(3.9) CI 9.7k ES/Eva/Block Hybrid Flicker Strike/ Blade Flurry Trickster BUFFED

foster21 wrote:
how is this one compared to the other flicker 3.0s?

Oro's/ Terminus is easier, cheaper yet will do less dps. in the long run and has less defense ( no shield)

But this build is really really expensive.

Yes i do cast Tempest Shield manually, 12 sec. is a long time for a Flicker Striker
Last edited by Toma_Hawk on Aug 27, 2017, 1:13:10 PM
Thanks, still lvling with Frost Blades, but getting there :o
is ur ring possible in 3.0? I can't craft it because its saying that it has already that mod (ES).
% Es on Ring's can't be crafted in 3.0
then i guess i'll just make my trickster farmer... sad
Anyone at least got to the end-game point yet(point where you're actually able to solo tier 8+ up to 12)

There's one problem right now I'm having with this build. Apparently reaching towards the end, I don't quite know how to utilize CI. After all equips together, including all Ascendancy, I've capped around almost 6k Es. Problem starts where...you implement CI. I'm not familiar about sustaining shield as much as I would with Life. For Life, if I get low, I can press one of my instant heal flasks and be back at full while blood rage is draining me. However with CI, if I go into battle, and come out with less than 25% ES, you're left you die within 10 seconds of Blood Rage duration unless you can leech off something(in most cases if you play a flicker striker, you've pretty much cleared an area in a blink of an eye). Likely it's happened many times where I die through blood rage drain more often than I would through a mob. Anyone else stuck here? Should I just not get CI if this build says so, in transition? It's better imo right now to get rid of CI and keep the health(1.7k health) and still be able to flask away the blood rage duration than die with CI + BLood Rage. This is based on my opinion prior to ES nerf on the latest update of POE. Give me your opinions on what you guys did to solve this problem, for those who have gotten this far.
I may just be thick but, you refer a couple times to Poachers Mark, and that's what Doedre's supposed to enable when combined with Assassin's Mark, but I don't actually see it included anywhere. Where's it coming from?

does work with shav?
lordgold wrote:

does work with shav?

no evasion
If you wanna buy anything from my store and im afk send me an email with your id i will pm you asap: yannmartins@ymail.com
I'm stuck at around 1k life and 2k es, cant even clear T1 map

Using flicker with blood rage to clear is really dangerous since i cant leech ES without putting point in ghost reaver.

Should i use ghost reaver and just leech ES instead?

Other advice would be good

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