[2.2] RichJMoney's Chaos Bladefall Budget Build. "MingPep's Heart Rage of Defiance"
" Different people can concurrently come up with similar ideas, especially in a complex game like POE with a dedicated userbase. I've seen a few general Bladefall + Poison builds around, but nothing went quite as ham on the Chaos damage upfront. I also really enjoyed the defensive setup that I came up with. I don't often post guides, but I felt that I had enough small things different than the norm that people would be interested (and it seems so!) CharanJaydemyr:some people need to really rethink how they spend their money....I will trash this item if I ever find it on principle...I've seen much cleverer "troll" items get turned down, so I guess GGG gave up trying to enforce that one. Not GGG's finest hour.
poeurl.com/bD4E |
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Looks interesting. Your lvl 50 tree has attack speed out of Scion tree, might fix that before someone new gets confused :) Otherwise, solid!
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" Thats for faster whirling blades while leveing. /s CharanJaydemyr:some people need to really rethink how they spend their money....I will trash this item if I ever find it on principle...I've seen much cleverer "troll" items get turned down, so I guess GGG gave up trying to enforce that one. Not GGG's finest hour.
poeurl.com/bD4E |
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very cool, i love to see blood magic builds and ming's heart is a personal favorite of mine, it's' just a really sweet ring. though personally i used it with kaom's heart in a cyclone build which really offset the life loss. with over 200% from the tree, though, you end up breaking even with a lot of builds that only get 170% or so. i've already blown too many regrets, or i would try this out, for now i might have to wait till next league and give it a go because it definitely looks a lot more appealing than most of the other bladefall builds i've seen!
btw, unrelated to this build, but since you designed cameria's maul:
i've been thinking about doing a cameria's maul hybrid clear/mf build, trying to figure out a good balance of clear speed, consistent freezing, and iiq/iir. (was thinking IIQ gem, maybe ventor's, and then just IIR on rare gear so i can still get life/res.) i mostly like to farm t9 and below and sell higher maps, so being able to get 80 rarity off your weapons alone while still being able to faceroll lower maps quickly should be doable even if the dmg doesn't necessarily scale amazingly. if you have any feedback on any of that, feel free to msg me or whatever. : )
Last edited by alexvsevil#7683 on Jan 8, 2016, 3:55:38 AM
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Hey everyone! Just wanted to say I love this build. I'm level 84 on THC right now and I absoluted wreck everything and am, in fact, very tanky somehow. I should note that I am not using 2 ming's heart, even tough I have them. I just decided for much more hp wearing a coral ring with a lot of hp (since my resistances are mostly overcapped for ~30 on the rest of the gear). Still, the damage is VERY good with only one.
Super awesome build Rich, thanks for that! Last edited by danmf#7807 on Jan 8, 2016, 11:42:40 AM
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" Just copy/pasta a reddit comment here: Here's my first run at Dual Cameria's Tree using threshold jewels and Glacial Hammer: http://poeurl.com/u4S You can get 50 Str in a medium radius (according to the offline planner) in 5 slots: Next to Golem's Blood, Below Berserking, above Totemic Mastery, Above Devotion, and next to Marauder's Endurance Charge. That's 100% rarity on the tree, 80 in your hands. Southbound, Rats Nest, Greed's Embrace, 2x Ventors Decent, a pair of rare boots with rarity and the flask can get you up to 470/50 pretty easily with the resistances on the tree, a Rare Rustic, Ammy and Boots can cap resists with 5k+ life total (150% on tree, 12% southbound, misc from excess jewels. Should be able to get about 60% crit chance with a 7% Maul. I would probably do: Glacial Hammer, Melee Splash, Faster Attacks, Melee Phys and Rarity, avoiding Multistrike to not get stuck in animations. Herald of Ice, Curse on Hit, AssMark can sustain charges while solo, and just throw Hatred on top of that (maybe a blas setup instead). Mana should be sustained now with Spirit Void as spirit void Leeches on all the WED on top of the Phys. I grab Revelry on the tree to pass to the strength node to activate the shattered dreams by Golem's blood but if you cans sustain mana without it the life and Dex node would be a better choice. " Thanks for the vouch on the build! CharanJaydemyr:some people need to really rethink how they spend their money....I will trash this item if I ever find it on principle...I've seen much cleverer "troll" items get turned down, so I guess GGG gave up trying to enforce that one. Not GGG's finest hour. poeurl.com/bD4E Last edited by RichMoney#4037 on Jan 8, 2016, 1:25:03 PM
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I've just bought all the gear required for this build!
I'll let you know how it turns out, from what I've seen it looks great both offensive and defensively which sounds perfect. Thanks for the build! |
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RichMoney, what are your thoughts on the Fatal Toxins cluster?
It has big numbers and is very close for the build. |
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Hey Rich! I said I would post my totem version of this build, and I finally remembered, so here it is!
Here's the passive tree: http://poeurl.com/vKA The character is MJ_MingPepMeta and should be publicly viewable if anyone wants to see my gear/gems. I took Acro/Phase Acro as a personal preference, which also puts me near the Fatal Toxins cluster which scales really well with all of our poison stuff. Herbalism is also really nice for totem builds since we aren't leeching and have to rely on flasks/regen for health recovery. You could probably drop most of the right side of the tree and put the points to good use on the left side, but this is working just fine for me. For leveling, I went straight for dual flame totems and used those pretty much until I got my 5-link for bladefall totems. Pretty straightforward stuff. I don't think I took the BM keystone until I equipped both Ming's Hearts. I also didn't take many totem specific nodes because the damage is already insane without them, and I'm in THC so defenses are more important to me. The newly buffed Searing Bond (with weed beam mtx to be matchy matchy) is also an amazing addition to this build since we're already using Vuln as a curse. The burning damage ends up being pretty significant when linked with Rapid Decay and Inc Burning Damage with Vuln on top. Drop this thing and two bladefall totems on a boss and they'll melt quite nicely. I've done maps up to tier 11 with this build and haven't had any real problems at all. The only tricky part was getting the gear together to straighten out resists, which I'm still working on. Any questions, feel free to PM me! Cheers! MJ |
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Hi. I'm currently level 79 and I have finally all the pieces of the build. Daresso's defiance is wooooonderful indeed (I had never tried it, the Endurance charges are up all the time : thanks so much to the one who sold me a cheap 5-link).
I'm having a blast and have tried up to Tier 9 maps, with no specific problem (one death now and then, but most of my sessions are deathless and I'm a bad player so HC players should not fear because of me). I've killed some hard bosses* (twinned terrace bosses despite their unbelievable regeneration or twinned village ruin in a Zana run for twice the fun). I love the 4,2k life (and I have not taken all the life nodes yet), armour and 7 Endurance charges. And the 20k DPS with Frenzy charges up. (* they are hard as far as I'm concerned !) My gear for reference (quite ok, but still room for improvement) :
As a side note, I confirm you'd have to change too much of the build to play repentance (or maybe get Astramentis to get the stats and then Capping the resists would be a nightmare). As I intend to play the build with a friend, I took conduit too cause it was not too far (11 charges to share, one day I'll have 12). So i'd say this is a party build too. I'm trying Wither on a spell totem : it's a good defensive strategy as it slows ennemies waaaay down and it highlights them in a purple aura, making them easier to see. I can't say I'm much impressed by the Chaos damage part though and I will probably scrap it soon as it forces me to play Vaal Haste with spell Totem (damn you unbreakable 4-link !). And I'm gonna try Fatal Toxins, though I don't know how useful it will be : most of ennemies die in one go, so it would work only on beefy ennemies and bosses. And it costs 6 points to get there... All in all, Rich, a very good build. Last edited by Pingouinmalin#5040 on Jan 11, 2016, 2:19:54 AM
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