[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hi I would like to join the guild my IGN is Lupusnebu
IGN leedslad1971

hi i'd love to join your guild i am playing tempory league at mo but have high lvl chars on standard aswell
3. Legacy (playing leagues only)
4.How many hours of Path of Exile do You play a week

-21 - 40 hours

5.Playing since 2013
6.Looking for active guild with normal ppl to play with
7.IGN: VazGen
dude add me, ign@ devildx
I'm down, ign: Legacy_PwRz_
Hi, I'm interested in joining. Been playing solo for most of my game play but I'd like to play with other people. Playing HC most of the time but I also play in SC
Hi, IGN Kragmire, I just started playing standard but was a temp only player for a while now. I would like the opportunity to learn the market with others and be taught. Thankyou XD.
hey looking for a guild. IGN crashmemes
Id like to join! I've been looking for an active guild for a while now.
I would like to join and my IGN is: ThaFiveSix

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