.

Solonarv wrote:
I haven't been able to find out how exactly some traps (Blade Sentries, Sawblades, Spinning Blades) deal damage. Specifically, I want to find out whether they deal damage over time or use a rapid sequence of hits.over time).
Those three traps all exclusively deal damage-over-time. None of them can hit.

Uzyol wrote:
On POE Wiki written:

"Raised Zombie

40% increased Armour
Monster has 33% more Attack Speed, 33% more Cast Speed and 33% less Damage (Hidden)
30% increased Stun Threshold (Hidden)

Normal: 35 / 35 / 35 / 0
Cruel: 35 / 35 / 35 / 0
Merciless: 35 / 35 / 35 / 0

Level---Life----Attack Speed----Damage


1644-4110 damage - its damage WITH mod "33% less Damage" or NOT???

0.85 Attack per second - its APS WITH mod "33% more Attack Speed" or NOT???
This isn't really a mechanical questiopn, and I don't know the intent of the community members who added that table to the wiki, nor do I know where they sourced the information from for sure. However after raising some zombies at a few different levels and checking their stats I am confidant that the numbers displayed include the fixup modifier - they're very close to the actual final values the zombie has in-game once spawned and will use to hit things.

Regardless, the wiki really probaly shouldn't be displaying that "mod". It's part of an internal number-tweak and does not do what people think it does (and definitely doesn't do what the hover label on the wiki says).

hesz wrote:
I'm not sure how exactly the damage calculation with doomfletch prism (or for that matter doomfletch).

Is my train of thought correct?

I have some physical damage on the bow, and then:
1) I add flat physical damage from items
2) I multiply the sum from 1) by %increased physical damage
3) I get elemental damage equal to 110% of result from 2)
4) The elemental damage from 3) is then multiplied by the sum of %increased ele dmg, %increased matching element damage (fire for instance), %increased weapon elemental damage and %increased projectile damage, the physical damage from 2) is multiplied by %projectile damage

And the final damage is the sum of above physical and elemental damage, right?
No. No modifiers can be applied "between" conversions.
You total your base and additional physical damage, then gain elemental damage equal to 110% of that. This elemental damage has been converted from physical damage, so will be affected by modifiers to physical damage as well as elemental.
Then all relevant modifiers apply to the damage. The physical damage is affected by modifiers that apply to physical damage, while the elemental damage gained from the bow is affected by modifiers to either elemental or physical damage.
This gives the total final damage.

I suggest reading the wiki page on Damage Conversion if you are still confused, as that goes into greater detail with, examples.

hesz wrote:
Iron grip says that the strength bonus to physical damage applies to projectiles. Does that mean that it grants projectile damage, or physical projectile damage?
It expands from being a modifiers to melee (attack) physical damage (attack is implied, as melee is attack-specific), to modifying melee and projectile attack physical damage.
AgentofStrife wrote:
Hi guys, so I was just theorycrafting a passive tree for the Dancing Dervish new unique two-handed sword and I think I came up with the best tree for it possibly but need some technical questions answered about the weapon and the minion so here they are listed below, (DD minion=Dancing Dervish minion):

Can I swap weapon slots after DD activated and usethe other weapon slots?
AgentofStrife wrote:
Is DD minion affected by minion passives such as minion damage/resists?
AgentofStrife wrote:
Does the DD minion count as a spell like golems are? Golems have a "Spell" tag but what about the minion?
Golems are not a spell, they are a minion. The skill used to summon the Golem is a spell. The same is true here - the skill "Manifest Dancing Dervish" is a spell skill. The minion itself is not a spell and does not use spells.
AgentofStrife wrote:
Do two-handed general damage and two-handed sword damage nodes scale the minions damage as well as nodes that scale minion damage?
No. Minions are not you and do not have your passive tree. Those passives only apply to your damage with two-handed weapons, not your minion's damage with that type of weapons.
AgentofStrife wrote:
Is the DD minions base damage the DD swords damage or does it have its own base damage?
Like you, the damage of the weapon it's using overrides any base unarmed damage it would have.

Devilbane wrote:
Is the Emberwake Ring's ability to stack burning interacting with the skill on spell totems?
Yes, this modifies all ignites from your skills.

Vaania wrote:
Fated Connections
You will create a fully-linked six-socket item using only Jeweller's Orbs.

I understand i need to use Jeweller's Orbs to make a six link, but it does not say i cannot use master to do that, i used master's crafting mechanism to make a six socket armour and it did not make a six linked item.
Giving orbs to a master in exchange for them doing something for you is not using those orbs.

Ripjol wrote:
The character is normally using tornadoshot, but for the Atziri fight itself i swap to Barrage. This obviously to prevent the reflect-damage from the split-phases because of the arrows spreading with tornadoshot.

But after the split phases i receive reflect damage if i shoot barrages at atziri herself (NOT on the split-phases!). Is this normal?

DoEFotGS wrote:
Question about reflect: that effect have a radius?
No. If you can damage something, it can reflect that damage.

hTwo wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:

Swongs wrote:
Why are all guardian scendancy skills considered auras but not actually affected by aura radius (this is important) and effectiveness (makes sense for balancing purposes)?
They are Auras, and would be affected by increased Aura radius, and increased Effect of Auras.
However, you do not have those modifiers. They are not Aura Skills, nor are they Auras you Cast. Thus they can't be affected by
increased radius of Aura Skills, or
increased effect of non-Curse Auras you Cast.

Mark_GGG wrote:

PathOfOtter wrote:
This could probably be answered with a little testing, but: with the Guardian and Necromancer "Auras You Cast Grant X" notables, are these benefits scaled by increased Effect of Auras you Cast?
Yes. The auras are granting that bonus as part of their effect, so it's affected by things that modify the effect of the auras.

Which is it? You contradict yourself in these two answers, no?
No. Those are referring to different things. The first question was about the bonuses from the Guardian Ascendancy that are themselves auras (the ones that affect nearby allies), the second one was about bonuses that modify auras from your skills to grant extra things.
Hey everyone, we're closing this thread as we don't have the ability to keep up with the number of questions coming in. The developers who are able to answer these questions are currently too busy working on development to give this thread the attention it needs. As an alternative, we'll be hosting more frequent Q&A's about game mechanics as part of our news schedule to make sure we're still able to answer the most common questions while being able to focus primarily on development.
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Queen of Padlocks

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