(3.9) CI 9.7k ES/Eva/Block Hybrid Flicker Strike/ Blade Flurry Trickster BUFFED

Hey just made this build but I seem to have trouble staying alive. 5.8k es but the energy shield seems to drain very fast and i'm not leeching enough.
Any help would be great :)
Liveeight wrote:
Hey Guys,

Im having a great time with the build in prophecy. Clearing t13 and t14 without too much trouble. However, i was wondering whether it would be better to start using Heretics Veil instead of the vertex.

Essentially, i would run herald of ash+discipline+Warlords mark or vulnerability+assassins mark.

What do you guys think?

Possible, would choose HoA+Disc+AssMark unless you have skyforth for powercharges


5.8k es is really low, can't see your current state/gear
Last edited by Toma_Hawk on Jul 5, 2016, 4:53:36 PM

Changed the privacy settings just noticed it. :)
Last edited by Shanelee90 on Jul 6, 2016, 1:10:11 AM
Shanelee90 wrote:
Hey just made this build but I seem to have trouble staying alive. 5.8k es but the energy shield seems to drain very fast and i'm not leeching enough.
Any help would be great :)

exactly the same problem ((( Toma_Hawk can you help?
Last edited by rau1duke on Jul 6, 2016, 1:36:29 AM
the more physical damage you deal and higher the leech is

if you have evasion and block, using phys to light gem is a bit useless, use it only in phys reflect maps with fortify and reave instead of flicker and with life leech gem

i could leech 6-7k ES ( probably more even 10k because i had 9k es and how can i see how much es i leech ) per flicker strike with only 0,35% life leech from a jewel+blood rage because of the high physical damage ( with a mirrored dagger )

if you don't leech enough the choice is to deal more physical damage or you can get more leech from the tree and/or from jewels, or you can use warlord mark but it doesnt work in hexproof maps, while phys dmg always works
Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap on Jul 6, 2016, 2:16:21 AM

No wonder you that you are low on es.
Wrong Chest Piece, missing the flat ES on it, the more ES you have the less annoying is Blood Rage
Try to get ES on every Piece of Gear, you can also Respec out of the Nodes Heartseeker, Fervour and the Jewel Node.
Take the Frenzy Charge node in the Shadow Area and spent the rest of the points towards Witch area for more ES until you get better Gear or higher level.

Also you need at least a 5l, the more Damage you deal, the more you leech!

From what i can tell you can't run Discipline right?
Get the next 2 Ascendancy Points so you can reserve 97% of your mana.
Again the more ES you have the less bothering it will become.
So you should aim for that too.

Advice for both of you about Blood Rage



This is not a Full Block Char and with a 5l you can play this character safely without a Phys to lighting. Sure the Leech will be halfed, BUT you need the Gem to Proc. the Herald of Thunder Curse Setup, especially on Low level since the Crits. aren't consistent enough.
Last edited by Toma_Hawk on Jul 6, 2016, 6:40:23 AM
Toma_Hawk wrote:

From what i can tell you can't run Discipline right?
Get the next 2 Ascendancy Points so you can reserve 97% of your mana.
Again the more ES you have the less bothering it will become.
So you should aim for that too.

Advice for both of you about Blood Rage


tnx for answer..sorry bro but your build is f#cking expensive pain (
rau1duke wrote:
Toma_Hawk wrote:

From what i can tell you can't run Discipline right?
Get the next 2 Ascendancy Points so you can reserve 97% of your mana.
Again the more ES you have the less bothering it will become.
So you should aim for that too.

Advice for both of you about Blood Rage


tnx for answer..sorry bro but your build is f#cking expensive pain (

ES Builds are in general more costy than life based. It needs some gear to work!
Toma_Hawk wrote:

From what i can tell you can't run Discipline right?

I just use Discipline (+Herald of thunder) and my limit without death is a dried lake. What am I doing wrong?)

P.S. I apologize for my English and emotions (I spent about 350c in prophecy)
Well Enlighten is not high enough to do a good job, so you can take the Reduced Mana node next to CI.

This should help!

And don't worry, the Char. will grow with Gear, Gem Level / Links and Level of the Char.
It just takes time, time to find good items and selling those you can't use to buy the one's you need.

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