[2.2] RichJMoney's Chaos Bladefall Budget Build. "MingPep's Heart Rage of Defiance"
" Fatal toxins only scales the poison portion of the build, not the upfront damage, so that 100% increased poison is really only scaling 10% of our damage by 100% increased. Not really worth it IMO since our damage is a large part upfront. CharanJaydemyr:some people need to really rethink how they spend their money....I will trash this item if I ever find it on principle...I've seen much cleverer "troll" items get turned down, so I guess GGG gave up trying to enforce that one. Not GGG's finest hour.
poeurl.com/bD4E |
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I submit to your Maths Rich (I didn't think it was that bad : 10%... Those 6 points would be much better on life or Frenzy charge). Respec time then !
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" If you do want more damage, the Shadow 10% Phys, 10% Chaos is particularly good for this. It scales the base phys of the bladefall, the Chaos added from Mings (double dip), the flat Chaos from Apep's and then the Poison as well. I always try and focus on scaling the upfront damage as much as possible, with preference going to nodes that scale the secondary poison as well. CharanJaydemyr:some people need to really rethink how they spend their money....I will trash this item if I ever find it on principle...I've seen much cleverer "troll" items get turned down, so I guess GGG gave up trying to enforce that one. Not GGG's finest hour.
poeurl.com/bD4E |
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Would you recommend the southernmost Frenzy charge or those three shadow nodes (same price in passive for me) ? I'm quite impressed with the Frenzy charges : the 4% cast speed + 4% damage indeed scale really well !
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do i put the jewels in at level 28 and use bladefall with a wand or what? im just using a 2hand and leveling with molten strike until i figure out what to do. i dont really know where in the tree to go first, towards shadow or towards blood magic?
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There is a level 50 tree under the levelling section page 1. Blood Magic should be taken between level 50 and 60 (I waited even a little bit more, as I wanted plenty of life first).
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" I think I just ran Bladefall with Hatred until I got blood magic (then switched to poison). I personally do most of the pathing in the Tree first so I'm near both Damage and Life that I can pick up when needed. I did level with twinked out elreon jewelry so it'd probably be much different with another setup. CharanJaydemyr:some people need to really rethink how they spend their money....I will trash this item if I ever find it on principle...I've seen much cleverer "troll" items get turned down, so I guess GGG gave up trying to enforce that one. Not GGG's finest hour.
poeurl.com/bD4E |
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Loving the build so far :)
9/10 for it I have a few sugestions for pushing the build and wondered what you think (these are not in the buget range) I have replaced the granite flask with Taste of Hate just cus i have one and thats a big dps push with Promise I also have a Wither totem setup (wither/faster Casting/Spell Totem) - repalcing he CWDT/Blood Rage/Golem setup i still manually cast Blood rage :) i find this is more defensive with the slow down effect :) Also i have a level 4 empower and when i 6l the Daresso's Defance i think that should be the best dps increase going either that or Void Manipulation would be my choice on the old 6l |
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" " From the start I played with wands (using Ethereal Knives instead of Bladefall at first). A Flame Totem in a Night's Hold talisman is a great source for easy DPS and Blind for strong monsters. I kept Hatred on my switch to level, but every time I try it, Clear Mind gives me roughly the same damage boost. But Clear Mind gives me mana regen, instead of mana reservation like Hatre! :) I will probably switch to poison + blood magic + Apep's Rage at level 62. (But haven't tried switching my Added Fire with Poison yet, maybe I should soon.) Last edited by jjwa#7843 on Jan 17, 2016, 3:05:40 AM
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I did not go to the Harrier area yet (level 52), which have me dex-trouble levelling my Bladefall. A +30 dex node was not enough to fix that. The points past Hired Killed don't seem too effective to me if you ignore the dex. What do others think? Did you go there first? Is the path to Fangs of the Viper and Blooddrinker worth it?
" I am glad you posted it. The reason I chose to play it is not the fact that it's Bladefall or Bladefall + poison, but the interesting combinations. CWDT + Ball Lightning + CoH, wtf? 3x CwdT? Ming's + Apep's? I'm only level 52 now, but looking forward to see how it will develop between 60 and 70 with Daresso's + Apep's + Ming's. I hope it will be defensive enough to tolerate my mistakes... Last edited by jjwa#7843 on Jan 17, 2016, 3:08:11 AM