GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Build looks nice. Is this possible to farm uber lab with max number of keys?
I wonder how this build would work with new Death's Oath chest instead of cloak of defiance. That new DO aura seems opie af
seems like they even boosted dmg of ED and Contagion or did they nerf any other mechanic and we rly dont get much from it?
I got character with clear tree, so i decided to check this build, but i have two questions.
1. The tree on the YT movie is different than posted tree. Which one i should choose? Posted tree is for 3.0 and tree in the movie for 2.6?
2. There are not connected nodes in the tree. This is some mistake, or there is some way to do that?
kayklown wrote:
So with this new MoM version, would you say it's better to go with the cloak of defiance over something like skin of loyal / Cherrubim's Maleficence, or is just the MoM passives enough?

For Softcore you could be better of with the higher DMG gearing, though for hardcore I'd personally prefer the Cloak of Defiance.

qbatronix wrote:
Build looks nice. Is this possible to farm uber lab with max number of keys?

I doubt it, the damage is not enough to delete the boss directly and the survival will be fine, but the leech can't tank the boss with multiple keys.

Logikov wrote:
I wonder how this build would work with new Death's Oath chest instead of cloak of defiance. That new DO aura seems opie af

I will be checking the patch notes in an hour, this MIGHT change the approach I go with in some of my build guides.

qbatronix wrote:
I got character with clear tree, so i decided to check this build, but i have two questions.
1. The tree on the YT movie is different than posted tree. Which one i should choose? Posted tree is for 3.0 and tree in the movie for 2.6?
2. There are not connected nodes in the tree. This is some mistake, or there is some way to do that?


1. The Video is for 2.6, the guide just recieved an update for 3.0 (it is stated in the thread that the video is for 2.6)

2. The not connected nodes is due to you looking at the tree with 2.6 layout, the build is designed for 3.0 and it's updated tree! :)
New player here.

I've spent the last week or so reading up on the game. I used to play an affliction warlock in WoW years ago and this build looks fun to me.

It appears the skills and ascendancy are even receiving buffs (unlike every other build it seems).

Given that I have very little experience with the game, will this work well as a first main character?

It appears to struggle with bosses, but be great at farming and clearing packs. Would it be advisable to start with this build and save up currency for a second character that is good for bosses?

Thanks in advance!
Feel like a n00b asking these questions (and I may very well be!), but here goes:

You use shield bash+Fortify as your main movement skill?
What's on your lclick mouse?
You find a group and cast contagion and then essence drain?

CoolLink19 wrote:
New player here.

I've spent the last week or so reading up on the game. I used to play an affliction warlock in WoW years ago and this build looks fun to me.

It appears the skills and ascendancy are even receiving buffs (unlike every other build it seems).

Given that I have very little experience with the game, will this work well as a first main character?

It appears to struggle with bosses, but be great at farming and clearing packs. Would it be advisable to start with this build and save up currency for a second character that is good for bosses?

Thanks in advance!


Welcome in!
This build should work very well as a first character, you have access to ask any questions in here, my discord server, my stream, my youtube channel. So anything that comes up, fire away and get it sorted asap.

This build was originally designed to be a leaguestarter to bank tons of currency to make a "better" character for end-game. The recent changes has made this build function for both leaguestarting as well as end-game in a very nice fashion.

ilder wrote:
Feel like a n00b asking these questions (and I may very well be!), but here goes:

You use shield bash+Fortify as your main movement skill?
What's on your lclick mouse?
You find a group and cast contagion and then essence drain?


There are no noob questions in my threads or community, I welcome any questions.

Contagion => Essence Drain is the rotation order.
Shield Charge is simply the fastest bet.
What armor bases would you recommend? I presume ES is no longer the way to go.
Just curious, what weapons should i use? trying to decide between this as starter or FNM starter

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