[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

IGN: BFSuperHypeKiller

Playing Legacy league atm for quite a bit, love to have a guild to do stuff with from time to time :)
Hey Guys,

actually im in a Guild with two friends but one of them are still not playing.

So im looking for a nice community to play with ;)

ATM im playing a CWC Sorching Ray Tank Berserker on LVL 90, I play POE since 2015 and this is my 3rd league.

IGN: Lothbrog

Im online everyday of the week for about 3-4hrs

BR Timo

Hello! I'm Interested in joining. I'm starting to play a lot more again. I'm mostly a solo player but I don't mind being around a lot of players. I'm playing during the Temp league as of right now but Ill be playing a lot more with my Gladiator.

I usually play after work for about a few hours and then more on one of my days off.

I'm playing a lvl 80 Max Block Gladiator(tweaking it right now) I had an account for poe since like 2013 and I didn't know what I was doing so I stopped playing for awhile. Started playing again because of the 3.0 hype. I started fresh and couldn't stop playing.

IGN: StrongEight

ign SuperSquirter
Long time player. casual now. Strictly standard. I need mapping friendos

wanderfinder/mortemmorsu/maxblockssglad and a few other builds i play.
Hi my ign is Athollo and I am an active player in legacy soft core and I wish to join your guild :)
IGN: Killer4FunBR
I always play in leagues to get exclusive league items and have fun
IGN: Awkez

Doing legacy softcore, at the moment. Don't know for how long but I want to try out being in a guild in POE. Thanks!
IGN: Vaalstar

Hook me up plz!
IGN: AnsTempFP

Can I get an Inv plz?

Fed up of playing on my own looking to join others the Guild i'm in is dead never anyone online
Last edited by InPanicHDx on Apr 9, 2017, 9:44:59 AM

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