Balance Changes in Content Update 2.1.0

Legacy flasks...

That's just one affix limited to flasks only.
GGG, just change it like you did with Acuity or leech affixes.

I mean, I can't remember a situation were people were generaly positive on having Legacy. Even people who actualy own the perfect going-to-become-legacy uber-tier item were mostly fine with not having legacy and nerfing all wxisting items includng theirs.
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
I've been playing the Incinerate Witch and I agree 100% that Incinerate needed a nerf.

Gonna be weird having Legacy versions of Flasks, but it is a sensible change.

Thanks for continuing to care about the game and supporting it so strongly and smartly.
Less Whining More Grinding
Reconsider legacy surgeon flasks. Many people don't want that.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
It would be really nice to know the exact number of how much mana per level we gain with 2.1. That alone could promote a lot of my characters from "workable but clunky" to a hopefully more satisfying level.
IGN: Yookikoo | CET
Rory wrote:

Surgeon's Flasks (Nerfed, but not retroactively)
Surgeon's flask mods now grant a chance to gain a charge on critical strike, rather than unconditionally granting one. This will not change flask mods spawned before the deployment of 2.1.0 - they will still work the old way.

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' ... rollin' rollin' rollin' .... RAWHIDE!
"better to simply go balls deep full retard if you gonna go retard." -Boem-

I'm looking forward to the day Summon Skelebros is actually looked at as a skill :(
Loving some of the changes, but the legacy flasks will literally cause people to go on crafting sprees these last few days before the patch rolls in.

Lets not pollute Standard/Hc anymore shall we? I like living there :)
Think of the environment, recycle.

Hunwulf wrote:
Rory wrote:

Surgeon's Flasks (Nerfed, but not retroactively)
Surgeon's flask mods now grant a chance to gain a charge on critical strike, rather than unconditionally granting one. This will not change flask mods spawned before the deployment of 2.1.0 - they will still work the old way.

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' ... rollin' rollin' rollin' .... RAWHIDE!

Thanks for nice song, man.

To all:
Guys, plz dont forget we will have an additional advantage from a skills after a labirinth.
The Melee Splash buff alone will allow some new AOE alternatives.

In combination with the Life Leech buffs survivability will be considerbly higher (especially in mob packs).

Finally less mana per melee skill usage and more mana per level means indirecly more damage.

You can now push your damage even further with offensive mana based auras ,easier then before, witout giming your survivability (Life spend for auras with BM-Keystone).
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Very lazy balance changes, I was hoping to see something more than just buffing/nerfing base damage of skills. Skills like fire trap, storm call, ice nova need a complete mechanic rework, buffing the base damage and nerfing others won't help much to even up the balance in meta.
You give more skill nodes for traps on the tree? That s great and all but what about defenses? I can invest 100 points in damage and then get oneshot by a magic mob. Or I can invest 100 points in defences and my traps wouldn't do damage at all. That s just an example. Traps don't have leech, nor much AoE(and now you nerfed AoE even more), without elemental prolif this skill will suck regardless.
GGG, you guys need to test out your skill gems yourself, take time to read the gem feedbacks on forums and take more time to rebalance. Changing a few numbers here and there won't do anything
Last edited by Dr1MaR on Dec 7, 2015, 6:22:39 AM
To all:
Guys, plz dont forget we will have an additional advantage from a skills after a labirinth.

Plz don't forget that Talisman League (a.k.a 2.1.0) is not the same as PoE:Ascendancy (which will come live only after few months), right?

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