[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

IGN: RockGod

Hey, looking for a community to join, been playing forever.

I play League mainly, but like to test builds out on Standard. Enjoy Theorycrafting alot, probably more than endgame grinding.
IGN Enriixx.

Serious casual. Play all modes.
hey i'd like to join your clan, I think that it could provide a good experience, im recently almost always on loved last league but just been playing standard this league.

IGN: RawEggPoptart
Last edited by PrinceShimmy on Jan 19, 2019, 11:28:10 PM
Interested in joining.

love to join.

IGN GiveMeYourMonies
Hi I'm a really new player and hoping I could join to sorta get an idea of how the game works and find some friends

Last edited by caba85 on Mar 3, 2019, 7:04:05 AM
Interested for synthesis. Right now I'm just leveling bullshit trying to figure out what I want to do.
I'm looking for a social place to call home if y'all are still recruiting. Been playing for a few months and I'm hooked. Only tried standard thus far but will probably try the Synthesis league.

IGN: darkskar915

IGN: MFjester

I usually play temp leagues to experience content and earn some currency. I occasionally play on standard and play around with characters using the currency earned from temp leagues.

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