GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Psyonix wrote:
Heavyweight87 wrote:

As a newbie whos trying to go the soulrend route, thanks for this!
I imported your character and created a POB link:

Wondered if you cared to explain some of the skill tree differences?

Oh sweet! The main differences in my tree is the decision to forego Eldritch Battery and not travelling down to the Acrobatics section of the tree. this is because The Perfect Form gives me Phase Acrobatics, While The Devouring Diadem gives me EB. I also decided to give Wicked Ward a shot, and so far it's felt useful, although I think the build would do just fine without it. With all the extra points I didn't need to spend on the two Keystones granted by my gear, I took the whispers of doom cluster to dual curse with Bane. Other than that, my tree's not *that* much different. I may have made a sub-optimal choice in grabbing those mana nodes to get my Watcher's Eye in there. But thus far I'm happy with it.

Ok makes sense. Do you think as it will take me a while to get such gear that I need to alter the tree?
Hi everyone, been playing the game for a while, never serious enough to get on the ladder or anything (I think I have had a couple of guys up in the high 80s).

It so happens my son in law and good friend are also playing so I have gotten a little more serious. Ran across this build browsing the forums and was intrigued, followed as much as I could at the beginning before my own curiosity had me experiment and then my friends gave me some currency and items to round out my kit of where I am now. Currently I am starting on maps and I am at tier 6 and running those pretty easily, generally without any deaths or near death experience. However, I feel squishy... So posting my kit to get some possible advice or help, any feedback is appreciated. Right now my budget is 3EX 180Ch (found those myself btw running Glaciers).

I know I need to work on my flasks but like I said outside of the squishy kind of feeling I only ever seem to die on when I click on a strongbox that auto freezes me. Again, lots of thanks in advance to any help.

Last edited by skalla99 on Jul 11, 2019, 5:22:06 PM
just fix your flasks (you should have one for bleed, one for curse, and one for freezing/shocking) and you can easily farm T16 maps. I have similar/worse gear than you do and can farm 16 very comfortably.
xsnowingx wrote:
Sidad wrote:

That build is really good, and it's in hardcore as well!

Min/Maxing gear at best. It's like work of art.
@skalla99 I would suggest to get Arctic Armor since it's 'free' Aura. Since you have 6link chest you can try 6link blight and get rare gloves. Maybe use CWDT/IC in gloves. Also I would suggest buying The Watcher's Eye if you dont have it with Malevolence Aura and Non-Ailment Chaos Damage. Get better rings and flasks. I don't know if you have Acrobatics but if you do it's taking 30% of your shield away. With The Perfect Form, if you invest into cold resistance your evasion will go up. I dont use Acrobatics since my Evasion is at 70% in HO and at 84% with flasks which is enough to do all content comfortably.

I've pieced this mess of a build together from multiple sources and am completely lost. I can run tier 16 maps fine but I was wondering if anyone could help me clean it up and switch out the garbage I've created.
Hey all - been messing about with my ED character this league and have him at lvl 89. My main goal is to complete the atlas, and this league that looks like it should be quite straightforward. Up to Tier 15 now, and filling the lower level gaps as I go.

I've ended up with a hybrid build, part Ghazzy part Ziz, and I'm sure it's a long way from being optimised.

Could I get some pointers for steps I could take to improve performance? I'm mainly concerned about increasing survive-ability versus increasing DPS, but either is always welcome. Thanks.

Character name is SDDTrickED: -
siden1 wrote:
Hey all - been messing about with my ED character this league and have him at lvl 89. My main goal is to complete the atlas, and this league that looks like it should be quite straightforward. Up to Tier 15 now, and filling the lower level gaps as I go.

I've ended up with a hybrid build, part Ghazzy part Ziz, and I'm sure it's a long way from being optimised.

Could I get some pointers for steps I could take to improve performance? I'm mainly concerned about increasing survive-ability versus increasing DPS, but either is always welcome. Thanks.

Character name is SDDTrickED: -

Looking at you character...

Couple of questions to think of as you go forward, as ways to improve DPS and Survival:

-No Despair curse? Bane linked manual or Blas-aura?
-No Temp Chains? or no Aspect of Spider
-No Vaal Grace for insta-defense or no Vaal RF for bursting down hard targets?
-No Arcane Surge?
-No non-Chaos damage multi besides on your weapon?
-No Empower in ED links
-Drop Mana pot? Use Enlighten or other mana sources, like enchanting -Total Costs of Mana
-Switch Blight from a Totem-based cast--to a channeling and Infuse it? Or Allelo's equip'd

Your tree I guess looks fine. You have no Watcher's Eye. And no other jewels beside Spreading Rot.

Not sure what your stats are Life/ES/Mana/Unresv Mana so its hard to tell there. But I suspect you have lots of gear upgrades that will increase both Def and Offense -- your neck and rings are simply basic for example.
Last edited by Optio82 on Jul 12, 2019, 10:40:42 AM
Just switched from ED Contagion to Soulrend Bane and good lord this launches it way ahead (just about 450k dot dps, can push 500k once done). Still adjusting to the loss of Contagion auto spreading but fuck man this build feels insane. Basically copied psyonix's setup (thanks)..just need to farm some lab enchants and finish leveling gems.


@psyonix Would you recommend Damage Pen or Cast Speed for Boots Enchant?
Last edited by DrPriapism on Jul 12, 2019, 10:33:27 AM
DrPriapism wrote:
Just switched from ED Contagion to Soulrend Bane and good lord this launches it way ahead (just about 450k dot dps, can push 500k once done). Still adjusting to the loss of Contagion auto spreading but fuck man this build feels insane. Basically copied psyonix's setup (thanks)..just need to farm some lab enchants and finish leveling gems.

Just curious -- what is the great improvement or great upside to Soulrend Bane vs. "normal" ED & Contagion

More burst damage? Smoother play style?

Just wondering, thanks

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