[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

would like to join current character is weaponsgalore with no gaps.
Very active been playing few hours per day
IGN: StabbyMcStabbyStabberin

I've one other character in Merciless.

I'm interested in joining up if you guys are open.

I'm fairly active and just got back into this game after not playing for a while.

Hit me up in-game, thanks!
Hey there, I'm interested to join your guild :) please invite if you are open . I'm an active player that is looking forward for the patch 3.0 to play with other people . thanks :)

Last edited by witcher9611#3836 on Apr 30, 2017, 12:51:59 AM
- Plays POE 7 Times a Week, enjoys TEMP SC LEAGUE, Willing to help and be helped.

IGN: IceShotIsOnTheWay

I am playing since 2012 and looking for a fun active guild with a mix out of new and veteran players - I play only temp leagues and push kinda hard in the beginning :)

Looking forwad!

Best regards

Looking to join your guild.

IGN: unknownko
Hi there!

I am new to the game and looking for a good guild to join, and this looks like a fantastic candidate. I am playing in the Temp League right now and will probably continue to do so. I like starting fresh periodically.

IGN FaeLeRouge
it'd be nice to join a guild after 500+ hours XD

lets do a test run :P
IGN: SliceOfCake
hey there.

IGN: Spin_Spin_Raider

been playing off and on since ambush (more off then on tbh) but recently became more active online pretty much every day for 4-8 hrs, in legacy atm but prolly stick with standard after the merge

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