[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

I am a fledgling PoE noob budding into some form of competence in this vast network of systems. I would like a place in your ranks to help me develop some real understanding (and ask some of my stupid questions lol) and even help out when I can :)

IG Name: RainOfBladez(thats the name of the caracter I'm playing right now right?)
IGN: dragonslayerxinzhao

I'm a loner.
Last edited by reddragon on Mar 31, 2017, 1:48:43 AM
IGN: P_a_n_d_a
I Mostly enjoy playing Legacy and new Leagues as they come out. I play some every day, and am currently making an MFer, so I can contribute to the guild stash.
Ign: Stelspihot
I do enjoy standard softcore with my only one homesick tornado shadow. Still looking for buddies to farm 🍞.
Last edited by Jenjur on May 13, 2019, 12:31:19 PM
IGN: FreyjaFirespinner

I am a new player to PoE and Legacy League is the first league that I am playing from the beginning. Played a bit of Breach (last 2-3 weeks). I can only play Softcore as my internet connexion is pretty unstable and for now only play in the Temporary Leagues. I would like to join your guild as I would like the support of guild members to help me know more about this game and answer my noob questions. I usually play for about 2-4 hours daily between 1600 and 2000 hrs (UTC Time) except during my college examinations (and sometimes even then :P). Please consider me in joining your Guild.

My characters http://poe-profile.info/profile/Sierra_117

PS. My laptop is kind of a toaster so I don't know if I can run both PoE and Discord at once, but if it is a requirement I will try it out at once to check.
Last edited by Sierra_117 on Mar 31, 2017, 4:36:12 PM
Put me in your ongoing list of players in the waiting room.

IGN: Right now it's either MistressDenna or Soulusek_Ro
Hi! IGN MaraJadeSkywalker. Play a few times a week, looking for some company, starting on low to mid-tier maps!
Hi IGN is morpic or FckMeHarder. I play on standard and temp leagues. I try to log in daily but I log in at least 2 times a week minimum.

Playing on the AUS realm currently
IGN: InsertRacistRemarkHere
I pretty much play daily, but i stick strictly to playing templeagues.

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