Mechanical Questions Thread

lancie wrote:
I would like to know if IIQ/IIR applies, (also from the gems in my attack skill), when I kill mobs with bleeding
lancie wrote:
but especially when mobs die from Gratious Violence.
If a mosnter dies to the damage from Gratuitous Violence explosions, then it by definition wasn't killed by your attack skill, and can't benefit from IIQ/IIR supports on that skill. It will be affected by such modifiers on your character, but not on a skill that didn't kill it.

BlueSky88 wrote:
I was wondering if the gem 'Physical Projectile Attack Damage' boosts both the initial projectile damage as well as'double dipping' and also boosting the resultant poison damage-the same way that generic'projectile damage' does.
No. This modifier cannot apply to damage over time becaue damage over time fundamentall cannot be attack damage. In addition, poison does not deal physical damage.

Pyromancer4 wrote:
The new "Mind of the Council" helm has the following mod: "Recover 3% of Maximum Mana when you Shock an Enemy"
1) Does shocks inflicted to already shocked enemies trigger the mod?
Pyromancer4 wrote:
2) Does shocks reflected to you by Maligaro's Restraint trigger the mod?
The shock reflected to you doesn't trigger it, because that's shocking you, not shocking an enemy. The shock applied to the enemy does.

funnyruler wrote:
Hi Mark, thanks for doing this! This league I've jumped on the burn flameblast bandwagon, and after reading your answer to conditional modifiers and how they (don't) apply to DoTs, was wondering about the node Celestial Punishment (specifically the 25% increased damage against Frozen, Shocked, or Ignited enemies).

Mark_GGG wrote:
Khisanth wrote:
Does Hypothermia's more damage affect Vortex's DoT?
No. Conditional modifiers cannot apply to DoT, because the condition could change during the DoT.

So suppose I have Elemental Conflux active, charge Flameblast on a lone mob, that isn't ignited or burning. Flameblast hits and ignites. Does Celestial Punishment increase the initial hit?
No, because you didn't hit an Ignited enemy.
funnyruler wrote:
Does it directly increase the ignite damage?
funnyruler wrote:
So to recap, if no is the answer to these questions, Celestial Punishment will only increase my damage if I hit an enemy that is already burning?
The enemy needs to be Ignited (or Shocked or Frozen), not just burning. Righteous Fire (among other examples) burns enemies, but does not ignite them.

C4ph wrote:
I am playing a trapper relying on Poison. Currently I linked Item Rarity to myy bear trap but I am not sure if it works.
As I use southbound gloves the enemies usually don't die from the trap as such but from the poison caused by my poison support gem (werid interaction with the "Your Hits can only Kill Frozen enemies " ability). Does rarity still work in this case?
If the poison is being applied by the bear trap then it has the bear trap's IIQ/IIR modifiers to apply if that degen kills the enemy.

fanimala wrote:
I tested Bleed Duration on targets damaged by Earth Quake using Voidheart and Atziri's Disfavour. I used a "bleed bow" too. All in Sarn Arena:

Bleed base Duration was 3 seconds (standard attack melee, bow; bleed sources listed above)
With Less Duration Support 3 seconds (EQ) (timer was 3 too)
With Rapid Decay 3 seconds (EQ) (timer was 3 too)

I tried to read through all your posts: Bleed duration should be affected by Less Duration Support when the skill has the Duration tag.

I tried to test Poison Duration too. It is harder to measure the time of the DoT but it seems Poison also isn't affected by Less Duration Support. -> Close to being 2 seconds or 2 seconds.
I used Voidheart, Earthquake (with and without LDS) and standard attacks to test.
This led me on a merry chase through the code to work out what's going on here. Turns out, both Poison and Bleed durations are bugged, but in different ways.
Poison from Viper Strike, and Bleeding from Puncture are both correctly affected by all applicable modifiers.
Poison from other sources is affected by increased/reduced skill duration modifiers, but not more/less duration. It should be affected by both.
Bleeding from other sources is not affected by either, and should be.

This will be fixed in a future patch, meaning (among other changes) that the Less Duration support will correctly apply it's less duration modifier to poison, not just the more damage modifier. I can already hear pitchforks being sharpened in the distance.

Znurrebarth wrote:
Could you clarify in what order conversion happens if you have more than 100% conversion from one type of damage to several other damage types? I you use a lightning skill with both Call of the Brotherhood and Voltaxic Rift equipped, will you end up with 50% cold and 50% chaos (seems logical to me as cold is "before" chaos in the damage conversion chain) or would you end up with 40% cold and 60% chaos.
Neither. Conversion from the skill itself (such as the modifiers on the Lightning Strike or Cold to Fire gems) always takes precidence and happens first, but that's not relevant here, so both these modifiers are happening at the same priority, trying to convert 110% of your lightning damage to other types. Since there's actualyl only 100% of the lightning damage to go around, we just squash them both equally until they fit.
Since 110 / 1.1 = 100, we end up with 50 / 1.1 = 45% converted to cold, and 60 / 1.1 = 55% converted to chaos.

FrFauxSake wrote:
I was directed to this thread by support about a question I have with the Scion Ascendant Trickster node as well as The Beast Fur Shawl. My question is in regards to the "Increased Recovery Rate of Life, Mana and Energy Shield" on the Trickster node and "Increased Energy Shield Recovery Rate" on the Fur Shawl. Does life/energy shield recovery mean something different to life regeneration?
Yes, those terms are different. Recovery refers to all forms of gaining something. Regeneration is merely one form of Recovery.
FrFauxSake wrote:
I was hoping to do an ES based righteous fire build and thought that the regen acquired from Zealot's Oath would be affected by the Recovery Rate modifiers.
It will be.
FrFauxSake wrote:
However, since I saw a reddit post
I was lead to believe my idea won't work.
This is because the character panel is showing a value for regeneration, while the modifier applies to all recovery - the game has no value that shows regeneration affected by that modifier, since that modifier isn't applied until all forms of recovery (regeneration, leech, etc) have been summed, and it applies to have value, not to each one separately (this prevents rounding errors).

Lemonzzz wrote:
Relation between Bane of Legends and Endless Hunger in the Slayer tree. Say I do 100% of health in a hit that has 30% health left. Do I get 20% of that 70% overkill or is it 20% of 90% as it culls at 20% health left? Or is it just something entirely different, don't entirely understand how cull and overkill works.
Overkill and culling (and by extention, the Bane of Legends effect, which is not culling) can fundamentally never interact. Overkill occurs if your hit kills an enemy and dealt more damage than the enemy's remaining life. Culling ocurs if your hit didn't kill an enemy but brought them to below 10% of their maximum life (the Bane of Legends effect is the same, but for 20%). These can't be true at the same time.
Lemonzzz wrote:
Also some questions about Vortex. The skill gem states that modifiers to Spell Damage apply to the skill's damage over time.
1. Is it safe to assume that % increased elemental damage works with increasing the dot damage. (Also % increased cold damage etc.)?
2. How about putting it on a trap/mine? Will all the trap/mine damage increasing modifiers apply to the dot portion of the gem?
The answer to both these questions is yes, but that has nothing to do with the fact that spell damage modifiers apply to the damage over time. Neither of those are modifiers to spell damage, and they would still apply even if Vortex didn't have that property.
Lemonzzz wrote:
2. Since it can be modified like spell damage, can the dot be converted to other elements or just the initial hit? Can I convert it into a fire dot with cold>fire.
No. The stat it has says that modifiers to spell damage apply to it, not that it can "be modified like spell damage". Only things that give increased/reduced/more/less spell damage are affected.
Lemonzzz wrote:
4. Does area damage affect the dot damage
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Nov 2, 2016, 10:37:52 AM
PaperRat wrote:
Does Sunder take accuracy into account, or is/was it bugged like Blast Rain?
Yes, it does, because it's an attack. The Blast Rain bug was specific to Blast Rain, and the two skills are not at all related.
Note that Sunder only needs to pass an evasion check to cause a shockwave on a specific enemy - the shockwave will hit all enemies in it's range, regardless of evasion.
PaperRat wrote:
Can you chance labyrinth specific uniques outside of the Lab?
You can't chance Labyrinth-specific unqiues anywhere.

I have a question regarding a few prophecies, specifically The Nest and Wind and Thunder.
The community has had an infernal time finding the required Galvanic Ribbons and Brooding Tarantulas in maps.
I was hoping you could confirm that it is possible for these mobs to spawn in maps.
All Prophecies are completeable.
The wiki says Brooding Tarantula spawns in a Haku side area. Would that count as "in a map" if the Haku mission was from a map?
On a more general level, what are the mechanics behind which monsters appear in a map?
This is a complicated, in-depth topic that's outside my area of expertise and about which I don't know how much information we can give out. As such, I'm afraid such a broad question is outside the scope of this thread.

hq78 wrote:
I was wondering if this is a bug or if it is working as intended, but when I cast vortex, I cannot target the frostbolts created by my totems.
This is correct. You can only target your own Frostbolts.

Xitras wrote:
I was wondering about some poison mechanics. If I link tornado shot with the poison support gem and greater multiple projectiles, how many poison stacks could theoretically apply? Is it 1 stack for the whole tornado shot hit or is it 1 stack for each arrow from tornado shot that hits the target.
Each hit is independant of other hits, and can apply poison.

Wilcuss wrote:
My question: how does Inquisitor's Inevitable Justice work with damage over time, mainly Vortex, but also Ignite.
It doesn't. Damage over Time inherently cannot crit.
Will the unique Static Electricity jewel's additional lightning damage count dex from nodes that aren't just +10 dex nodes?

SpyzGlost wrote:
What happens if I have a map with multiple bosses like Museum or Arena and i roll the twinned mod on it and corrupt it, can only the "original" bosses drop vaal fragments and vaal gems or all bosses?
All the map bosses can drop those items.

twintales wrote:
I've read that Melee Splash granted by Slayer's Impact node cannot be supported by Increase Aoe Gem. So I realized that my Glacial Hammer's tooltips didn't have "XX% increase AoE radius" anymore, which seems to be the case.

Question: When I add an Elemental Proliferation into the setup, the "XX% increase AoE radius" reappear again. Which AoE is being increased ? The proliferation radius, the splash, or both?
Both. Impact adds splash to Glacial Hammer, but it can't change the type of the skill, so it isn't an area skill, and can't be supported by Increased Area. Adding Elemental Proliferation makes the Glacial Hammer an Area skill, meaning Increased Area Support can support it, and will increase all it's AoE, including the splash.

GucciPradas wrote:
I was wondering if the ascendancy passive for inquistor, Augury of Penitence, "deal 8% less Elemental Damage" mitigates elemental reflect.

On , it is stated that reflect damage hits.

If the reflect rare is hitting me with my reflected damage, it is the rare dealing the elemental damage isn't it?
No. It's your damage being reflected to you, not the monster's.

cl_gibcount wrote:
I have a question relating to the Punishment curse.

According to the tooltip, the cursed enemy is supposed to grant you the stated buff when it gets a Melee Hit on you.

On the wiki it is claimed that skills with On Hit effects will still apply on a Blocked Hit, because a Blocked Hit is still a Hit.

However I have tested Punishment and it does not grant you the buff if you Block the mob's Melee Hit.

Is this the intended behavior of the skill (tooltip might be updated to specify it must be a damaging hit?) or is this a bug?
Blocking in general prevents the attacker's on-hit effects, but allows the defender's on-hit effects to trigger. This is a rare case of an attacker's on-hit effect that's beneficial to the defender, so this seems like something we should change. I'll make a note to discus this with a designer.

Orcasauce wrote:
Do map mod bonuses (pack size, rarity, quantity) affect mobs spawned by strongboxes.

Orcasauce wrote:
Can the strongbox prophecies trigger in Vaults of Atziri?
The map contains a unqiue strongbox, so prophecies that affect opening a strongbox can apply to that, but the map cannot generate additional strongboxes, so the prophecy that creates extra strongboxes in a map can't trigger there.
eps1lon wrote:
1. Does the Occultist Ascendancy node Void Beacon grant an aura that just like the other Ascendancy auras has a base radius of 40?

2. If not what is the radius?
The radius is 60, which is the standard used for all ascendancy auras, not 40.

eps1lon wrote:
3. Are the Ascendancy auras affected by the passive nodes that increase the radius of aura skills?
No, as they are not aura skills.

diablokiller1 wrote:
Tukohams War's Herald node.
1. Totems have 50% of your armour
If i have 1000 base armour, and 200% increased armour from tree. Then i have 3000 armour total.

So. My totems will receive 50%. WIll it be 1000*0.5 = 500 or 3000*0.5 = 1500
The second. Your have 3000 armour, your totems get 50% of that value.

diablokiller1 wrote:
Hinekora, Deaths' Fury node.
1% fire damage leeched to totem
1% damage to totemer

1. Let's say we take 10% increased life leeched per second from tree
Does it mean totem will leech now 1.1% of fire damage
Totemer will receive as life 1.1% of total damage dealt by totem
diablokiller1 wrote:
2. Let's say we have life leech gem attached to spell totem gem. This gem gives 2% life leech and 50% increased life leeched
Now totem leechs 1% fire damage and 2% all damage
This 50% increase will be applied only to 2% or to 1% too? Will totem leech (1% fire damage + 3% all damage) or (1.5% fire damage and 3% all damage)?
It applies to all life leech from the supported skill.
diablokiller1 wrote:
What will receive totemer: same 1% total, or 50% from gem will increase it to 1.5

LaazyMonkey wrote:
Hi Mark, does the triple reputation from A Gracious Master prophecy stack with the 250% reputation of a daily mission?
LaazyMonkey wrote:
If so, does it amount to 450% or 750% reputation?
AssasinCreed wrote:
If phase run gem which giving 80% visual reduced to enemies also is given by raider (while at maximum frenzy charges)?
No. Phase Run and Phasing are different things.
Phasing is the property of being able to walk through monsters. It has no other effect.
Phase Run is a buff granted by a skill. It has a specific buff icon and visual effect, and grants multiple stats, including Phasing and the reduced visibility you mentioned.

Khisanth wrote:
Are we supposed to be able to support skills from glove enchantments
No. The enchantment triggered skills aren't normal skills - they don't have levels and can't be supported, among other differences.

Kaileese wrote:
Just noticed that the Controlled Destruction support gem is affecting Cyclone which is an attack skill is this working as intended or a bug?
This is correct.

AusterlitZ wrote:
Would Rapid Decay increase a DoT damage caused by Ancestral Warchief ?
Assuming it was caused by the skill it's using (which is the supported skill) rather than finding some other weird way to apply a DoT, then yes.

Nagluho wrote:
Have a question about Righteous Fire and Eldrich battery.
Wanted to go Eldrich Battery and Hierophant, but noticed that Sanctuary of Thought adds 25% of mana to max ES. And this ES will affect my RF burning damage taken. Makes this passive kinda useless for RF users. Was this intended? You have andjusted Lab traps damage not to scale with ES covering mana, but did not adjusted RF. Was this intended? Will this issue remains in later patches?
This is correct behaviour and unlikely to change. Not everything is supposed to work well with everything else.

Kiytan wrote:
Do any increases in area (either increased AoE, or increased aura effect or anything really) increase the range of "nearby" for the guardians radiant faith node?
No, because all such modifiers apply to area skills, and auras from passives are not skills.

FlawedLogik wrote:
If i use gmp frostbolt and then cast two vortex's from that gmp at nearly the same place, will:
1. The enemy take damage from both vortex's?
FlawedLogik wrote:
2. Would the dot created by multiple vortex's stack?
FlawedLogik wrote:
3. I note previously you mentioned that vortex's dot cant be converted or modified with flat damage. Am i correct to assume that the damage from the dot also can't be reflected?
Correct. All of those things only apply to hits.

Duji wrote:
What is the damage effectiveness of Manifest Dancing Dervish? (level 15 of course)
Being a minion skill that doesn't deal damage, it has no damage effectiveness set. This is equivalent to 100%.
Blocko_Bro wrote:
regarding Elemental Equilibrium. Assuming my previous method is correct. If I have EE (with cold attack dmg) and GMP and I shoot a full stack of 25 into the ice wall and before they blow up I hit the monster with cold EE will:

a.) All arrows blow up simultaneously all getting the benefit of the lowered fire resistance

b.) 1 arrow blows up first and proccing fire EE lowering the damage of all the others.
Only one explosion can benefit from the Elemental Equilibrium debuff. It then applies a new EE debuff with the elements it hit with, which will impeed further explosions.

InambaGuum wrote:
I'd like to know which of the following increases the AoE of curses applied by Blasphemy: a) general AoE nodes (like Amplify)
InambaGuum wrote:
aura AoE nodes (like Leadership)
No. Leadership (and other nodes like it) explicitly says it affects "non-Curse Auras". They thus do not affect curse auras.
InambaGuum wrote:
curse AoE nodes (like Hex Master)
InambaGuum wrote:
the level of the curse gem itself

kolton wrote:
Does Profane Bloom inherit anything from support gems linked with the skill that caused the corpse(s) to explode, assuming those support gems are compatible with that skill? Namely, item rarity, area and damage modifiers.

Volner wrote:
Does Auxium's "Chill and Freeze duration on you is based on 65% of Energy Shield" still works with Eldritch Battery?

dth3flash wrote:
How does the "Reduced Attribute Requirements" work with +flat attribute requirement?
As is standard in PoE, flat additions to a value are done before percentage increases/reducitons.

t3hjs wrote:
So I know things like "Power Charge On Critical Support" and "Smashing Strikes" can only give a maximum of 1 charge per cast or attack, eventhough the cast or attack has multiple hits or is supported by Spell Echo/Multistrike.

But is the chance to gain a charge rolled multiple times?
Yes. Unless it's successful, it doesn't know it's already tried, since that information is stored in the resulting charge.

Shaard wrote:
Right now I have Piercing Shots notable, as well as the 10% at the start of it's wheel.
I also am using the pierce support gem for another 50% pierce. I am also using a corrupted Drillneck (That still has it's regular implicit) for another 10%

30% = Piercing shots
10% = Piercing shots' starting node
50% = Pierce support gem
10% = Drillneck implicit

However every single bow skill says "90% Chance of projectiles piercing"

I cannot find a reason for it to be missing 10% pierce. I personally think its some kind of bugged interaction as I can't figure out any interaction that could cause me to lose only 10%, but I guess if I was directed here it might just exist.
You have 90% chance for Projectiles to pierce, and 10% chance for Arrows to peirce (from Drillneck). All arrows are projectiles, but not all projectiles are arrows, so these are technically separate stats. In practice, all your arrows will have 100% total chance to pierce, and other projectiles will have 90%.

diablokiller1 wrote:
Totems have default Placement Speed 0.6s
will this gem reduce it:
No. Totem Placement Speed and Duration are entirely unrelated concepts. That gem will reduce the Totem's duration - how long it can last before it dies.
I'm no longer horribly sick, and 3.0.0 work is looking slightly more under control. Time for more answers.

boof wrote:
Does the enchantment on the helmet buff every value of rallying cry?
In this example, do 174%, 13.4 and 16% all get buffed by 75%?
Not quite. It increases the value of all the stats granted by the Rallying Cry Buff. However, this buff only grants two stats, not three - "x% increased Damage" and "y Mana regenerated per second". The total amount of increased damage is calculated by the skill when cast, and depends on how many enemies are nearby, but it is only this one total value that is put into the buff, and then increased by the buff effect stat.
I practice this doesn't matter a lot, but does make a difference in terms of where rounding happens.

sefarison wrote:
How does Pathfinder Master Surgeon stack with Surgeon's mod on flasks? Is it 30% or two separate rolls? Does it stack at all?
They are separate rolls, although since this question was asked, the chance on Master Surgeon has been changed to 100%.

Enja_N wrote:
How does the Obliteration wand with it's Abyssal Cry proc and Herald of Ice interact exactly? Can both the shatter chain and chaos explosion chain both proc off the same single mob. Or do they need to proc of independent mobs so they overlap their chaining abilities.
I do not understand the question. Neither of these abilities use chaining mechanics, and I'm not sure whether you're asking about a situation where Abyssal Cry is actually in effect, or whether you've misunderstood Obliteration's effect as being related to Abyssal Cry.
A single frozen monster dying can trigger both explosions from Obliteration and Herald of Ice. If the monster is affected by Abyssal Cry, it can also cause that explosion. Each explosion hits enemies separately. A monster which dies to one explosion can't be hit by any further explosions.

maLcious wrote:
Does Breath of the Council increase the duration of a poison, if the skill used is linked to the Poison Support Gem?
Only if the skill in question has the "Chaos" tag.
maLcious wrote:
Much like the Melee Splash applying the "AoE" tag to a skill that normally is single target.
I understand that something like Voidheart wouldn't because the skill used, isn't directly linked to your attack or spell. It should apply the "Chaos" tag if the skill is directly linked with poison.
Melee Splash does not add any tags to linked skills. It changes the properties of the skill in such a way that it has an area, but the tags on a skill are defined only by the gem. These are distinct concepts.

DeadLeaves wrote:
I would very much appreciate a clarification on the bloodlines mod. Is there a mechanic that prevents bloodlines mobs from dropping maps?

The_x_ile wrote:
can reflected damage be reflected back?

Xaneixan wrote:
Heya Mark do you mind giving a little more Insight in how the xblood Nemesis mod work?

From my experience xblood Nemesis mods are based on the Damage of the mob and not on Life BUT
The Extra elemental mods count lets say for example:

Bandit with Iceblood Nemesis Explosion damage is increased by:
Extra Damage
Extra Fire Damage <-
Extra Lightning Damage <-

If I got it right those 2 buff the Explosion damage and why is that?
The base damage of the explosion is equal to the total attack damage of the monster - what it would deal if it used a default attack (this does not mean the same damage it does if it walks up and hits you, as not all monsters have a default attack, and they may well be using an attack skill with damage modifiers on it).

dth3flash wrote:
How does attack speed and increase duration affect Vaal lightning strike?
Modifiers to attack speed apply to Vaal Lightning Strike the same as to any other attack - they modify the speed with which you execute the attack.
Modifiers to duration affect how long the "charged" state lasts on the monster.

If you have endless hunter, the Slayer node
And Atziri's acuities.
If you leech instantly to full health with Acuities
Does the leech that hasn't been happening instantly still continue?
mark1030 wrote:
My question is about the duration of bleed and poison from items. I'm using snakebite gloves that inflict poison when at max frenzy charges. Here is a post where testing didn't seem to match what the wiki says for the default durations: Can you please clarify the base durations for bleed and poisons including distinctions if it matters what the source is (besides the obvious modified durations from Puncture and Viper Strike)?

And here is another thread where testing seemed to show inconsistencies with duration modifiers: It looks like Increased Duration Support increases poison duration but Less Duration Support does not lessen it. I guess in summary my question is: Is the duration of bleed and poison attached to skills via items supposed to be modifyable by passives and/or gems supporting the skill that applied the bleed/poison?
These were both bugged until 2.5.0. From the patch notes:
  • Bleeding effects from non-puncture sources are now affected by the same (additive and multiplicative) duration modifiers as bleeding effects from puncture sources.
  • Poison from non-Viper Strike sources is now affected by multiplicative skill effect duration modifiers. Additive skill effect duration modifiers were already being applied.

TheAmigoBoyz wrote:
I was wondering if you could clarify this for me.

If i have an attack linked with Slower Projectiles (adding more projectile damage), and i poison on hit from the unique chestpiece, Cospri's Will, would the projectile damage increase also scale the poison damage, just like jewels with projectile damage do, or would it just scale the basic attack, thus scaling the poison damage a little.
Currently yes. This will not be the case in 3.0.0, unless a you have a stat which specifically allows it to apply.

Twargh wrote:
How does ignite damage apply to targets hit by multiple explosive arrows at one (eq. stacked on ice nove are a mob pack around bosses).

I ask because i sometimes experience extreme burn damage and others very little.

If i for example stack 5 arrows on the boss and 5 arrows in two separate stacks on an icewall, all in range to hit the boss. Lets say they explode simultaneously, Will ignite damage be calculated from the total 15 arrows or just the stack with the highest damage?
There are not 15 arrows in this example. When you hit an object with an Explosive Arrow, if it already has an explosive arrow, it doesn't add another arrow, it just adds a fuse charge to the object, which will affect the damage of the preexisting arrow when it explodes. The boss has one arrow in it, with 5 total fuse charges. If the other arrows are in other monsters, they also are two single arrows with 5 fuse charges. If they are not suck into any objects, but just hit terrain, then there is no object to add charges to, and so each arrow is individual - in that case there would be 10 arrows in the terrain, each with only a single fuse charge. As you can see, these are two very different cases.

Each arrow explodes entirely separately, and thus ignites separately, from any other arrows. The magnitude of the explosion (and thus any resulting ignite) depends on how many fuse charges were on the exploding object, as described in the skill description.

From an older thread several years ago, you said that the 'Trap' support gem works on Minions, like from Mirror Arrow, but that trap passives do not buff the resulting minions' damage. However, does the 'Trap and Mine Damage' support gem work with minions supported by 'Trap'?
Damgae from minions hitting things is inherently not trap damage. The support will work with minions in that it grants the minions more Trap and Mine damage, which will benefit them if they use any traps or mines. If they don't, which most minions can't, then they can't deal Trap or Mine damage, and thus can't benefit from that bonus.
On that same note, in this case where you are summoning minions with Trap, would frenzy charges on your character at the time of throwing the trap buff the minions' damage?
No. Frenzy charges on you affect your damage, not your minions damage.

Selensija wrote:
I am playing Necromancer with the Ascendandy Key Node "Mistress of Sacrifice" (Offerings target yourself) and I tried the new spell "Spirit Offering" but either it's not working as intended or I am bad at calculating.

My Character has 325 Int which results in 65% bonus ES
Through the skill tree my Character gets 124% bonus ES

So overall 189% ES

My Character has 4784 Maximum Life and Spirit Offering gives 2% Maximum Life as Energy Shield per Corpse (Up to 9 Corpses)

After casting my Character should have

4784 * 0,02 * 9 * (1+ 189/100) = 2488 Energy Shield
This is only correct if you do not have any modifiers to Maximum Life, which I strongly doubt. You get extra base ES from your base Life, and it is affected by modifiers to both ES and Life. Additive modifiers do not apply multiplicatively as you are doing here.
This works the same was as all other "x converted to y"/"gain X as Extra y" mechanics in the game - you get the base amount, and then modifiers to either apply to it.

Backtracking the calculations, I've worked out that you probably have very close to 1785 base life, and 168% increased life (which would result in 4784 total life after rounding).

This means the extra ES you're getting from 9 corpses, which is converted from life, is 321.3 base ES converted from life (1785 * 0.02 * 9), and is then affected by your increased ES and your increased life. 321.3 * (1 + 189/100 + 168/100) = 1468 after rounding, exactly what you're seeing. The maths also works out to give the same value you're getting at 3 corpses.

pootie3030 wrote:
i skimmed the forum but didnt really find what i was looking for. what is the definition of "attacked recently" and "cast recently". what i would like to know is can a standard attack from a wand count towards "attacked recently".
Yes, the default attack is just as much an attack as any other.
pootie3030 wrote:
as well, do the attacks and spells need to hit a target for them to count towards "recently"?
No, you only need to peform the action. You can shift-attack the air with a melee weapon and you still attacked. And plenty of spells you can cast don't hit enemies anyway.
Using Warcries will not count, as they are neither attacks, nor spells. Additionally, you need to use the skill - triggered skills aren't used, and won't count as you having attacked/cast recently.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Apr 3, 2017, 6:40:29 PM
potvin93 wrote:
I was wondering how to do the rampage challenge with 1000 killstreask with my summoner and i saw there is a pair of gloves to be on rampage (Wyrmsign) and thinking how get a maximum endurance charge. So by reducing my maximum capacity the endurance charge, i'll be at the maximum!

However, it doesn't seem to work. Is it me that i don't understand the maximum endurance charge while at 0/0 or it's a bug?
While at 0/0 Endurance Charges, you are at maximum Endurance chargse, and will thus have Rampage from Wyrmsign. However, this just allows you to start Rampage Killstreaks, and the killstreaks themselves won't show up until they reach 25 kills. So I suspect you just haven't killed enough enemies to see the killstreak.

Wooser69 wrote:
With Forsaken Masters release we were given info on the chance to find masters - 20% in the wild and 50% in maps iirc. So what about map trials? I've finally managed to get 6/6 but only because of global 820. The chance seems to be 5-10% maximum with the number of maps I've ran.

Also, does the tier of map have any effect on the chance to find them? Or the size of the map? I ran many, many dunes because they're the smallest map to explore and try to find a trial in. I however most notably remember finding them in higher tier maps, or zana areas.
I've been told it's a 10% chance.

hq78 wrote:
working with the hypothermia cold support and elemental focus support gem on vortex.

i am using ice golem(if that even matters), and vortex is linked to elemental focus support however i am noticing that monsters that get hit by vortex still "appear" to be getting "chilled"

my question is are these monsters actually chilled? and will hypothermia support gem along with the elemental focus support work?
The Vortex skill cannot chill enemies directly when it hits them, but it still places a ground effect which chills enemies standing in it. Because the enemies are bein chilled by the ground effect, not directly by the skill, this is "getting around" the restriction on Elemental Focus.

I am an Assassin and I am using Noxious Strike and Toxic Delivery. Will the bleeding and poison damage over time still take affect if an enemy is chilled or frozen?
Yes. Freezing or Chilling enemies has no bearing on them being Poisoned or Bleeding, other than the fact that being Frozen will prevent them from voluntarily moving.

Mandrix wrote:
I'm curious about an interaction with the saboteur node "Born in the Shadows". Does the 30% increased damage against blinded enemies work like vulnerability?
No. It says it increases your damage, not their damage taken. It would have to say something like "Blinded Enemies take x% increased Damage from you" to be a modifier to damage taken, like the one from Vulnerability.

The_x_ile wrote:
how does lightning strike with 0 chance to pierce and chain support work with frostwall?
As of 2.4.0, your projectiles cannot collide with your Frost Wall at all.
AusterlitZ wrote:
Would Rapid Decay increase a DoT damage caused by Ancestral Warchief?
Yes (assuming it is supporting the Ancestral Warchief skill).

TheMipchunk wrote:
What determines if a projectile hits a Frost Wall? Sometimes it passes through (such as using Explosive Arrow), even though the character has no pierce chance. Are Frost Wall segments capable of evading?
Your projectiles cannot interact with your frost wall (as of patch 2.4.0). However, in the case of an enemy Frost Wall, the wall is made of multiple overlapping segments. Since projectiles cannot shotgun, only one projectile from a particular fireing can collide with each segment - this will sometimes allow some through.
Frost Wall segments do not have evasion, but the maximum chance to hit is 95%, so it is theoretically possible to miss one.

TheMipchunk wrote:
When wearing The Retch, allocating the Endless Hunger notable, and using instantaneous life leech, will the Retch's "Life Leech applies to enemies as Chaos Damage" modifier deal instant chaos damage when at full life?

TheMipchunk wrote:
When wearing the Retch, if you are leeching from many enemies simultaneously, such that your maximum leech rate is reached, so that the leech from many of those enemies are not actually giving you any further recovery, do those enemies still take chaos damage from the Retch's modifier?
Yes. Your total recovery per second from Leech is capped, but the damage to enemies has no cap.

TheMipchunk wrote:
When wearing Daresso's Defiance and allocating the Unflinching notable, when you are hit (and assuming both effects trigger), do you first gain an endurance charge and then lose it, gaining at least 1 second of Onslaught, or do you lose all endurance charges, gain Onslaught, and then gain one endurance charge?
The former, although you aren't guarunteed at least 1 second of Onslaught in all cases - if your maximum number of Endurance Charges is 0, the initial gaining of a charge will fail, and you won't have any to lose.

zbouby25 wrote:
What's lacerate base range ?

xrook wrote:
can you still leach him during his "immortal reflect phase"? if no, then its an insta-rip even if i have instant leach and just store the map somewhere
I've asked around, an no-one is sure which boss you're asking about here. If you're referring to Izaro, who becomes effectively "immortal" when he reaches a life threshold but does not reflect, then the answer is yes.
If you're referring to Atziri, who does have a reflect phase, but is not immune during it (and would likely not appreciate being called "him"), the answer is also yes.

xrook wrote:
will assassins toxic/noxious strike roll once on multistrike or will it roll in each individual strikes?
Each hit.

SamuraiDukey wrote:
I had a few questions about an interaction between Iron Reflexes and some evasion equipment. If I wear Queen of the Forest with the Juggernaut ascendancy passive Unstoppable and will my movement speed be at 0% because of the penalty or will it be ~14% and unaffected by the Queen of the Forest's movement penalty.
You have no Evasion Rating due to having converted it all to Armour with Iron Reflexes. Queen of the Forest cannot grant you any movement speed in that situation. It still grants 25% reduced Movement Speed, but this is cancelled out by the Unstoppable node, assuming you don't have any other bonuses to movement speed.

SamuraiDukey wrote:
if I'm wearing Queen of the Forest, other evasion gear and grace, will I benefit from the additional movement speed buff from Queen of the Forest or will there be no benefit due to Iron Reflexes converting all my evasion to armor?
Same as above.

SamuraiDukey wrote:
if I do not pick up Unstoppable and get Art of the Gladiator instead, does it work the same way? Will I get the movement buff/penalty from Queen of the Forest?
Art of the Gladiator prevents the inherent movement speed penalty from wearing armour items. It does not interact with the explicit mod on Queen of the Forest.

Noah41 wrote:
Do higher tier maps drop more items regardless of affixes? like does a white t12 map drop more items than a white t7?

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