[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

IGN: WheresYourYacht
Started playing in torment, got really into it after i got a mirror drop in betrayal, been playing pretty consistently since then. I try to maximize most of my league starts, usually hit maps in ~3.30hr-4hr fav way to play is mapping/bossing.
Looking for some active players to chat in vc during the early-mid stages of the league
I only play temp leagues, skipped crucible cause boring mechanic
IGN: Curse___Botz
Mostly playing Standard to have better experience and mastery at the game, and looking to start pushing in Trial of Ancestors SC.
IGN: Ncoqa
I’m interested in joining, I’m a new player.
Interested in properly learning the game and finding some people to play with hopefully.
Last edited by Ncoqa#7148 on Aug 12, 2023, 3:13:57 AM
IGN: Snuuuuuuuus

Played on and off since harbinger. usually league start SSF then migg to trade when I get stuck/bored.

Would love to join so I can share the joy of meme items with true connoisseurs.
IGN: groundedbearslam
I Mostly enjoy playing standard and working on perfecting my character, and is looking for some people to chat with :)
IGN: TSMrpatt

I like to play standard when there are no league's. Been playing a long time and my currenct guild leader is inactive so im looking for another guild to join and have fun with.
IGN: Cell_witch_aff

I mostly enjoy playing leagues and am still learning a lot about the game but would like a place to be able to chat with and ask questions, only my second league so Im still pretty new.
IGN: ripts
Been playing since 3.14. Only play SC League Trade. God only knows what my standard stash tabs look like right now. Looking for a guild who, you know, actually talks in guild chat more than once or twice a day. Cheers.
IGN: Lake_of_minions

Playing since 2013 with breaks, will gladly to join your guild:-)
IGN: Boombamas
Started playing in 2017 on and off and now back again after resting for the past 3 leagues. Would like to join if possible

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