[2.4] The Master of Agony - CI / ZO + Tri-Curse Essence Drain / Contagion Trickster

The fact is that he is running a different gear setup from the one I usually go for.

He is running Poison in the ED setup. So he uses a gem slot which can be used to run Slower Projectiles or Pierce support.

He is using voidwalker boots instead of brinerot whalers. This accounts for a projectile damage loss (which double dips with poison).

Plus, he is going for the decay dagger. This is good because it has proven to be a very good choice for Essence Drain builds in 2.4, but if you wanna benefit from both poison (from Consuming Dark) and decay you can dual wield daggers, sacrificing some ES to have more damage.

He is not wearing Chayula, meaning he is extremely vulnerable to stun mechanics.

He is not wearing Auxium, meaning he is extremely vulnerable to chill/freeze mechanics.

He is not using Heretic's Veil, meaning he has a lot less free mana to spend for ED spamming.

He has got Empower lvl 2 and ED 20. So ED has a global level of 21, while the final version of the build uses a lvl 24 ED (21 + Empower 4).

All those differences sum up to a large damage loss and QoL decrease.

In the next days I will update the opening post of the build to recommend the use of 2 new items available in 2.4 Essence League: the decay dagger and Witchfire Brew.
Last edited by djnat on Sep 28, 2016, 8:46:21 PM
How viable would be transformation of this build with shavronnes+pain attunement?

Also, what do you think about using a +2 rare staff (1+gem +1chaos gem), switching pierce for poison?
Anup wrote:
How viable would be transformation of this build with shavronnes+pain attunement?

Also, what do you think about using a +2 rare staff (1+gem +1chaos gem), switching pierce for poison?

If you want to go lowlife, you can for sure. You lose a ton of ES and survivability (being open to chaos damage), but you gain 30% more damage. It can be an acceptable deal once your gear is set in stone and you past the 10k ES mark in lowlife mode.

Obviously you have to replace CI and the connected passives with some more ES nodes on the tree to compensate the loss of Infused Shield.
djnat wrote:
The fact is that he is running a different gear setup from the one I usually go for.

He is running Poison in the ED setup. So he uses a gem slot which can be used to run Slower Projectiles or Pierce support.

He is using voidwalker boots instead of brinerot whalers. This accounts for a projectile damage loss (which double dips with poison).

Plus, he is going for the decay dagger. This is good because it has proven to be a very good choice for Essence Drain builds in 2.4, but if you wanna benefit from both poison (from Consuming Dark) and decay you can dual wield daggers, sacrificing some ES to have more damage.

[...]He is not wearing Auxium, meaning he is extremely vulnerable to chill/freeze mechanics.

Actually, at the time of posting I was using your build (I was using your setup). So the above points aren't actually valid, but you couldn't know that.
djnat wrote:

He is not wearing Chayula, meaning he is extremely vulnerable to stun mechanics.

He is not using Heretic's Veil, meaning he has a lot less free mana to spend for ED spamming.

He has got Empower lvl 2 and ED 20. So ED has a global level of 21, while the final version of the build uses a lvl 24 ED (21 + Empower 4).

I wasn't really stunned much. I have no mana problems.
But yeah, the empower 2 and ED 20 did cause me to do less damage.

But could you put up a video of you doing Minotaur, please? I'd like to see how it can be done.
Reworked my tree according to yours, waaay better now, thanks a lot for the tree.
13k ES without discipline, 32k dot dps in hideout
sikker wrote:
But could you put up a video of you doing Minotaur, please? I'd like to see how it can be done.

As you can see from my current challenges in Essence, I am not playing that much PoE atm because of work duties. When I get the chance to do Minotaur in the future I'll upload a video.
sikker wrote:

But could you put up a video of you doing Minotaur, please? I'd like to see how it can be done.

I recorded my first solo attempts at all 4 guardians. I had done them before but with my brother who is playing Pathfinder BV. He can face tank them with any mods so i used him to get the vaaled versions of the guardian maps for the bonus. I actually just stayed out of the maps and jumped in and culled the bosses.

So these aren't blind runs but i still don't really know what i'm doing.

21/20 ed, all supports at 20q except slower porj. its at 4q.
11,546 tool tip dps
32,126 Dot dps
11,330 ES with discipline

i run enfeeble and temp chains and use witchfire brew for vuln. I also dropped stone golem, im trying a chaos golem out now but im learning that i just dislike playing with golems in general.

all maps were basically white as far as the boss goes. i rolled them to have mods that only would effect the map clear and not the guardians themselves.

Minotaur with consuming dark 4:40 ( i died a few times . . .)

Minotaur with Consuming Dark 3:32

Phoenix with delirium 4:20

Chimera with delirium 4:32

Hydra with Delirium 5:08

I did the Minotaur with both the consuming dark and a delirium dagger. Notice i died a few times in the consuming dark video. Id chalk it up to my lack of experience with the build and the bosses. When playing with the consuming dark i did feel like i should be trying to stack poison as much as i could and often stood still to long. The delirium play style does translate well into these high movement bosses.

So there you go, all 4, it can be done and done deathless (i did do Minotaur deathless with delirium).

As far as how "hard" you can roll them i really have no idea, i might try some harder versions once my brother is on incase i need him to save a run but i think rolling guardian maps easy on purpose to get the frag is OK.

Im just unsure on how hard of mods ED can handle on something like this, ED needs time to do the damage which really depends on you dodging the bosses dmg to you. Its not BV where you spin up and stand in place and leech and face tank everything. Id imagine like with most builds the more damage you get the crazier things you can do. I just dont now how much more dps i can get, and any that i can get isnt going to be easy.

Thx for this guide mate, I realy enjoy this build (played ED before but life version). Working on 3rd curse now doing T10+ without problem, did uber lab without problem. Instead of chayula I choose to use lab ench on boots "80% chance to Avoid being Stunned if you've Killed Recently", it works fine so far :) 8.6k es and 10k+ toolip (29k dmg). I'm also using dagger with essence of delirium so far it seems better than consuming, any1 else compared them and have diffrent opinion?

My gear

as a new player how does your build compare to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPgkE_4dztk ? not sure which to go
Hello, can you reccomend to me how to obtain good 6l vaal regalia? im think that just craftig is so expensive, but buying good expensive too. may be try to crafting via The Ethereal and chaos orbs?

and it is better use decay dagger then consuming dark? my is:

and again craft or buy good.

ps: im new player so any advices welcome

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